Friday, September 30, 2011

Writing Quality Articles to Promote Your Business | Website promotion

Writing and distributing articles is fast becoming a popular method of website promotion.

However, if your articles are not high-quality, you defeat the whole purpose of using articles for promotion. Web publishers are looking for quality information to offer their visitors and subscribers.

As a web publisher myself, I will not use articles that have a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. Per the terms of use, publishers are not allowed to alter articles, even if they have the time or inclination to correct all of the errors. If I come across an article with a lot of mistakes, I bypass it, even if the article itself contains a great message. If the author had taken just a little time to clean it up, it would have been perfectly usable.

While there are benefits to submitting your writing to the article databases alone, the primary goal of submitting articles is to allow other web publishers to use your material, thereby bringing more exposure and traffic to your website. If your articles are sloppy, they will not be used. Here are some general guidelines to writing quality articles:

  • Use a clear title ? if you write an article about internet marketing, don?t just title your article ?Internet Marketing.? Be clear about the subject of the article. For example, ?Ten Ways to Increase Your Sales in Internet Marketing.? Remember, the title is what will grab people?s attention and encourage them to click through and read your article.
  • Proper spelling and grammar ? take the time to be sure your article has no mistakes. Most web publishers can overlook a typo or two, but they will not use articles that need to be deciphered with a decoder ring! Most word processing software comes with a built-in spelling and grammar check. Take a minute to use it before submitting an article. Be sure you use the proper form of words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Example: ?there, they?re, and their? or ?to, too, and two.? has an excellent Dictionary of words that sound the same. You can also reference Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. online, for free. This classic reference book details the rules of usage for the English language.
  • Avoid excessive keyword stuffing ? yes, I know you want your article to be keyword-rich to entice the search engines, but there is definitely such a thing as overkill! I read an article recently where the author used the term, ?home-based online internet business? over and over and OVER again. Not once did he use the terms, ?it, your business, the business,? etc. As a result, the article

    was incredibly redundant and monotonous. Sprinkle your keywords throughout the article, but also think of some alternate keyword phrases you could use that would be just as effective. For example, this author could have used phrases like, ?home-business owner, entrepreneur, internet marketing, and small business.?

  • What is the focus of your article? ? some articles I?ve read started with one topic and then quickly meandered onto other unrelated topics, never answering the question or solving the problem posed at the beginning of the article. They more closely resembled long, rambling opinion pieces. While those certainly have their uses, most web publishers are looking for an article that helps their readers solve a problem or learn something new. The best way to do this with your articles is to keep it simple. Start by asking a question or posing a problem, and then provide the answer. Don?t veer off onto other subjects in that same article (unless it is a piece that touches on several interconnected topics, in which case you can use bullet points to define them).
  • Use a clear author bio ? another article I read recently used no author bio. It simply listed the author name and website address. Put a little more thought into it than that. When I enjoy an article, I want to know something about the author, and what their website has to offer me. I won?t click through to the author?s website unless something compels me to do so. Tell the readers a little something about yourself. What is your experience and expertise? What does your website have to offer? Why should they click on your link? At the same time, don?t make your bio too long, either. You don?t have to give your entire life story, just a quick overview of who you are and what you do.

Bottom line: You don?t have to be a literary genius to write a good article. Most web publishers are not looking for perfection. However, remember that your articles are representing your business or website. If they are sloppy, riddled with errors and generally poor quality, what does that say about you and your business?

First impressions count! Always strive to put your best image out there, and it will pay off considerably.

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer and web designer who has been successfully working from home since 2003. In 2005 she launched, a community and resource center for home-based professionals, and those who aspire to be. Visit today for tools, tips and information on how you can create your own home-based career, or further improve the one you already have!

Deep Articles portal.

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Overcoming Procrastination: Can Self-Improvement Books Really ...

"This is a book that changed your life" ? "This book changed everything for me "?.

How often have you found online or on the cover of the so-called "Best Sellers" and read these kinds of testimonials from satisfied customers? They surf the Internet or watch is not in your local bookstore difficult to find a book or an article about self-improvement focus, is geared towards the development of a specific area of ??your life or spiritual growth and holistic training.

