Friday, August 31, 2012

A Helping Friend | Luv and Relationships

I have a situation that I need your help with.

I have a guy friend, and he?s been really sweet and supportive to me since we?ve met and I really like him. But, I am going through some things and I have friends that say he?s just trying to use me for his personal gain and I know that isn?t the truth. He has helped me pack up my stuff for my move, done my laundry, cleaned up the apartment and when I come home from work, he rubs my back and cooks me something to eat.

But I respect my friends because they saw what happened with my previous relationships and they don?t want me to repeat the past. What should I do?

Thank You

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ryan says Obama's time 'came and went' as he accepts Republican vice-presidential nomination

TAMPA, Fla. - Congressman Paul Ryan, a hero to conservatives and lightning rod for Democrats, accepted the Republican nomination as Mitt Romney's vice-presidential running mate Wednesday, saying the moment for President Barack Obama and his party "came and went."

Ryan's nationally televised speech on the second day of the storm-shortened Republican National Convention was a debut of sorts for the 42-year-old from the Midwestern state of Wisconsin, who was not well known outside Washington before being tapped by Romney this month as his partner in what is expected to be a tight presidential race.

Republican delegates roared with approval as Ryan talked about his life, lauded Romney and, especially, attacked Obama. He said Obama's presidency is "adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed, like a ship trying to sail on yesterday's wind."

Ryan may be more popular with many Republicans than Romney himself. A leader in Congress, he is the architect of the party's main plan to slash federal spending to reduce the federal deficit. Unlike Romney, a former Massachusetts governor who has shifted positions on social issues, Ryan's conservative stances are not questioned.

Democrats pounced when Romney selected Ryan, saying it showed that Romney was clearly wedded to Ryan's proposals they claim would gut health care programs for the elderly and poor.

Ryan defended his plan Wednesday and said Democrats "have run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division is all they've got left."

He said Romney would not duck difficult decisions. "After four years of getting the runaround, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney," he said.

The speech came at a gathering struggling for attention as Tropical Storm Isaac cast a pall from the nearby northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The storm had threatened Florida earlier in the week and prompted Republicans to postpone Monday's start of the convention.

Romney and Ryan were formally nominated in roll call votes Tuesday. Romney accepts his party's nomination in a nationally televised speech Thursday night, the third and final full day of the convention.

Romney may find Ryan a tough act to follow. His youthful energy and down-to-earth appeal stands in contrast to the stiffer, more aristocratic 65-year-old Romney. He drew laughs in his speech joking about Romney's musical tastes. "There are songs on his iPod which I've heard on the campaign bus ? and on many hotel elevators," he said.

Still, so far, Ryan has not changed the dynamics of the presidential race. Polls continue to show Romney and Obama in a statistical tie ahead of the November vote. The economy is the biggest issue in the race. While voters have more confidence in Romney on economic matters, they like Obama better on a personal level.

A poll by the Pew Research Center and The Washington Post found Americans deeply divided about Ryan.

Traditionally, vice-presidential picks have little effect on U.S. presidential elections, though John McCain's selection of then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin jolted the race four years ago. Her electrifying speech was the highlight of the 2008 convention, but her poor performance in subsequent interviews left the widespread impression she was unprepared for the vice presidency.

McCain spoke Wednesday ahead of Ryan. Without mentioning Obama by name, McCain accused the president of failing to lead on defence spending and on grave international issues as well. "Sadly, for the lonely voices of dissent in Syria and Iran and elsewhere who feel forgotten in their darkness ... our president is not being true to our values," he said.

Also speaking Wednesday was Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state under President George W. Bush. Rice implicitly criticized Obama's leadership in foreign affairs: "We cannot be reluctant to lead and you cannot lead from behind. "

She said Romney and Ryan "will provide an answer to the question, 'Where does America stand?'"

The comments of Rice and McCain marked some of the few moments in which international affairs have received attention at the convention. Neither Romney nor Ryan has extensive international experience.

Opinion polls show Obama getting high marks on national security after ending the war in Iraq, drawing down the conflict in Afghanistan and ordering the killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

But Romney, speaking to a veterans group in Indianapolis, said Obama "has allowed our leadership to diminish."

"In dealings with other nations, he has given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved and apology where it's not due," he said.

Obama, campaigning before a university crowd in Virginia, declared himself unimpressed with the Republican convention.

"You can listen very carefully, very hard, and you won't hear them offer a clear serious path forward," he said.

Obama will be renominated when Democrats hold their convention next week in North Carolina.


