Saturday, October 15, 2011

Christie Supporters Will Now Turn to Romney (ContributorNetwork)

ANALYSIS | Chris Christie has endorsed GOP hopeful Mitt Romney in the presidential race. This could be just what Romney needs to garner more support for his own campaign. Chris Christie flirted with the idea of running for president himself and had a large following of supporters before announcing that he would not run for president at this time, leaving disappointed hopefuls searching for another option.

Here are three ways Christie's endorsement can help Romney's case:

Christie Supporters Will Now Turn to Romney

Christie said "Mitt Romney is the man we need to lead America, and we need him now," at an afternoon press conference. He said that Romney is the only Republican chance to beat Obama, ending the Democrat reign in the White House. Many would-be Christie supporters may now turn to Romney with Christie's endorsement and the lack of other viable candidates.

Defended His Health Care Law

Many are against Romney due to the health care law he passed in Massachusetts that is similar to Obamacare. Christie explained, "We should not allow people for political purposes to try to be disingenuous about what Governor Romney did," which Christie described as the responsible course of action for Massachusetts.

Both Are Moderates

Romney is the only moderate in the Republican field so it was an easy choice to make for Christie. Some believe he made the choice because Romney is a clear frontrunner and Christie is the type who if he cannot run himself, wants to back the winner. This could help Romney's campaign because now that he is the only moderate, he will be a solid Republican choice for many voters.

Romney is now the strongest candidate in a weak GOP. The other candidates are too far right or too unpopular to stand a chance against Obama in a re-election attempt but there are many voters who want to see Obama replaced with a stronger, smarter candidate who they feel will do the job better. Could Romney be that replacement?


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