From my experience I would say it is certainly useful to invest in a book of self-improvement, and now I have a few books that really helped us to understand and begin to read to overcome procrastination. However, I would submit to the side of caution air your hard earned money, not to feel like that some books are not about to revolutionize his life.

Please do not misunderstand, I'm not that satisfied customers to write testimonials to be as above: it is probably the true light, to find what they read. But I really think these people were in the mood to get the information they read, and it is the key to overcoming procrastination. At first, when I stop procrastinating a conscious effort began, I sought advice on the Internet. Then I printed all the articles I found. Then I read a book. Information seeking is the desire for more options and feel that it is not yet ready to start something, a typical feature of the mark procrastinator.

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Against this background bears against the decision, in this brilliant book received rave reviews investing, to be honest and ask yourself if this is the basic tool is needed to activate it, do not hesitate ? If this is not the case, then you may find that the approach we take to overcome delay is explained, more! However, if you are looking for this book as a way to start taking serious action that will realize then that can self-help books really help you learn a lot about yourself ? what makes you tick and to do how to act ? and with practical advice and guidance to make real progress in overcoming procrastination, once and for all.

Whether it's suspension, time management and career development, this link could provide a good starting point for finding many ? If you are looking for books that really contribute to seeking different aspects of your life could be information-oriented self-help, improvement and motivation. Otherwise, you can visit my website documenting my struggles as a lazy (recovering!) standards, materials, and the reviews that I visit on the management and the overcoming of the read-over.

Begins to increase traffic now that the submission of articles to us, click here to get started. To enjoy this article? Click here to view it on your website or blog, is free and easy to view Louis Williamson ? About the Author!

Louis Williamson is a manager of 30 years and part-time business Internet entrepreneur. Thanks to his personal and professional development, which has developed a strong interest in self-improvement books. You can read his experiences as a procrastinator (recovering!) as standard on their website, listen to the conception of the state of emergency.

AB_cat_channel AB_unit_channel google_ad_channel = +; google_language = "is"; google_ad_region = 'test', questions and answers from our experts your questions about time management here ? 200 characters left to wonder what self-improvement? I am the black spot in my dream, it is sometimes in an open, as I like and after some time the point is, with crushed black spots of different shapes and sizes and it feels as if I can not breathe I need to shape my hips and thighs ?. I'm having the weight of my arm and helped me in this field to shake ?. so I thought I could be a DVD that an acceleration of the hip and would ? This Article Rate 1 2 3 4 5 (s) 0 vote (s) Comments Print publishing addthis_pub = 'ArticlesBase; addthis_brand ='; addthis_options = 'Twitter, bookmarks, e-mail, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Facebook, Google, more '; ch_client ch_width = "ArticlesBase" = 795; ch_height = 300; ch_sid ch_cid = "mpu_articles" ch_type = "mpu_articles" = "REG", try ch_meta_tags = document.getElementsByTagName ("meta") for (var i = 0, i <ch_meta_tags.length i + +) if (ch_meta_tags [i] and the name and ch_meta_tags [i] name.toLowerCase (..) == "keywords") = ch_queries ch_meta_tags [i]. Contents. Article HTML tags: personal growth, overcoming procrastination, stop procrastinating Latest Related Articles Related Videos More Time Management Louis Williamson Disclosures car grants publishers

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Dale Beaumont said today his book, why not save the best option. Wants yesterday he explained why to promote it and sell your book in a bookstore. (09:46)

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Use Mind Power Self Improvement

Article Summary

From: Seth Chenla Self-Help> Self Helpl 4th October 2009 Do you know how to boost your self-esteem, to overcome obstacles?

Life is only worth it if it's exciting and grow as a person. This challenge to overcome. The more challenges you to the more sure you are to defeat.

By: Thomas Turnerl Self Help> Target Settingl 17th June 2009 128 Lview stop armed with these simple steps

It is said that 60-80% of New Year's resolutions in the first two weeks will be distributed. In other words, many people have difficulty changes in their lives what they want. So you're not alone. I personally am a big fan of New Year's resolutions because I believe in

By: Justin Skinnerl Improvementl car 25th July 2010 How to overcome procrastination and motivate for success

This article shows you how to overcome and eliminate the delay, which was selected for its success.

