Friday, March 16, 2012

Internet Search Engine Marketing: A Review of the Top Search ...

Internet search engine marketing is a vital part of making your online business successful. If your website is not in the first page of search results, many users will pass you by because they will find something in the first page that will fulfill their need - perhaps not as well as your website would, but well enough for them to make a purchase.

Internet search engine marketing focuses on ways that you can boost your results. It includes tactics like pay-per-click marketing, paying for sponsored listings, and keyword research to help make sure that your content has the keywords and keyword phrases you need to get hit when your niche is searching online.

For search engines to list your website, you have to submit your website for inclusion. Each search engine has its own process and rules for submission and indexing, so you will want to make sure you look at each engine's website to see what the rules are. These rules tend to change frequently, so even if you have submitted websites to these engines in the past, make sure to maximize the effectiveness of your Internet search engine marketing by checking the rules again, especially if it's been a few months since your last submission.

Overall, the top-ranked search engine as far as user volume goes is Google - far and away. On average, over 70% of all searches go through Google. That's SEVEN OUT OF TEN. So yes, you want to be listed on Google. Next is Yahoo!, with a 2010 average of around 14% (all numbers come from Hitwise). Bing is third, with around 9%, and Ask is fourth, hovering between 2 and 3%.

Remember - Google gets more traffic than the rest of the top four combined. So let's look at how Google works as far as the submission process goes when it comes to Internet search engine marketing. To submit your website to Google for indexing, simply go to Google asks for your full URL as well as any keywords or comments that give information about your page's content. These items do not affect the indexing process - the crawler will give Google the information for indexing. Only submit the top-level page - not the individual pages.

Yahoo! Directory Submit promises a seven-day response. To submit to this directly, go to

Bing claims that its crawler (MSNBot) can find just about everything that is out there without submissions. However, webmasters who find that their website does not appear on Bing can submit their URL's at their "Bing Webmaster Submit Site Page." Just do a search for those exact terms.

Obviously, the more search engines where you are indexed, the more likely you are to appear to every user who punches in the keywords that match your business. If you want to maximize your Internet search engine marketing presence, you will want to submit to all of the engines.

Remember, though - Google is the giant. Submit to them first, and keep checking periodically to see when they list yours. Once you have made it into their index, use the other Internet search engine marketing tools available to you to push your website up as high on the search results list as you can.

Why is Google still heads and shoulders above the other search engines and worthy of your business? Because their whole focus is on the searcher's overall experience, and if the searcher gets what he or she wants, everyone is happy including you. Yes, the algorithm changes (aka Panda, for example) are a pain - but the rewards are sweet for those who play by the rules and offer relevancy and incredible value on their sites.

Art Basmajian and Cheryl are Internet trainers who have a passion for struggling newbie marketers trying to enter the Internet marketing arena but feel frustrated and abandoned. Sought after for their one-on-one coaching, they have also attracted a loyal following to their free weekly training webinars available to anyone who has a desire to learn - a healthy sense of humor is required. Visit their site for free Internet Marketing Training in their step-by-step, entertaining style that has dubbed them the "Ricky and Lucy of Internet Marketing." Understanding important concepts like Internet Search Engine Marketing begins with finding a mentor who you can relate to.


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