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Indianapolis, Julie Pace in Charlottesville, Virginia, Jim Kuhnhenn in Washington and David Espo, Philip Elliott, Beth Fouhy and Tamara Lush in Tampa contributed to this story.


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Sony to sell ultra-HD '4K' TV set in US stores

This undated image provided by Sony shows an ultra-HD ?4K? TV set. High-definition TVs roughly quadrupled the resolution of the sets that came before them. Now, the industry is poised to do it again as Sony says its U.S. stores will, by December, sell a TV set with four tims the resolution of today's best HDTVs. (AP Photo/Sony)

This undated image provided by Sony shows an ultra-HD ?4K? TV set. High-definition TVs roughly quadrupled the resolution of the sets that came before them. Now, the industry is poised to do it again as Sony says its U.S. stores will, by December, sell a TV set with four tims the resolution of today's best HDTVs. (AP Photo/Sony)

(AP) ? High-definition TVs roughly quadrupled the resolution of the sets that came before them. Now, the industry is poised to do it again.

By December, U.S. stores will sell a TV set with four times the resolution of today's best HDTVs, Sony Corp. said Wednesday. The set will measure 84 inches on the diagonal, making the screen area four times as large as the common 42-inch set.

Executives said Sony will reveal the price of the set next week.

There is, for now, very little video content available that can take advantage of the higher resolution. With some work and know-how, a computer connected to the set can display video in the ultra-HD "4K" resolution. The set will also do its best to "upscale" TV, DVD and Blu-ray movies, so they look better.

Phil Molyneux, chief operating officer of Sony Electronics, said the situation was no different from the launch of the cassette tape, the CD or the DVD.

"We always get this question when we launch beautiful new technology: Where's the content?" Molyneux told journalists at an event in New York. "Did we bring the content to market? Yes, we did."

The exact resolution of the set is 3,840 by 2,160 pixels. It's known as "4K" because it has nearly 4,000 pixels on the horizontal edge. That compares with 1,920 by 1,080 pixels in "1080p" sets. More pixels allow TV makers to make bigger screens without compromising sharpness.

Sony makes digital projectors operating at 4K resolution for movie theaters.

The TV industry has been looking for a technology that will get consumers to upgrade their HDTV sets. Sales are slumping after an initial wave of upgrades from standard-definition sets, and 3-D sets attract only a small number of consumers.

Apple Inc. has slowly been quadrupling the resolution of its devices, starting with the iPhone 4 two years ago. This year, it released iPads and MacBooks with ultra-high-resolution screens.

Associated Press


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All I Ever Wanted

All I Ever Wanted

For these four couples it will be anything but easy. It will be a living hell, will they be able to prove that love is all you need?


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"And I'm alone now,
Me and all I stood for.
We're wandering now.
All in parts and pieces, swim lonely, find your own way out."

(props if you know the lyrics without Google and if your as obsessed as me we just became best friends :D)

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May I reserve the pregnant girl from couple number 1. Girl 1?

An artist is a neurotic who cures herself with art.

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Cani reserve girl 4

??? ??? S??? ??

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this seems really interesting. just need to figure out which guy to be...

Edit: At any rate I looks forward to potentially working with everyone here

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@Thundera Yes!
@Nekohina let me know when you decide!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Police: 100-year-old driver hits 11 near LA school

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? A 100-year-old man backed his car on to a sidewalk and hit 11 people, including nine children, across from an elementary school in South Los Angeles just after classes had ended Wednesday, authorities said.

Four of the children were in critical condition when firefighters arrived but they were stabilized and were in serious condition at a hospital, city fire Capt. Jaime Moore said. Everyone was expected to survive, he said.

The powder blue Cadillac backed slowly into the group of parents and children buying snacks from a sidewalk vendor, and the crowd banged on his windows and screamed for him to stop, but not before some of the children were trapped under the car, witnesses said.

Children's backpacks, shoes, candy and loose change were strewn about the scene behind a discount grocery store across from Main Street Elementary.

Police identified the driver as Preston Carter and said he was being very cooperative.

Carter talked to television reporters after the crash some five miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. He said he has a driver's license and will be 101 years old Sept. 5.

"My brakes failed. It was out of control," Carter told KCAL-TV.

Asked about hitting the children, Preston said: "You know I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't do that for nothing on earth. My sympathies for them."

Carter was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot, but instead of backing into the street, he backed onto the sidewalk, police Capt. George Rodriguez said.