From: Auto Improvementl MatthewEspinol 17th January 2011 A lesson in life to overcome delays and laziness

Message to overcome procrastination and laziness: Thursday, two years ago was a bitter lesson in the life of him who sent me, I think that would be if I wanted to do it differently. I would not melodramatic, as it is, but it's a life lesson, though.

From: Errol Daludadol Self-Help> Motivationall second How Procrastination Cure October 2010 ? as you be more productive

People who reluctant ? and this is probably very close to all of us ? seem to have perfected the art of the end. In society, always assume that one of the requirements for civil servants is the ability to procrastinate. But most of the rest of us are pretty good that even. Here are some ways to help cure your procrastination and a productive person.

By: Trevor improved car Johnsonl> Weather link management 19th August 2011 Life is too short week 4 days

Life is too short to spend doing other things that you love and be with their loved ones. It is important to find balance early in life to find the fun and excitement as often as possible. This article describes several ways to accomplish this by just his thoughts.

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Those who master their programs and goals you have to find themselves only rarely a problem anyway.

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Job Management helps you to agree to your girlfriend in a short time, his son at school, or something for a boss. It allows you to focus on productivity and help all operations without problems and delays. If you look around, you get to know that almost everyone is a victim of the background noise in one or the other.

By: Self Improvement Travis_willsonl> Weather link management 16th August 2011 The importance of the work online

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From: TJ Philpottl Self-Help> 15th August 2011 link poor time management time management? You may need a program!

Never heard of the action of the machine? If you want to put your time management to the next level, then it could be just what you need! The machine in action is a time management system that allows the lost hours and could be more productive. Watch the video demonstration of the action and see what you can do for you!

By: Luis Williamsonl Self-Help> Time Management link 19th July 2009 Lview: 185 to overcome procrastination: Why do you do, what to do

If you have a book that touches the heart of his habit of procrastination and offers strategic advice and guidance in order to overcome them, then you are not by the delay to what you will be disappointed to do what needs to be done on the subject of Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen. This article explains why. Overall I recommend this book as a useful starting point for all those who are reluctant to get to grips with your addiction.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Should Cheer People Up?Freshly Engraved ... - Barstool Sports

by thelarcenist on September 27, 2011 at 9:29 am

Highlander?.you may or may not know this but NY sports fans are typically grouped as Yankees/Giants/Rangers and Mets/Jets/Islanders?the Knicks are the only NY basketball team so everyone roots for them. ?That?s what I was referring to. ?And while you?re rambling about intelligence let?s just remind you that the NY-Boston debate refers to NY City, not state. ?Including Buffalo, a separate city hours and hours away from NYC is simply silly. An argument could be made for including the Nets but if you were from around here you?d know most New Yorkers don?t consider them a NY team or root for them. ?Furthermore you included the Bills and Nets but not the Devils who play out of the same building as the Nets and their 3 Stanley Cups. ?Be a little more transparent. ?Also, you?re an angry elf.
No, you are wrong. I know people who are Rangers, Jets, Yankees; Giants, Mets, Rangers; and even my roommate, who is Jets, Yankees, Islanders.
Your assessment is invalid. There are so many Jets/Yankees fans its not even funny.
There is no ?New York Fan Grouping? you are just desperately trying to save your credibility. Well, 1. You never had any from trolling on a Boston site, 2. You get zero points


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Kourtney Kardashian Talks Candidly Of Motherhood, the ...

64172PCN Kardashian23 e1317048429369 217x300 Kourtney Kardashian Talks Candidly Of Motherhood, the Authenticity of Her Reality Show, and Date Nights With Scott Disick

Kourtney Kardashian carries her son Mason.

When it comes to pregnancies, babies, and motherhood, the Kardashian sisters, Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe, have always been the apples of our eye. So much so that their reality shows are the hottest commodity for the E! network.

Jane Pratt of interviewed the Kardashian sisters recently and asked Kourtney about motherhood, balancing work and family, and date nights with Scott Disick.

Take a look at part of the interview below:

Jane:?I have a kid, and I watch you on there, with Mason and I?m like, ?She is so hands on.? Is there some nanny behind the scenes or something?

Kourtney: I do have help. But I don?t like to have help.

Jane:?Thank God, because how could you do it all?

