Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A look at cable, satellite TV earnings reports

Here is a summary of earnings reports for selected cable and satellite TV companies and what they reveal about the industry's prospects:

Jan. 24: Verizon Communications Inc. says it added 194,000 FiOS TV subscribers to end the year with 4.2 million.

Jan. 26: AT&T Inc. says it added 208,000 TV subscribers to U-Verse. It ended 2011 with 3.8 million video subscribers.

Time Warner Cable Inc. says it lost 129,000 video customers during the quarter to end with 12.1 million. All the losses were in residential services, while the number of business customers was unchanged.

Feb. 15: Comcast Corp. says it lost 17,000 TV customers in the fourth quarter, the smallest number of defections in five years. It compares with a loss of 135,000 subscribers a year earlier. Comcast credits more video programming available on more screens, such as tablet computers and phones, and better customer service. Comcast ended the year with 22.3 million video subscribers to remain the nation's largest provider of pay-TV services.

Feb. 16: DirecTV Inc. says it added 125,000 U.S. subscribers and 590,000 in Latin America, demonstrating a continued ability to draw customers from cable companies. It ended the quarter with 19.9 million subscribers in the U.S. and 7.9 million in Latin America. DirecTV is the second-largest provider of pay-TV signals to U.S. homes, after Comcast.

Feb. 23: Dish Network Corp. says it added a net 22,000 satellite subscribers in the quarter to end with 14 million. It had been posting losses for most quarters in the last two years.

Feb. 27: Charter Communications Inc. says it lost 46,100 TV customers in the quarter, the smallest fourth-quarter loss in at least four years. It ended the quarter with about 4.3 million.

Feb. 28: Cablevision Systems Corp. says it lost 14,000 cable-TV subscribers in the latest quarter to end with 3.3 million, making it the nation's fifth-largest cable company. It has had only two quarters of growth in the last three years.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/look-cable-satellite-tv-earnings-reports-230540043.html

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