"I think it was a miscalculation on his part. The gentleman is elderly," Rodriguez said. "Obviously he is going to have some impairment on his decision making."

Older drivers have been involved in other tragedies. In 2003, an 86-year-old man mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal of his car instead of the brake and then panicked, plowing into an open-air market in Santa Monica. Ten people were killed and 63 injured.

According to California's Department of Motor Vehicles, people over age 70 must renew their driver's license in person, rather than via the Internet or by mail. Older drivers can also be required to take a supplemental driving test if they fail a vision exam, or if a police officer, a physician, or a family member raises questions about their ability to drive.

Rodriguez said the collision was being investigated as an accident, and Carter was not under arrest. He has a valid driver's license, Rodriguez said.


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Understanding Trouble-Free Internet Ebay Auctions Advice ...

Many people forget that eBay, the best online option website on the net, is actually there or even exists. Typically, this website is used for selling and occasional item or two, or buying something that catches your eye. However, it is not used for a retail-based Internet Marketing business, which it can do quite effectively.

Shopping carts, shipping, and working with tangible goods might seem like a good way to conduct business online, but the truth of the matter is that you can risk quite a bit in setting something like this up. That is why eBay is so popular in that all of this is already done for you. In this article, you will learn about eBay and how to profit from it.

Tell stories in your descriptions. The fact is that, in terms of most products, there is only so much you can say about the product itself. It?s difficult to find a way to make these few products differentials interesting. Telling a story draws the buyer in. Make the story one that will appear to be personal to your buying audience. Show them how the product has helped someone make it through a rough time. Emotion is one of the most powerful tools you can use to sell products.

Make sure that every product you send out has information about your other projects included with it. If you have a Facebook fan page, a couple websites with products or maybe a blog, you could include these links on a postcard that you send your clientele. You can build your business doing this, showing clients that you are much more than someone selling on eBay, but a person with many products and services. When you are able to send your clients information for free, and show them that you are an expert at what you do, they will buy from you because of the trust relationship that you are building.

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Remember to make use of tools eBay has available, like video, to make your products really shine. This is a great way to really connect with your audience while really appealing to the many out there who aren?t into reading long sales pitches. Make a point of only using video if you can provide the highest possible quality. You?ll never achieve great success if you start off with poor quality and/or planning for your videos. This is something that will run people off; not draw them in.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Border Patrol | Restaurant Review | Gambit New Orleans News and ...

Back when Germany and France battled over their borders, Alsace-Lorraine exchanged possession so often that today this region's culture resembles a blend of each. This is the area where chef Rene Bajeux grew up, and its interplay between French technique and the round comfort of spaetzle and sauerkraut, unified by a shared pork fixation, helps define the second iteration of Rene Bistrot.

??This version opened in May in the space formerly occupied by La Cote Brasserie, which Bajeux helped open, and it takes its name from the celebrated restaurant Bajeux ran before Hurricane Katrina at the Renaissance Pere Marquette. It is more contemporary and wide-ranging than the original Rene Bistrot (specials sometimes include pho and spring rolls) but the best reasons to dine here remain deeply rooted in tradition.

??In fact, a menu section labeled "tradition" is where to find golden nuggets of paneed sweetbreads with a tart, oily sauce grenobloise or stuffed rabbit with sauerkraut redolent of riesling and tarragon, or surprisingly seductive pig's feet, the fatty meat deboned, mixed with herbs and garlic and packaged in phyllo over textbook ratatouille with a mountain of french fries. The best appetizers along these lines are blood sausage, the chef's trademark onion soup and tarte flambee ? a cracker-crisp Alsatian-style pizza with raw onions, bacon and fromage blanc, a light, fresh cream cheese resembling ricotta.

??The road to this sort of rustic bliss, however, has some ruts. I'll chalk up an overcooked salmon and a mealy-crusted peach cobbler to poor execution. But the trouble started at the conceptual stage for scallops and shrimp with couscous, intensely sharp mustard and a pomegranate sauce as cool and sweet as a smoothie and haltingly out of place.

??The sprawling dining room here is virtually unchanged from its previous incarnation as La Cote Brasserie, and it also has inherited some of its predecessor's service issues. The waitstaff is as friendly as can be, but too often seemed unfamiliar with the menu and some of the basics of fine dining. A low point: having to clarify that even though it was I who ordered the bottle of pinot blanc it was fine to pour some for the other diners at the table.

