Monday, October 29, 2012

Dividend Growth Stocks: Weekly Links: October 28, 2012

Each Sunday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al. Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:

Articles I enjoyed reading included (in no particular order):

-? Disciplined Approach to Investing presented Investors Continue To Reduce U.S. Equity Exposure
-? Dividend Monk presented Looking for Consistent Growth from Dividend Stocks
-? Dividend Mantra presented Fear And Uncertainty Creates Opportunity

The DIV-Net Featured Articles

Articles from D4L-News:

Dividend Stocks The Investing?s Holy Grail
Investors love yield and hate risk. Why else would they still be dumping equities and chasing overvalued fixed-income investments like Treasuries, TIPS and high-yield bonds? But the one bright spot is dividend-paying stocks: As of late August, $13.6 billion of investors? cash has flowed into dividend-stock and equity-income mutual funds this year. Higher yields than Treasurys and the prospect of share-price appreciation make dividend-paying stocks look like the holy grail of investing. Yet certain sectors, such as consumer staples, already are in ?nosebleed territory,? Barron?s recently reported...

Stocks to Protect Your Dividend Portfolio
Dividends can play an important role in boosting the returns of an individual?s portfolio, and can help to stabilize losses during a market downturn. While dividend paying stocks should be included in anyone?s portfolio they are not without their risks; One major factor exists that could force dividend paying stocks to see a decline in value. Individual investors need to protect themselves against this force otherwise they are likely to see significant losses in the near future. It is important for investors not just to...

Cheap Dividend Stocks At A New 52-Week High
Here is a current sheet of dividend stocks (positive yield) that have marked a new 52-Week High within recent days. Despite the turmoil within the markets, there are 65 companies at one-year highs and 33 of them pay dividends. I screened the best performing stocks and analyzed all with a P/E ratio below 15 and a positive yield. Eight companies fulfilled these criteria of which three have a buy or better recommendation...

Roth IRA Plus Dividend Growth Stocks
What do McDonald's (MCD), Kinder Morgan Management (KMR), National Retail Properties (NNN) and Triangle Capital Corporation (TCAP) have in common? If you say all can be found in Dividend Growth Investing portfolios, you are right ... but here's an even better answer: All are companies best held in a Roth IRA within a brokerage account...

Essential Points On Dividend Investing
PIMCO brought on a manager from Thornburg Investment Management to run their dividend products and I had the pleasure of attending a lunch yesterday introducing him to the New York asset management community. Brad Kinkelaar's presentation was a rundown of dividend-related intelligence from the PIMCO team and I came away with a handful of new insights I wanted to share with you below. Here are five things I learned...

Click Here More Dividend News

There are some really good articles here, please take time and read a few of them. ?

D4L-Premium Services Updated:
The D4L-Dashboard, Analytical Reports, D4L-Data, and The D4L-Newsletter (October edition) have been updated and are available at the D4L-Premium Services web site at: [Click Here] Not a subscriber? [Click Here] for for more information on the benefits of these services, sample reports, pricing and subscription information. ?

(Photo: Sachin Ghodke)


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