Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is 'Kiss and Tell' A Thing Of The Past? ? Goddess Intellect

This weekend I attended my first ever Tea Party, a third in the series which boasts an afternoon of frank and open sex-based discussions, accompanied by food and drink hosted by Ms.Tea. In particular we were discussing sexual stigmas. Amongst the topics were oral sex, anal sex, race and sex, after sex etiquette, sex toys, manscaping, women never being able to know if they have the best nani, d*ck in a jar and a whole host of topics. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and emerged from the discussion with a completely different perspective on sex.

Different? It?s not that I picked up new pointers on how to please a man, or came across a plethora of information that I didn?t already know, but it was interesting to hear others experiences with sex. I left feeling as though men and women really know nada about each other and still had a long ways to go.

One pivotal point in the discussion came when one of the male guests stated that he had no problem with giving oral sex, but he felt as though his partner/gyal or whomever was on the receiving end should not go back to her friends talking about it.

This caused an uproar.

This encouraged daps.

You can guess which gender did what.

I sat in utter disbelief. It?s not that I disagreed or agreed, I mean pride and egos are real and sensitive. When us ladies find a supernovaskyrocketinflight d*ck, the morning after it?s hard to keep that to ourselves. However, whether or not a man is any good at oral, anal, and common penetration I strongly believe in the whole kiss and tell concept.

I made up my mind early in my sexual exploration that I would keep what me and him do between me and him, unless?unless I had a concern, mainly health and I needed to seek advice from someone before sparking a discussion between US.

This changed slightly when I began to blog. My former sex column ?Freak-Um Fridays? was laid to rest for this very reason. At the time it was a means for me to express my imaginative sensual side but I ended up leaking quite a bit (in my opinion) of information that I really did not have to share. It got to a point that trust was broken with a particular individual which led to the end of an adventure.

If we, meaning men and women are ever to begin understanding each other better, I feel one of the most important things to develop and work hard to maintain is trust. We could sit in a room for hours on end and talk about every sex topic under the sun but if women are still running their mouth to their girlfriends about how Sean, John and Paul made her lips quiver only to have it swing back to dude, than we (men/women relations) won?t get very far.

I know of folks who have an easier time expressing themselves to complete strangers than they do to their partners. Let?s try to change this folks. If I took one thing away from my first Tea Party experience it?s that men are willing to hear women out but it?s private business they won?t want aired out!

How do you feel about the whole kiss and tell concept? Is this concept relevant in an age of social media and sex blogs?

How would you feel if your partner or former partner blogged about your sexual adventures together?

You found out your partner told a group of friends about your sexual expertise, and it got back to you via a family member, how would you approach the situation?


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