??Still, this restaurant presents some wonderfully charismatic food. Roasted sardines, served whole on a sizzling platter, were firm, garlicky and assertive. Short rib a la bourguignonne, a Monday dinner special, should be available every day if only to demonstrate the highest and best use for short ribs, which here surrender their beefy, viscous soul to a sauce that coats buttermilk spaetzle underneath. And the lunch menu's croque madame sandwich ? a classic grilled ham and cheese with egg ? was completely buttery, melting and bursting with flavor.

??For now, Rene Bistrot has excellent regional specialties, alluring potential and some glaring rough spots. Bajeux says new menus are coming for the fall. Count me among those hoping they wend deeper into the chef's traditional home turf.


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One third less life on planet Earth? Scientists offer better estimate of living biomass

ScienceDaily (Aug. 26, 2012) ? Previous estimates about the total mass of all life on our planet have to be reduced by about one third. This is the result of a study by a German-U.S. science team published in the current online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

According to previous estimates about one thousand billion tons of carbon are stored in living organisms, of which 30% in single-cell microbes in the ocean floor and 55 % reside in land plants. The science team around Dr. Jens Kallmeyer of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and University of Potsdam has now revised this number: Instead of 300 billion tons of carbon there are only about 4 billion tons stored in subseafloor microbes. This reduces the total amount of carbon stored in living organisms by about one third.

Previous estimates were based on drill cores that were taken close to shore or in very nutrient-rich areas. "About half of the world's ocean is extremely nutrient-poor. For the last 10 years it was already suspected that subseafloor biomass was overestimated" explains Dr. Jens Kallmeyer the motivation behind his study. "Unfortunately there were no data to prove it." Therefore Kallmeyer and his colleagues from the University of Potsdam and the University of Rhode Island, USA, collected sediment cores from areas that were far away from any coasts and islands. The six-year work showed that there were up to one hundred thousand times less cells in sediments from open-ocean areas, which are dubbed "deserts of the sea" due to their extreme nutrient depletion, than in coastal sediments.

With these new data the scientists recalculated the total biomass in marine sediments and found these new, drastically lower values.

Despite of the high logistic and financial efforts for marine drilling operations there are more data of the abundance of living biomass in the sea floor than of their abundance on land. ?Our new results show the need to re-examine the other numbers as e.g. the amount of carbon in deep sediments on land," Jens Kallmeyer states. In particular the research into the ?Deep Biosphere" is still in the fledgling stages; this is life that can be found in kilometer's depth inside Earth's crust.The new findings contribute to a better picture of the distribution of living biomass on Earth.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jens Kallmeyer et al. Global distribution of microbial abundance and biomass in subseafloor sediment. PNAS, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1203849109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Moving Through Life-Finding the Pleasure in Exercise |

We?re busier than ever?with longer workdays, less leisure time, shorter lunch hours, longer commutes, and more demands than ever before. We may even be in a job that doesn?t fulfill us, yet we spend most of our time there. When the day ends, we have almost no energy left to do what we enjoy. How to find a healthy balance?

Plenty has been written about the therapeutic benefits of exercise. So, why aren?t more people reaping those benefits and moving toward health and well-being? We need to reexamine our notion of what exercise and movement are and consider what we?re moving toward or away from. Then we can begin to ask ourselves other questions: Not just are we fit, but are we physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy? Are we happy? Do we enjoy how we?re moving through life? How can we integrate more healing movement into our days?

Exercise as ?Medicine?

We sometimes see more barriers than options to exercise. But what if we reoriented our point of view to notice where the opportunities lie? We can begin by simply redefining exercise (with its sometimes negative connotation of obligation) to movement. Already opportunities arise: How do we want to move in our bodies and in our lives? How can we have fun doing that? How can we move more (or maybe less, if we need to slow down)? How does it feel to be still? How can we make time to move into pleasure, to move with pleasure? Already, the notion of movement takes on a more healing expression. Rather than simply being another item on our to do list, it becomes a way for us to examine our lives, to see where we can move toward health, and use physical activity as a way to support this.

?When most people think of medicine, they visualize something material like a pill to be popped, a liquid to be swallowed, or an injection to be endured,? writes Carol Krucoff, author of ?Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve, and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise? (Harmony Books, 2000). ?Some might also consider surgery, tests, or procedures ? [But] simple physical activity can have profound healing effects.?

