Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chris Christie Illustrates Worth of VP Role With Biden Joke

With speculation resuming about just who will be Mitt Romney's running mate, one potential veep pick says it doesn't really matter.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told reporters today it's a battle between the top of the two tickets.

"In the end nobody votes for vice president, they vote for president," Christie told reporters at a news conference today in Middlesex, N.J.

And he joked the same goes for the other ticket.

"No one's saying, 'I'm not sure about this Obama guy but, boy, I love Biden,'" Christie said, according to video of the news conference. "No matter who Governor Romney picks, if the people of the United States are not convinced that he is the right man to be president of the United States right now, no matter who he picks for vice president, they're not voting for him and by the same token that went for President Obama four years ago."

Christie said Romney has been clear that the "most important quality is that the vice president be ready to be president on day one."

"It's the summer, it's a slow news time," Christie said. "This is what occupies people's attention. But in the end, he will make a choice. ? He or she will have one debate against Vice President Biden and that's all you'll hear [of the running mate] ? and the people will vote for either President Obama or Mitt Romney and I don't think Joe Biden played any role four years ago, and I don't think he'll play any significant role now and I don't think that whoever is selected as vice president will play any significant political electoral role."

Christie added that the vice president could be "significant in the White House if either President Obama or President-Elect Romney gives them the opportunity to be significant; then I think it's much more important."

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