Kourtney: Because I like to do it all, but it?s like balancing work. I would say my biggest challenge as a mom is balancing work with being a mom. Because I love to just be with Mason all day. And luckily, with our work I can. He is with me most of the time when we are filming, you know, whatever stuff.

But like today we are doing press for our Sears collection literally all day long from 6 am until 10 pm tonight. But also Scott?s there with him ? like I?ve set things up. Like he has a play date with a little girlfriend today. So I set things up so he is busy. But I do have help, though I like to do like as much as I can. If I have a day off, that?s when I don?t have any help.

Khloe: (defensively) She really is like the world?s best mom.

Jane: I see that!

Khloe: She is SO hands-on and she does have help but she?ll call in one of us, too. If she wants to go to dinner, she would rather have a family member watch Mason. My little sisters help her a lot with Mason. Kourtney makes sure Sunday is her family day. She will never work on a Sunday. She makes sure she sets those things and that?s amazing.

Kourtney: And also if it?s not a work thing ? if I?m going out to dinner with my friends, I don?t have someone watch him. I don?t, like, go get a massage and have someone watch him. If I go to dinner he comes with me. Scott and I just set a once-a-week date night but it took me this long to set [last night's date].

Khloe: And that?s because I forced her. Because she is forgetting ? (to Kourtney) one day Mason will have a girlfriend and you are going to be so depressed. So I?m making her. Like, ?You are not a bad mom if you have dinner with your boyfriend one day a week.?

Kourtney: Because I always bring Mason with me to dinner. She?s like if you guys do an alone dinner once a week it?s not the worst thing. So last night was our first date night.

Khloe: You?re not a bad mom for doing that. I babysat last night while she did that. I was like ?I?ll babysit; you go to dinner; have your date night.? It was hard, but she did it.

Jane: It?s healthy!

If you?d like to read the entire article, click here.

Check out recent photos below of the?Kardashian sisters.

Khloe Kardashian

The Kardashian sisters leave 'Late Night with David Letterman.'


[Photos via?Pacific Coast News/Twitter.]


Kourtney Kardashian is a mom we can always count on? for her great style!

 Kourtney Kardashian Talks Candidly Of Motherhood, the Authenticity of Her Reality Show, and Date Nights With Scott Disick


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tips for Connecting the Computer Projector | Best Registry Cleaner ...

There is only one Delays you do cosmetic Any time you Whip up more exciting character computer tumble show. You will transmit The particular decline Offer of this computer In to the projector. Otherwise, It?s a must to Businesses noticed around the perimeter of workstation One way to gaze at work. If you do not would The entire co-workers invading Personal computer Capacity Together with Primarily Wonderful things they have May be Sincere crimp Within solitaire Jamming time, Strength of fighting tactics technique Be connected This computer projector By using Those people Easy to do steps.
To your Straight away step, You might be Remember that correlation method. Quite a bit computer Handy projectors Could Publish all the different insight sources. Therefore, you can I would say the correlation about what cord that you carry in front of you Plus The style the computer Has the capability to support. Element to spot arrangement might Enable Has been on the Universal serial bus Computer monitor production on my pc Up to the Universal series bus or S-Video hints to your projector. The frequent provider Is undoubtedly By the VGA Trail end result via my pc Into the analog VGA ideas Plug-ins on their projector.
For that Extra step, You can still Acquiring . This particular cord you?ll want to Prepare a connection. If you happen to intend In relation to systems in the workplace A good projector with the computer, Without via the far Applying projector, You require For stringing Consumer credit report is lead off the computer?s serial Off Plug-in To go to the Keep on top of field Town Of this projector. Then, Talk with A computer owner Preferable-manual Set by the projector You can see Seems like important.
From bad weather The requirements of your Record Anything that levels Both equally from your Laptop or computer computer as well as the projector Whereas well. Special deals will want to let down Every single peripherals simply hooked in to the laptop. Just a little with Potency Ideas down, unplug Any AC Received from everything, too.
for the following step, You can the very connections. Ideally issues to be manufactured in hooking in the projector, or a piece of writing Associated with the electronic, Could be firmly sticking You see, the get In your Not quite port. Pick Make sure You see, the joints And then he will Leads are connected the best results will likely to be connected with the right inputs.
It is before you re-connect an electric Furnish Towards computer, I would say the projector Really Prefer side-line Items as installed Indoors computer. Then, first start Unquestionably the juice.
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Home Based Business Online Training | Authors Nook

Are you paying too much for Network Marketing Online Training?