Krucoff, who cowrote the book with her husband, Mitchell, a Duke University cardiologist, advocates movement as preventive medicine, saying it?s an ideal way to combat the increasing number of inactivity-related health conditions such as heart disease and obesity. This could actually be expanded to include stress-related conditions. In fact, it?s often this combination of inactivity and increased stress that wreaks havoc on our immune system, endocrine system, and circulatory system. Every system in our body, in fact, responds to stress and inactivity. But, if this is true, then the inverse is also true: every system in our bodies will also respond to movement and pleasure. To make movement pleasurable and to use it as a way to reconnect with our bodies is, in many ways, the perfect antidote to the cycle of inactivity/hyperactivity and stress. As we move more in this way, we gain energy and health, we feel rejuvenated and relaxed, and we become more physically and emotionally aware.

Emotional Fitness

We often focus on physical fitness, but any movement toward health must also include emotional and spiritual fitness. Psychologist Nancy Mramor, PhD, author of ?Spiritual Fitness? (Llewellyn Publications, 2004), ties emotional fitness with our physical health and with our heart?s expression. ?There is evidence that the largest number of heart attacks occurs on Monday morning between 8 and 9 a.m.,? she says. ?This occurrence is related to the experience called joyless striving. It applies to feelings of having to force yourself to go to a job that you have no interest in, or even truly dislike. Clearly these feelings suggest a lack of emotional fitness in the match between the employee and the job.? When we?re emotionally connected to our work in a healthy way and to one another, we not only survive, we thrive.

Interpersonal relationships, in fact, are one of the three major causes of life stress, along with environmental events/conditions and personal attitudes and beliefs. In his book, ?Love and Survival? (Harper Collins, 1998), renowned physician Dean Ornish, who first proved that heart disease was reversible through lifestyle changes, says that in order to survive, we need not only care for our lives, but the lives of others. Individuals with supportive relationships get sick less, heal faster, and live longer. Our health and well-being are not about being hyper-active or inactive. They?re about finding a balance, making our actions conscious, and learning to move in ways that are both healthy and appropriate in our own lives, then moving this healing energy out toward others. So, rather than exhausting or limiting our energy, we learn to expand it. Then we can begin exercising in a whole new way?exercising our right to choose and to better understand our body, our life, and what we want to be doing with it. Begin by checking in with yourself as you?re moving through your day: How does your body feel right now? How are you breathing? Where is this movement taking you? Do you feel good? Are you satisfied? Are you happy? If not, then change something. Change how you?re moving, where you?re moving toward, or look at what you?re moving away from.? Become the change you seek in the world,? Mahatma Ghandi said. This isn?t about a temporary quick fix to end a bad habit, lose some weight, or fill our time. This is about long-term change?making more conscious use of our time and of our life. It?s about moving though life in healthy and healing ways, and expanding our idea of who we can be. Then our view of the world widens, our heart grows, our spirit soars, and our body moves toward true change. This is the healing power of movement.

(From Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals? Client Newsletter)

Sonia Osorio

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Internet Business Entrepreneur Gives Away Business Blueprint Online

Internet business entrepreneur gives away his business blueprint online through A successful Internet businessman is now offering his exclusive streaming video business training found only at the website.

Internet business is extremely strong according to Forbes economic data. While some offline industries struggle to meet profit projections, many online companies are experiencing rapid growth and high sales conversions. The marketing website, Bring it on Marketing, has released a business blueprint that is accessible online that details the success of an Internet businessman. This blueprint is the exact formula that is used each day to exceed sales of over one million dollars annually. Online business owners that are struggling to find a target group could learn how to increase profits virtually overnight using this detailed online blueprint. Those interested in earning higher online profits can click here to access the streaming video business training.

The e-commerce industry has quadrupled in size since 1999 according to business data. Many offline retail chains have either closed up permanently or have organized bankruptcy protection to help reorganize offline business strategies. Companies that have a website that is e-commerce enabled are able to reach consumers around the world that are ready to make a purchase. While billions of dollars are spent annually online, some companies could benefit from a change in strategy to shift the focus to areas that are proven to bring in more customers.

According to the Internet entrepreneur business training, there are untapped markets that are being used by a select few companies that are bringing in steady monthly income worldwide. While a person can spend thousands on business training at a seminar, learning Internet business training online is one way that some website owners are changing their income models. The training offered by Bring it on Marketing has been reviewed for accuracy and has been judged by the internal panel of experts to be worthy of presentation from the website.

The streaming video training series can be accessed 24 hours a day by going to this link at the Bring it on Marketing website.
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About Bring it on Marketing

Internet marketing training programs are a sample of what is offered at the Bring it on Marketing website. This team of Internet experts has inside information that few have access to about building a successful online business from the ground up. Businesses that are struggling to find a source of continuous profits often use the information that is provided by Bring it on Marketing to apply to daily business strategies online. With unbiased reviews and expert training offered, Bring it on Marketing is quickly becoming an in-demand resource online.

