Monday, October 10, 2011

Health And Fitness | How to Add Weight and Muscle - 3 Foods To ...

If you want to know how to gain weight as well as muscle, make sure that you are aware of the kinds of foods that you need to eat. Here's the 3 different types of foods you must include in your diet program.

The most important thing to do to gain weight and muscles is to eat as many foods as you can. And although this is correct, you must keep in mind that you must choose only the right foods to eat that could make you gain muscles and weight. In order to answer your question of how to gain weight and muscle, make sure that you focus on eating these three types of foods - protein, carbs and fats.

Protein-rich Foods

Take note that it is protein that could help us to build muscles, so you have to make sure to include this in your daily diet. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles, and therefore, you cannot expect to gain muscles if you are not eating any proteins at all. Examples of high protein foods are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans and nuts, lentils, seeds and grains like wheat, rice, barley and corn, and soy products.

Carbohydrate Enriched Foods

As you may have known, carbs is the number one provider of energy in our body which will give us the needed strength for us to be able to keep-up with our daily exercises to build muscles and gain weight at the same time. In fact, medical experts would highly recommend having about 60 percent of total daily calorie intake from carbohydrates. The carbohydrates will then be converted into glucose, which will provide us with the right energy that we need.

The most common examples of foods that are rich in carbohydrates are whole grains, radish, potatoes, pasta, oranges, oatmeal, mangoes, honey and grapes. If you want to know how to gain weight and muscle, you must be able to tell which type of carbohydrate enriched foods to eat because not all of them are essential for our health because some can be harmful. Bad carbohydrates will just cause your insulin secretion to increase and thus, will result to diabetes, heart diseases and overweight, which would later lead to obesity.

Good Fats

One of the most important foods that one must include in their daily diet in order to gain weight and build muscles is good fats. But take note that it is emphasized that you must only eat good fats, and not the bad ones, and these foods should not be eaten in large quantity unlike protein and carbohydrate enriched foods. Consuming too much fat can lead to obesity, which is the number one cause of many serious diseases.

Other than eating protein, carbs and fats, bear in mind that you must also consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. And in fact - these foods must be eaten more than those that are filled with fats. So if you are really eager to know how to gain weight and muscle, put in mind that the key here is to maintain good eating habits, by eating complete meals in a day, which must include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

About Author Nathan Roses :

Since you now find out what kind of foods you should include in your diet, check out a good One day example on weight gaining diet. Balanced nutrition without the proper physical exercise will goes in vain. See full body workouts for men to find out a superb workout routine example.

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Article Added on Friday, October 7, 2011

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