Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III launch date pushed back two days to July 12

Verizon customers looking to walk into a store and get a Galaxy S III on Tuesday will be sorely disappointed. According to MobileBurn, Verizon has pushed the retail launch date back by two days to July 12th. The company updated its website with this new launch date and provided the following statement:

?As it sometimes happens, the availability date for a device changes. The Galaxy S III on Verizon Wireless will now be available in stores and online starting July 12. Pre-orders have started to ship and are still available for preorder.?

Because of this delay, pre-order customers will be the first to get their hands on a shiny, new S III handset. If you are one of the fortunate ones to get your phone before the retail stores, let us know in the comments what you think. While you wait, you can read our review of this flagship device from Samsung.

[Via MobileBurn]

About The Author

Kelly Hodgkins

Kelly spent the last four years covering mobile technology at places like BGR, Gizmodo and The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Before writing, she spent a few years working with and teaching others how to use Adobe Flash and Macromedia Director. Even earlier than that, she spent several years as a Ph.D student in Microbiology. When she's not writing, she can be found fishing the lakes and hiking the mountains of Western Maine with her husband and tribe of children. You can follow her on Twitter @kellyhodgkins.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/IntoMobile/~3/_uTv57T_Vb8/

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