Tuesday, July 24, 2012

10 million Galaxy S3 smartphones sold says Samsung

Samsung announced on Sunday that it has sold more than 10 million Galaxy S3 smartphones since it launched on?3 May globally and went on sale in Europe on 29 May.

Over the last 52 days, almost 200,000 smartphones have been sold every day. More than one million of the smartphones have been sold in South Korea alone and the Galaxy S3 is now on sale in more than 140 countries. J.K. Shin, head of Samsung's mobile communications division, told Korea's Yonhap news agency, "It appears that it (accumulated sales) has exceeded 10 million units".

A poll of 41 analysts, conducted by news?agency?Reuters, forecasted that Apple has sold around 31 million iPhone handsets in the second quarter of the year while Samsung would have sold more than 50 million smartphones over the same period.

The Galaxy S3?can be had on contracts for around ?26 per month on T-Mobile and SIM-free for around ?450.

Source: http://feeds.itproportal.com/~r/itproportal/rss/~3/JkIjgSCI-bw/

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