Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First Impressions (New Here) :D

Hello all!

My name is Anna, and I just thought I'd say a quick hello. :) I'm 23 years old, a stay at home mom, and roleplaying/writing in general is a big part of my life. I've been rping since mid 2008, and I've fallen in love with it.

My current group of RPers are drifting apart and moving on with their lives, but I'm not ready to let go just yet. lol I have way too many characters, all original, and it seems like every day I create a new one. I hope to write a novel someday, so I guess a large collection of characters is a good thing. xD

I'm up for just about any kind of RP, but I love the paranormal stuff. :)

I've put up my very first RP on this site: roleplay/werecats-on-the-loose/ And I hope you guys will give it a chance. :)

I've also submitted a few characters to existing RPs, and I'm excited to get started!


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