Thursday, August 18, 2011

Could stage 4 breast cancer go undetected on a mammogram? | Breast ...

Could stage 4 breast cancer go undetected on a mammogram?

Could stage 4 breast cancer go undetected on a mammogram?
I was reading an article in the newspaper about a 62 year old woman that had a clean mammogram. A month after this she found a lump and was then diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Is this possible?

Answer by sectumsempra_2006
It cant go undetected. Unless the machine is faulty.

Answer by Susan
Anything is possible. The mammogram report could come back reading negative for suspicious breast cancer when it?s positive, it does happen often. the radiologist may misread it especially new radiologists. usually it takes a biopsy to say for sure that it?s positive. A lump has to be the size of a pea to even show up on a mammogram. She may have a had a fast growing tumor. I cured myself of breast cancer naturally with raw foods, eleven years ago. Still in perfect health. Nurse Sue

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Some cool images:

Breast Cancer Education Pamphlet (back)
breast cancer mammogram

Image by The Mayor of Worldwide Breast Cancer
Feel free to print this out and distribute it at your next breast cancer event.

Let me know how it goes!

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