Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cannes-winning Romanian film director Ciulei dies (AP)

BUCHAREST, Romania ? Romanian film and theater director Liviu Ciulei, whose career spanned 50 years and included winning a top award at the Cannes Film Festival, has died at 88.

Romanian actor Ion Caramitru said Ciulei died Monday in a hospital in Munich, Germany, where he lived. Caramitru said "An era has died! A genius had died!"

Ciulei, as an actor, director and set designer, was the most influential figure of Romanian theater and film in a generation. He won the Palme d'Or award at Cannes in 1965 for the "The Forest of the Hanged," and made more than 20 films, both as an actor and director.

Caramitru, who heads the UNITER Romanian theater union, said Tuesday "without Liviu Ciulei, there would be no Romanian theater."


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