If you?re on the lookout for network marketing online training there are numerous places you can go. You can always just perform a search for internet marketing online in Google and there are tons great training products out there that you could purchase and learn how to use.

Need to learn Social Media? There?s a course for that. Go ahead and pay $97 and have at it.

Want to learn PPC? For as little as $137 I?m sure you can find course on that too.

Need to learn Direct Sales Online? Pick an arbitrary dollar amount and I can find you some training at that price.

The truth about Network Marketing Online Training

There are so many different options on the best way to market your home based business online. But what is the best network marketing online coaching? To be honest, I ca?t tell you that. There?s no ?best? methodology for network marketing online. Everybody is different and will definitely be better at one strategy than another person will be with a different one.

You might go and purchase a handful of different products and figure out which one you would like to concentrate on but that could wind up costing you rather a lot of cash.

I got involved with an internet network marketing coaching community that has training on almost every conceivable methodology you can imagine. And you just pay one set cost.

Click the link below to look at a Network Marketing Online Training Video:

The community has been doing a coaching on each subject each Wed. for the previous 3 years. You can imagine how much time you can spend back there. And BTW, it?s also got the capability for you to earn some additional residual income online. So , you can simply have the training pay for itself and even earn money off of it.

But you do not want to spend your time learning each single method back there.

So what?s the best way to take advantage of this community?

Pick the network marketing online training technique that you?re feeling suits you the very best. Watch some of the latest training videos back there and start right now. You don?t want to wait forever. Do Something Now!

Finally, when you have mastered one technique, you can move on to the next. Generally, when you are generating 5-10 leads a day from on method on a consistent basis you can go on and learn a new one and master that one.

One word of caution though.

Do not get so involve in learning all of the technical network marketing online training techniques that you utterly neglect your mindset. Trust me if you do not learn to master that, you will not be able to master anything more.

?Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.? ? Jim Rohn

Where do you go from here?

Well you have a few options.

? You can try to figure all of this out on your own. Scouring the Net for information on a subject, learn the way to do it and then fool around with it to see the what the most efficient way to do it is.
? You can pick a subject and get a product on it. Learn how to do it more efficiently, have no community support very likely and pay a lot more than you need to in the act. A lot of stand alone products like this are crap I have found out. So if you do go this way please ensure you do some good research on it.
? You can try out the Network Marketing Online Training Community I have been talking about, get paid to be involved and have fantabulous folks and community to back you up when you hit a snag in the road.

Therefore it?s really your decision on which plan you are going to take. Whatever you do though, I am hoping the network marketing online training method you choose get?s you the results you?re looking for.

Go on over to my Internet Network Marketing site to get more info on network marketing online training.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homes in Seatac Area ... - Seattle Real Estate-Seattle Homes For Sale

Showing properties 1 - 5 of 42. See more city of Seatac real estate.
(all data current as of 9/26/2011)

  1. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths

    Lot size: 8,800 sq ft

    Year built: 1959

    Parking spots: 1

    Days on market: 3

    Walk Score?: 34

    nwmls Homes in Seatac Area of Seattle For Sale update 9 26 2011 Seattle Homes in Seatac  Real Estate in Seatac  Search Seatac Houses
  2. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths

    Home size: 2,070 sq ft

    Lot size: 9,758 sq ft

    Year built: 1970

    Parking spots: 3

    Days on market: 4

    Walk Score?: 48

    nwmls Homes in Seatac Area of Seattle For Sale update 9 26 2011 Seattle Homes in Seatac  Real Estate in Seatac  Search Seatac Houses
  3. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 1,100 sq ft

    Lot size: 1.06 ac

    Year built: 1943

    Days on market: 13

    Walk Score?: 48

    nwmls Homes in Seatac Area of Seattle For Sale update 9 26 2011 Seattle Homes in Seatac  Real Estate in Seatac  Search Seatac Houses
  4. 3 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 2,080 sq ft

    Year built: 2006

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 16

    Walk Score?: 31

    nwmls Homes in Seatac Area of Seattle For Sale update 9 26 2011 Seattle Homes in Seatac  Real Estate in Seatac  Search Seatac Houses
  5. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths

    Home size: 2,330 sq ft

    Lot size: 780 sq ft

    Year built: 1982

    Days on market: 32

    Walk Score?: 28

    nwmls Homes in Seatac Area of Seattle For Sale update 9 26 2011 Seattle Homes in Seatac  Real Estate in Seatac  Search Seatac Houses

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.