Source: PRWeb


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Roofing Insurance coverage Considerations - Consumer Electronics ...

August 23rd, 2012

Uncategorized, by DickinsonJoy876.

You should be under no illusions roofing can be a harmful job. Working at such heights and usually in some fairly intense conditions indicates that workers are put at risk on a relatively standard basis. If a firm is held liable for any injuries or accidents to workers then without having workers compensation insurance coverage they could be forced to pay out a huge amount of cash from their own pockets. For modest roofing firms this can lead to economic ruin. Roofing insurance coverage could cost funds but it is a lot less expensive than not having it in the occasion that you want it.

Types of roofing insurance coverage

There are generally two types of article that you must take into account making use of to cover your self from any accidents or injuries. Workers compensation insurance coverage protects against any injuries to workers whereas public liability insurance covers against comparable accidents involving members of the public or house that belongs to a person else.

Workers compensation insurance coverage

Workers compensation insurance coverage is a single of the two types of roofing insurance coverage that you really should seriously take into account taking out because without it you are in extremely wonderful danger of becoming forced to pay large settlements from out of your own pocket. If the worst takes place and one particular of your workers is killed via a work associated accident this sum can equate to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The only way to keep away from this is by means of getting workers compensation insurance.

Public liability insurance coverage

Public liability insurance is accessible to practically anybody who demands it from cat minders to roofers. As far as roofing insurance goes this is another vital commodity to your business. If a member of the public walks into a piece of scaffolding or a shingle you have just fitted falls off the roof and hits an automobile you are accountable for paying damages and the expense of any necessary repairs. In some situations this can quantity to very large amounts of money. Comparatively speaking the monthly premium you will be required to spend is practically nothing at all.

Bring down the price of your roofing insurance.

If you are concerned about the cost of roofing insurance then you may want to consider joining a purchasing consortium of sort or an additional. If you are currently a member of a trade organization you may locate that they have negotiated exceptional deals on all aspects of roofing insurance coverage and taking advantage of these offers can save you a lot of time and quite a lot of funds.

Purchasers ought to uncover out what roofing insurance a firm has.

If you are a consumer searching at having a new roof fitted then you must always verify any possible roofing business to see what types of roofing insurance they have. You ought to know that simply because the cost of roofing insurance coverage can be quite high some roofing firms have now taken to using a common contractors insurance coverage policy. If the roofing firm you use trigger any accidental damage to your residence or something in or about it then you can only be certain that you will be covered if they have roofing insurance. Roofing insurance firms will pay out quicker and less complicated than if you have to rely on the roofing firm themselves to compensate you

For more information, please go to: understandable

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Password hints easily revealed in Windows 7 and 8


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TechNet - get less, more uncertainty, but still useful

Microsoft TechNet program has been recently changed to limit the use of software and allow reductions in what you get, even after purchase.

TechNet has been a popular program for IT professionals, developers and testers for many years. For a relatively low annual fee you got access to Microsoft products, desktop and server, for testing and development purposes. Not only did you get latest releases and previews but also past versions which are often needed for testing.

That once cost over a thousand dollars and involved deliveries of many CD/DVD?s sometimes for the most obscure software (?SQL Server 8 Hungarian language edition? anyone?).

These days with downloading options and a much more restrictive list of software, TechNet is a lot cheaper.

From July 2012 Microsoft further tightened up on TechNet features with some important changes.

Subscription model

Now all TechNet software is licensed only while you have a Technet subscription. If you stop your subscription you also have to stop using the Microsoft software acquired through the program.

Any changes, any time

The terms of use now allow Microsoft to change the TechNet subscription rules even after you bought it. In 2010, Microsoft overnight reduced the number of licenses available to existing subscribers from 10 licences apiece for various software to just two or five depending on their subscription level. No rebate or reduced price was offered for this change.

The revised terms of use make that condition more prominent so TechNet subscribers need to know that what they are offered upon purchase may not continue for the entire year.


For US$199 a year, the TechNet standard subscription is probably good value for anyone needing to test software. Using virtual machines (Hyper/V or VMWare) with TechNet supplied Windows is especially useful.

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Final London 2012 medal tally in Excel

We close our Olympics coverage (sorry ?Quadrennial Corporate-sponsored Rings-based Sporting Event?) with links to some looks at the medal tally.

