Sunday, July 24, 2011

Egypt nabs people trying to enter Libya illegally (AFP)

CAIRO (AFP) ? Egypt's military arrested 17 people for entering a military zone and trying to illegally cross into Libya, state news agency MENA said on Saturday.

The group, including five Bangladeshis, a Sudanese and a 14-year-old Egyptian boy, will be investigated and appear before a military prosecutor in a week.

MENA did not say why the crossing was being attempted. However, prior to the revolt against Libyan leader that broke out in February, Libya was a favourite point of embarkation for people seeking a better life in Europe.

The military, in power since a nationwide revolt ousted president Hosni Mubarak in February, has come under criticism for arresting civilians and subjecting them to trials rights groups say are unfair.

The military has the option of referring cases to civilian courts.


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