Friday, July 13, 2012

Managin Relationships | Authentic Communication | Stone Circle ...

If you don?t wash your windows, they get dirty. If you don?t do the laundry, it piles up. If cleaning windowdon?t do the dishes, they get yucky. Same thing is true for relationships. If you don?t tend to them, they lose their shine. Relationships that aren?t working as well as they can are a huge source of emotional and intellectual clutter.

Sometimes we stop paying attention in a relationship because it is no longer mutually satisfying and enriching. That?s a different story. Think about the relationships that mean a lot to you. Ones that you really want to keep. If you are honest, at least one them, and maybe more, probably need a little TLC. Busy lives and competing priorities contribute to neglecting our relationships. So does getting a little too comfortable and taking things for granted. Neglect it for too long and the damage might be overwhelming to repair.

Here are some ideas for giving your relationships a little polish:

Make time to talk. Not just talk about schedules and tasks, but conversations about important stuff. It?s been said that the conversation is the relationship. You can tell the depth of? connection by the quality of the conversation.

Learn something new about the other person. The longer we have known someone the more likely we think that we know all there is to know about them. The truth is we all change. Our likes, ideas and opinions evolve over time. Stay current by asking for their thoughts rather than assuming you know.

Express your appreciation. Often our thanks are attached to things that people have done for us. That?s good but try sharing your gratitude for who the person is. Tell them what qualities you admire and what makes them special to you.

Do something nice. It doesn?t have to be elaborate unless you want it?to be. An unexpected card or a small gift makes the recipient feel noticed and appreciated.

A little spit and polish can usually remove the tarnish. All it takes is a little attention to bring back the sparkle in your relationships.

Post a comment and share your best suggestion for putting a shine back into a relationship.



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