The Guardian continued their data analysis of the medal wins. In the end they produced a simple interactive which shows the medal count adjusted in several ways:

Medal Tally in Excel

Or you can go to their Google Docs page and download the entire Olympic results raw worksheet data including population data, GDP, team size etc to play with yourself. Copying to Excel is easy from the File | Download menu in Google Docs.


Note: at time of writing, the data hasn?t been updated to reflect New Zealand?s delayed win of a sixth Gold medal and other changes due to a positive doping test. If you?re playing at home with the medal tally as at the closing ceremony ? deduct one Gold medal from Belarus, one silver from New Zealand and one bronze from Russia . ADD one gold medal to NZ, one silver to Russia and one bronze to China.


And congratulations to New Zealand for a wonderful performance overall, even before the unexpected late Gold.

The Aussies did very well too, though you?d not know it from the mean-spirited coverage in their local press. Just to show you can prove anything with statistics, an Aussie statistian has (with tongue in cheek) come up with a way to make Australia top the medal tally. All you have to do is multiply a country's team size by the number of medal won and divide by population.

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Switch from back to Hotmail

If you?ve tried mail service and don?t like it, you can switch back to the Hotmail interface easily.

On the top right of the page is a ?gear? icon, click on that and then choose the Switch to Hotmail option.

Keep in mind that is in beta testing now but eventually will become the default for everyone using the free Microsoft service. Existing Hotmail users will be forced to the interface at some stage, probably in 2013.

Microsoft makes it hard to like the Windows Phone has a Windows Phone and we?d like to write about the Office related features for our readers. Sadly there?s a problem with the device so that will have to wait.

In the meantime here are some thoughts on how Microsoft shoots itself in the Windows Phone.

Consistent Interface Delusion

Windows Phone has some useful parts and other things that are clumsy, to put it mildly.

For many years, Microsoft has persisted with the fantasy that customers want the same interface on all their computers and devices. This fantasy persists despite all the evidence and logic against it.

The evidence is clear and market driven. Every day, millions of people switch to and fro between Windows or Mac computers to Apple, Android or, in fewer cases, Microsoft devices. These countless people have no trouble with the different interfaces of devices from different companies. Often they buy a newer product with the same interface so they can?t be that unhappy with the interface.

The reason is simple and logical ? a large screen with a keyboard and mouse is a very different type of interaction from a much smaller screen with only your finger. The size of screen and available options for interaction demand different interfaces. Just in the same way that motorbikes and cars have different control methods because the handlebars and pull levers work for the bike while a wheel and pedals are better for a car. ?Form follows function? is something that designers, architects and engineers understand ? but not at Microsoft.

Despite the evidence and logic presented to Microsoft over many years, they insist on trying to make all their Windows software fit into the same model.

The common interface delusion is shown at its worst in Windows 8 which has a tile/Metro interface rammed at users even though it makes sense best for touch screen devices that aren?t even public yet.

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Comparing series of values in Excel

We all know how to compare one number against another - equal to, less than, greater than etc. But what if you have a series of numbers that you want to compare, as a group, with a similar set of numbers to see how different each set of numbers is from the other.

Comparing a series of values happens quite often and is a useful tool for professionals and casual Excel users. It?s not only practical but an example of how a once complex mathematical function is now available with a few keyboard strokes.

Welcome to the CHITEST function in Excel. Its most commonly used to compare a new set of results from the real world against the standard or expected results. It can also be used to compare one period?s results against another periods or the new results against the past average.

The syntax is:

CHITEST (actual range, expected range)

The above works in all versions of Excel but the preferred naming in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 is:

CHISQ.TEST (actual range, expected range)

Use CHITest if your worksheet may be opened in Excel 2007 or previous.

The function is defined as ?the test for independence. The value from the chi-squared distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom.?

In English that means a fully matching set of values returns 1. Any variation in the two series means a value less than one. The more variation ? the lower the ChiTest result.

Remember that ChiTest is only a guide to variance and it works better with larger sets of numbers.

Testing Air

Here?s an example of ChiTest using tests of air samples that might be used by Scuba divers to check the air in their tanks.

ChiTest in Excel - sample data image from Comparing series of values in Excel at
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Outlook name confusion

The new version of Hotmail is called ?Outlook? ? just ?Outlook? ? at least on the web site itself.

In the promotional material for the new service it?s called which is a better name because it?s clearly different from Outlook software and Outlook Web Access.