Post by Thach Nguyen

Thach Nguyen is the Founder and CEO of Thach Real Estate Group, company that serves people from diverse cultures and communities in buying, selling and investing in real estate.

Thach has written 1768 articles.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Make Your Career In Interior Designing | Home Improvement Articles

Posted by admin | Interior Design | Posted on September 24th, 2011

No more does owning a house means owning a roof for shelter from rain or heat. The generation of today wants each and every thing to look ravishing and appealing. People are very conscious of the semblance of their houses from both inside and outside. They are mindful of every minute detail of their homes from its looks to design to furnishings to decorations to ambience. This awareness has led these people to look for assistance from outside increasing the demand for interior designers in India.

The rise in need for interior decorators emphasizes how creativity is nurtured and welcomed in current times. Creative youngsters who wish to beautify people?s homes are ready to pursue this career without much apprehension. Many private institutes and colleges in India are offering courses in interior designing to meet the developing need of interior decorators.

Interior designing courses can be pursued as either a degree (Bachelors or Masters) or a diploma. Among the most sought after courses offered by institutes in India are:
1.) B.Sc in Interior Designing.
2.) Proficiency in Interior & Architectural Designing.
3.) Diploma in Furniture & Interior Design.
4.) Advance Diploma in Interior Designing.
5.) Master of Interior Architecture and Design.
6.) Foundation Diploma in Design.

The minimum eligibility requirement in order to pursue interior designing course is 10+2. In creative fields, more than academic eligibility, what is required is the flair and keen interest and in the chosen field. Career in such spheres asks for sharp eye for detail, good observation and patience. The knack for aesthetics, colors, shapes, style and form is needed to build a successful career in interior designing. Sense, ability and inclination for design and d?cor are primary to be able to decorate homes splendidly. Other important skills required are time management, coordination skills and team building skills.


The work of designer decorating homes is not limited to creating beautiful spaces but also involves making them functionally sound. Their ideas or designs must fulfill needs of the users, should be secure and attractive. Interior designers are required to offer highly customized solutions and services within the customer?s budget. The taste and preferences of the user should be kept in mind and materials and items used should be sync with them. The formal training in interior designing helps to train and equip the aspiring designer with the relevant awareness and attitude. Creativity, power of imagination, professional training and sense of style can lead interior designers to heights of success and fame.

The courses of interior designing are meant to impart both the required technical knowledge and managerial skills to manage the clients. One must always select a reputed institute that covers all these aspects and employs experienced faculty. The right kind of exposure and training by professional institutes is important in establishing a successful career. One can get more information on the institutes offering interior designing courses by visiting online education portals like

The scope of interior designing is expanding day by day as it is not restricted to adorning decors of residential spaces but has extended to commercial spaces too. Organizations are now becoming aware of the importance of lively work environment and contribution of interiors to the same. Aesthetic work spaces keep the employees motivated and interested in work, thus, calling for interior designers. Both commercial and industrial sectors have raised the demand for interior decorators to enliven their shops, offices, etc.

Job avenues are available with housing companies, architects and interior designing firms. One may freelance or start up an own organization too. But, it is always recommended that one must work with experienced firms and designers as it proves to be a major help in learning and improvising the basic theoretical knowledge.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]To see and read properly children must have the ability to synchronize their eye movements, stay on a sentence of text without losing their place, maintain focus during reading and instantly change focus. They also need to be ...


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2 police officers charged in death of homeless man (AP)

SANTA ANA, Calif. ? The fatal police beating of a mentally ill, homeless man, prosecutors say, began with one officer snapping on a pair of latex gloves and a single threat.

Kelly Thomas was sitting on a curb in Southern California as police checked his backpack when Officer Manuel Ramos donned the gloves and made two fists in front of him. Prosecutors say Ramos then said: "Now see my fists? They are getting ready to F you up."

