Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crying Out Now: Drinking and Motherhood - A Mom Wants To Get ...

***Submitted by Anonymous

I decided this morning that I must make a change in my life before something bad happens.??

I have an awesome husband who would do anything for me and three perfect children who want nothing more than to be with me and I am screwing it all up because I drink way too much.??

I have always loved to drink since college but I would always binge drink.??

When I was doing this with my friends I never thought much about it being a problem, even still when we get together we all drink too much.?

I cut down in my thirties but as soon as I had kids after each one was born I was right back on the booze and with each one it became so much?worse.??

Since the last one came along I have steadily become a daily drinker and within the past few months it is quite scary.??

I know my husband knows it is a problem but it is like he doesn't want to say anything to me about it.? I am always scared that I have ruined my health but more importantly my relationship with my kids.?


I work out daily, I run marathons, I am involved in all of the kids activities but as soon as we are home safely I start drinking immediately to "cope"? but the weird thing is that all my life I wanted to be married and have kids so now why do I have to drink to "cope"???????

I am stopping today or I am afraid I will not be around to see my kids grow up.?

I just can't do this anymore it is too exhausting to get up each day and face myself in the mirror with shame and guilt and I know my kids know even though they are young.


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