Thursday, June 9, 2011

This Week In Education: Events: Psst! Bootleg Audio From New ...

MegaphoneThe voices you're hearing on this muffled bootleg tape (download?here)?from last night's Slate / New America Foundation event in Tribeca include Steve Brill, author of the forthcoming Class Warfare, Megan Irwin (SFC), Lisa Guernsey (New America) Eva Moskowitz (Success Charter Network), Timothy Daly (TNTP), and David Plotz Editor, Slate Magazine. ?Given the panelists and the setting it's perhaps not surprising that there wasn't much heat expressed among the panelists over all -- though I had the feeling that not everyone up there necessarily agreed with each other, either; deference, fearfulness, and heat fatigue may have played a part. ?Bullet-headed Brill's take on the education landscape is pretty absolutist in its conclusions (that the unions are the problem) -- he's shaping up to be a reformers' version of Ravitch -- though he did have delightfully disparaging things to say about TFA's refusal to release ratings of its teachers' performance. ?Moscovitz made the common but somewhat ludicrous claim that everything done in small nonunion charter networks can be replicated in a national system of 3.2 million teachers. Daley and Guernsey made reasonable, nuanced points -- largely to no avail. ?Irwin didn't seem to have much to say. ?The crowd was small and very well dressed -- a stark contrast to the Parents Across America event at a nearby school this past winter. ?There was an open bar and more cheese and fruit than any group that size could have ever hoped to eat. ?I may have been hallucinating, but I think I saw one woman in the audience wearing a one-shouldered cocktail dress. ?


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