Monday, August 22, 2011

Beyond High-Sounding Ideas | Law and Disorder

?An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. ?? ~Friedrich Engels~

I am not a Bible geek or thumper, but most certainly that book is loaded with wisdom and thought-provoking ideas worthy of your study time.? This Jewish-born fellah thumbs through it on occasion.

My thumb hit this passage from Psalms:? ?To you Lord, I call; my Rock , do not be deft to my cry, lest, if you answer me with silence, I become like those who go down to the abyss.?? David?s lament is still relevant, isn?t it?? We all sometimes feel forsaken and alone.? The question is, What will we do about it other than pray??? It gets you thinking, doesn?t it?

My shelves are lined with inspiring, thought-provoking motivational and self-help tapes.? The titles themselves get me excited:? The Strangest Secret, Achieving Credibility, Lifetime Strategies for Personal Effectiveness, Conversation Power, Your Secret Wealth, The Power of Purpose, The Art of Exceptional Living, Cultivating an Unshakable Character, How to be a No-Limit Person, How to Beat Talent, Brains and Education, The Psychology of Selling, The Focused Mind State, Take Charge of Your Life, Coping With Difficult People, The New Dynamics of Goal Setting, The Science of Getting Rich, Leadership Mastery Course, Unleash Your Greatness.? Each is recorded by outstanding, successful people and all but two recordings for the largest self-help/motivational organization in the world, Nightingale-Conant.

Moreover, each of these eight-hour recordings are more than bookshelf dwellers to me ? they are the fuel which energize my life.? Nearly half of these eight-hour recordings I have transcribed, so that I could further embed them in my conscious and subconscious mind.

I am a student of life, a philosopher, a teacher, a writer and in recent years an inspired entrepreneur who wants to spread the gospel of empowerment through self-improvement to all.

We each read good books, watch inspiring movies, and see random, touching acts of courage in our daily lives.? When meeting such ideas and people, we think the world is good and there must be something more to life than three square meals, a 40-hour grind in the big city, a comfy bath, and a glass of Chardonnays before shuteye.

And there is.? Life is what you make or make of it.? I encourage everyone reading this message, to take up anyone of the Nightingale-Conant themes above, set aside an hour at home or during your commute each day, download as much material as you can on the topic which piqued your curiosity?and get down to work in mastering the principles which could change your life and the life of those whom you daily touch for the better.

Grandiose ideas are delectable to chew on, but true happiness begins when one decides that the ideas and the people who express them are God?s very special present to us all.? You were born to be rich in every aspect of that word.? No shame, endless gain.

When you turn your learning into earning, endless possibilities unfold for doing good and being good.? Random acts of kindness can become predictable.

Now doesn?t that resonate with you?? I certainly hope so.


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