Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Hope You Like it in the Country ((closed))


Capri Daniels


Capri Daniels was just like your average teenage girl. She hated school, loved to shop, and had a new crush almost every other week. She had her best friend in the whole world, Katie Ellmore, and her dreams. Capri was happy with her life and had everything to look forward to. Her older brother had gone off to college when she was just a freshmen in high school. He had always acted like an older brother teasing her, chasing boys away, and taking every liberty to embarrass her. Even though they were four years apart they were close.

Everything changed for Capri during Homecoming week of her sophmore year. Katie and she had gone out shopping for dresses for the dance when their car flipped and rolled. Katie was killed instantly and Capri ended up hospitalized for half of the school year. When they told her Katie had died Capri retreated into herself. No one, not even James, had understood her they way Katie had. They had been more than friends, they had been sisters. To lose Katie meant that everything was gone to Capri. All of their hopes and dreams were together and now Katie was gone. The worst part was that Capri had been the one driving the car.

The summer after the car accident Capri started to make friends with the wrong sort. They pulled her down a dark path. She was in so much pain that she didn't care. She started to drink, stay out late past her curfew, experimented with drugs, and had a rather abusive boyfriend. All of it was to block out the pain and reality of what she blamed herself for. She started to skip school and go hang out in the bad parts of their city.

Her parents tried everything. They tried grounding her, rehab, a therapist, taking privileges away, and even home school. Nothing worked to keep her out. She began to resent her parents for them trying to help her. She especially hated it when they asked James to come down during one of his school breaks to talk sense to her.

Her senior year came and went without her. Capri didn't care about graduating or college. Why should she care about life when she would die one day with nothing?

At that point her family came to a difficult decision as a last resort. It was the summer of Capri's 19th birthday that they flew her up to Montana to a close and old family friend. They figured if they couldn't keep her away from her bad friends and the drugs there, then surely they could take her to a place where she wouldn't have it at all.

Even though the drive was quiet and rather awkward and she was being taken to a strangers home, the one thing that had bothered Capri the most was that this was James' idea. Even though he hadn't been home for a while as he was finishing up his bachelor degree he had called their parents with this suggestion.

It was a Monday afternoon that they arrived at the ranch. Their family friend owned hundreds of acres of land with several types of livestock such as cows, sheep, and horses. Capri had her black jacket zipped up, her hood over her head, and her earbuds plugged into her ears as she stepped out of the car. The place smelled like animals.


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