We asked Microsoft about the possibility of confusion by using merely the name ?Outlook? and here?s their entire response:

As a company we?ve been simplifying our approach for individuals. You?ve seen it with the ?metro-style? design. You?ve seen it with SkyDrive. We?re taking the same approach with mail ? we want to have a brand that means mail from Microsoft. Outlook means that today for many people, and is in general a very strong brand.

So it seems strong branding is more important than customer confusion. As we mentioned before, plenty of people mix up ?Outlook? and ?Outlook Express? two very different email clients with similar names.

There?s nothing wrong with strong branding ? ?Windows? is a strong brand ? but each version of Windows is explicitly named ?Windows 95? , ?Windows 8? etc. There?s never been a release just called ?Windows?.

The next release of the ?Hotmail Connector for Outlook? could be called, according to Microsoft strong branding logic, ?Outlook Connector for Outlook?!? Of course it won?t be. Most likely it?ll be named ?Hotmail/ Connector for Outlook? or similar.

It would be better for everyone, and still be a strong brand, if the new service was consistently called ? ? especially on the web site itself.

Sadly that?s not going to happen. The decision has been made. Microsoft?s desire for branding and unwillingness to admit error will maintain the new naming despite the problems it?ll cause customers and their own support staff.

London 2012 medal tally in Excel


Thanks to all the readers who dropped us a note about our article on the London 2012 Olympics calendar and how to overlay it in Outlook.? While many are using it to schedule their TV viewing, others use the calendar to work out how delayed their local TV's 'Live' Olympic coverage is <g>.

We don't know whether to be pleased or feel neglected because the "Olympic Branding Police" haven't contacted us <g>.

The Guardian newspaper has the usual medals table but goes beyond that with some more creative approaches.? They have a comparison between various predictions and the current medal tally.

Even better they have alternative tables comparing medal counts against a countries population, GDP and team size.?? At the time of writing Slovenia is 19th on the official medal ranking (1 Gold medal) but first when compared to population.

You can hop over to their spreadsheet to see all the data and calculations.? Use the tabs at the bottom of the worksheet to see the information in various forms.?

It's posted in Google Docs but can be downloaded to Excel via File | Download so you can do your own analysis.

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'Frankenstein' virus could assemble itself from app snippets

9 hrs.

Many malware and viruses can be identified by detection software because of known bits of malicious code. But what if there was a virus compiled from little bits of programs you already had installed? That's just what two security researchers are looking into.

Vishwath Mohan and Kevin Hamlen at the University of Texas at Dallas are interested in how malware disguises itself in order to propagate more widely. After all, with virus detectors and operating systems getting frequent updates, any positively identified virus will be destroyed on sight around the world soon after.

Malware authors and security experts have tried different ways to camouflage malicious code, like encrypting it or adding garbage data to confuse the scanners. But Mohan and Hamlen take it a step further: their virus builds itself out of pieces your computer knows to be safe ? bits of applications like your word processor, image editor?or Web?browser.

Appropriately enough, they call it Frankenstein, and although right now it's still just a proof of concept, it's an indication of one avenue hackers might take in the future. Why bother sending out a whole application stuffed full of code that could be identified as bad news when you can just send a "blueprint" of what it needs, and let it assemble itself on-site, as it were?

Their Frankenstein is a "toy" version, which means it does not propagate itself onto other computers, but it can make variants of itself by stealing different code from different programs. That means that every "mutant" version?it creates of itself will be significantly different, but still check out when looked at piece by piece for suspicious functions. And there's no shortage of the snippets of code, which they call "gadgets." As they remark in the paper describing their work:

The results show that even with the limited capacity of our?prototype, 2?3 binaries are suf?cient to bring the number of?gadgets above 100,000. On average we discovered about 46?gadgets per KB of code, ?nding approximately 2338 gadgets?per second.

In other words, just a few basic applications rendered thousands of pieces to use.?That many spare parts could keep the virus scanners busy for quite some time, though there is always the risk that they could be trained to look for the "blueprint" instead of the resultant patched-together virus. But that too could be made to look legitimate.

Mohan and Hamlen hope that being aware of camouflaging systems like this will make virus detection stronger and better; after all, if they didn't invent it, some less well-meaning person might have instead, and it would be at large instead of in a paper.

The research was supported by Air Force and National Science Foundation grants. The paper, "Frankenstein: Stitching Malware from Benign Binaries,"?is available for free download here, as well as the slides from Mohan and Hamlen's presentation at the USENIX security workshop.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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