Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Investor: America's #1 Personal Finance Book

Andrew Hallam's book Millionaire Teacher?has deservedly reached #1 on Amazon's best seller list of personal finance books. ?It's not hard to figure out why - it is readable, witty, and provides a desperately needed message to individuals on how to become financially literate. ?If it was up to me, it would be required reading in all high schools and colleges; and Human Resources departments would do well passing it out to employees. ?At least then we would know that students and workers had one real-life case put in front of them of someone who has figured out how to build wealth on a modest salary. ?Millionaire Teacher?spells out this valuable information. ?It gives people a road map with the lessons it teaches.

But for most readers, this won't be all. ?There is an added bonus... Andrew produces one of the top financial blogs in the world. ?Readers will be impressed with the trips he takes and adventures he has. ?It is clear that getting one's finances in order provides the means to live an interesting life. ?Readers of his blog will also be inspired by the head-on battle he has fought with serious medical issues. ?Not only has he fought back but he has continued as a world class distance runner.

I was honored in being asked to endorse the book. ?Seeing my name in print next to the heavy hitters in the world of finance has been a thrill. ?I hope that this book finds its way into the hands of the financially challenged this holiday season. ?It truly has life-changing potential.

Source: http://rwinvesting.blogspot.com/2011/11/americas-1-personal-finance-book.html

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