Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Suicide bombers kill 3 NATO troops in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? Two suicide bombers targeted a NATO patrol in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing three coalition troops, Afghan authorities and the international military force said.

The Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for the assault in Kunar province.

The attack emphasized the insurgency's continued ability to wreak violence despite fierce efforts by the Afghan government and international forces to wipe out the militants' leadership.

The two attackers detonated their suicide vests as a NATO foot patrol passed by the headquarters of the provincial government in Kunar, according to provincial police chief Ewas Mohammad Naziri.

NATO confirmed that three of its service members were killed in a suicide attack, but did not give any more details, including the nationalities of the troops who were killed.

At least one Afghan civilian was killed and three were wounded in the twin blasts that took place at about 10 a.m., said Wasifullah Wasify, a spokesman for Kunar's governor.

He said the bombers struck just outside the government compound in the provincial capital of Asadabad as the provincial council was in a meeting and foreigners were also there, attending a security briefing.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement that two insurgents drove explosives-laden vehicles into the NATO patrol from opposite directions. He claimed they killed 17 international troops. The insurgents typically claim far higher death tolls in their attacks.


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