Friday, July 22, 2011

US House of Representatives Approves Bill to ... - Morocco World News

Green card

By Adnane Bennis

New York, July 20, 2011

Morocco World News

The United States House Judiciary Committee approved a bill that eliminates the diversity visa program, which was created in 1990 to increase the immigration population diversity in the United States. Ever since, the US government has been granting, every year, green cards (permanent residence visas) to 55,000 would-be immigrants. As a result, more than 785,000 diversity visas have been granted, since the DV?s first issuance in 1995.

This bill, which is yet to be voted on by the full House of Representatives, would end the visa lottery because ?it is inherently flawed with fraud and has a potential to be exploited by terrorists?, read the press release issued by the Committee on Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives.

Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith of Texas said today that constructing American immigration system on chance of random drawing is not a ?smart immigration policy?. He stated that ?It?s an open invitation for fraud and a jackpot for terrorists.? He also declared that ?While a small number of people who play the lottery actually win the prize, most people lose.? With the visa lottery, the American people lose since U.S. immigration policy and national security are compromised.?

In the same vein, Republican Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia emphasized the American national security threat that is posed by the lottery program, arguing that the immigration policy should be based upon American requirements in terms of economy and security.

?This flawed policy is just foolish in the age in which we live. Those in the world who wish us harm can easily engage in this statistical gamble with nothing to lose,? he stressed. He went to say that??our immigration policy should be based primarily on our national needs, security and?economics and not in part on an arbitrary system, lacking even minimal checks.?

This program is plagued by fraud and is an open door for terrorists. The bill, sponsored by Intellectual Property Subcommittee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), was reported favorably to the House floor by a vote of 19-11.

Among those benefiting from the program were thousands of Arabs, especially from Morocco and Egypt, who benefited from this visa to become lawful permanent U.S. residents. Every year up to 5,000 Moroccans are granted these visas.


Editing by Ahmad Azizi

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