Saturday, April 6, 2013

Maeve's Momma: Thoughts on Motherhood: The Home Stretch

I don't have much to say today except that we are in the home stretch - we are sliding into home base all day today.? I am going easy on myself, taking the kid to an indoor playground/bouncy slide type places that serves coffee.? Meeting Grandma there.? Ahhhhhhh.

Tomorrow my life will be as it should be once more.? I will leave the house by myself to go grocery shopping, and then Daddy and I will score ourselves a date in the afternoon, followed by dinner.? That, right there, is the finish line, and I will spend today sticking out my nose to cross it.

I manage just fine while he's gone, but it's not right and I don't like it.? I am totally ready to be a family all in one place again.? And to have some help chasing down, er, keeping an eye on this little charmer.


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