Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is it possible to survive breast cancer with early detection? | Breast ...

With early detection and early, aggressive treatment, almost all breast cancer sufferers survive it (around 80% of women survive with or without early detection). Thanks to a lot of very dedicated and very loud cancer awareness supporters, breast cancer is one of the most treatable and advanced sciences in medicine. Particularly, if your mother has already gone through menopause, her chances of her cancer being slow growing are very high. Since she?s getting routine mammograms, if there is anything there, it has been detected early, and she most likely has good insurance. Unfortunately, insurance makes a big difference in survival rates. The best treatments are still very costly. If she does not have insurance, medicaid will cover her now, however, and that?s good news.

Remember that mammograms detect all kinds of tumors ? not just cancerous ones. Hang in there, and try to stay calm. Encourage your mother to educate herself on cancer, either way. I hope she comes back with good news.


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