Monday, August 29, 2011

Can anyone elaborate on PAYDAY loans ... - Articles About Finance

I am in a bind, with no help from anyone, no family, friends, no one can help..I HAVE to do this, I need 1500 for a few things or else that 1100 that I owe will turn into 3300 in the next few months and I would not be able to handle it. There is no way. I can pay the loan back though with the money I earn from work. Andyone have any better ideas? And I have not got the means to work a second job right now either which is a bummer because I would do that if I could right now..SO, anybody out there have experience with getting a PAYDAY loan or anything similar.. I know it is pricy but can anyone in yahoo world elaborate for me please..Thank you. I am desperate so please REAL responces?Thank you all!


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