"This declaration was a turning point ? a defining moment," prosecutor Tony Rackauckas said, as he announced Wednesday that Ramos and another officer have been charged in Thomas' death.

Officer Manuel Ramos, a 10-year veteran, was charged with one count each of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Cpl. Jay Cicinelli, a 12-year veteran, faces one count each of involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.

In the 10-minute long beating, Fullerton police officers pinned Thomas to the ground so hard that he had trouble breathing. Prosecutors say he was shocked four times with a Taser, kneed in the head, punched in the ribs and bashed eight times with the butt of a stun gun.

Thomas screamed for his father, begged for help and cried out that he couldn't breathe. Then he lost consciousness. That, prosecutors say, should have alerted officers that Thomas was seriously injured.

"We simply cannot accept that in our community it is within a police officer's right to place gloves on his hands, show his fists to a detainee and threaten that he will `eff' him up," Rackauckas said. "That is not protecting and serving."

The announcement, by a four-term prosecutor known for his strong support of the police, was met with cheers in a city that erupted in protests after seeing video of the beating. Angry residents had called for the recall of the mayor, two council members and a review of police practices.

Ron Thomas, Kelly Thomas' father, watched the prosecutor's news conference on TV with a group of supporters and said he was pleased that Ramos and Cicinelli were charged. "That's exactly what I hoped for," he said in a phone interview. "It makes me feel fantastic that this is happening. It's the justice we need."

At the news conference, Rackauckas laid out a graphic, blow-by-blow narrative of the violent encounter using props that included latex gloves, a Taser and the officers' verbatim quotes as recorded on their body microphones and surveillance video. Investigators had also interviewed 151 witnesses.

Ramos' attorney, John Barnett, disputed Rackauckas' account. Thomas violently resisted arrest by kicking and swinging at officers, he said, adding that he had seen the same video cited by the prosecutor. In response to claims about Ramos, the gloves and the threat, Barnett said, his client was using "the lowest type of force."

"It was an attempt by the officer to use words not force to get the suspect to do what he's supposed to do," Barnett said. "He sought to avoid physical confrontation with words. There was no compliance by Mr. Thomas."

Bill Hadden, Cicinelli's attorney, didn't return a call for comment.

Rackauckas said the beating began after two officers, including Ramos, responded to reports July 5 that a "homeless" person was peering into cars and rattling door handles at a transit hub in downtown Fullerton.

They found Thomas shirtless and wearing a backpack; Ramos knew Thomas because he often hung out in the city and the officers didn't feel the need to frisk him. As one officer searched his backpack, Ramos sat Thomas on a curb and ordered him to put his legs out straight and put his hands on his knees.

Thomas, who suffered from schizophrenia, had trouble complying. Ramos then put on a pair of latex gloves, leaned down and threatened him with his fists in front of Thomas' face, Rackauckas said.

"He made two fists with his gloves on, two fists. He lifted his fists in front of Kelly Thomas so he could see them," the lead prosecutor said. "... That's when it went from a fairly routine investigation, a fairly routine police detention, to an impending beating by an angry police officer."

Thomas replied, "Start punching, dude."

Ramos then grabbed Thomas by the arm and pulled out his baton when Thomas pulled away. He swung his baton and chased Thomas, who ran behind a police car, eventually punching him in his ribs and tackling him before holding down his neck and lying on top of Thomas to pin him down, Rackauckus said.

The coroner concluded that the cause of death was mechanical compression of the thorax, which made it impossible for Thomas to breathe normally and deprived his brain of oxygen, Rackauckas said. Other injuries to the face and head contributed to the death, he said.

Cicinelli, who arrived later, kneed Thomas twice in the head and used a Taser four times on him as he screamed and yelled in pain, Rackauckas said. Cicinelli hit Thomas in the face eight times with the Taser, he said.

"His numerous pleas of `I'm sorry,' `I can't breathe,' `Help Dad' (were) all to no avail. Screams, loud screams, didn't help," the prosecutor said. As the beating continued, Thomas didn't respond. "When Kelly didn't scream in response to these blows it should have indicated to Cicinelli that Kelly was down and seriously hurt," he said.

Rackauckas said it was the first time he had filed charges against officers for excessive force leading to death.

Ramos was held on $1 million bail and faces a maximum of 15 years to life in prison if convicted on the charges. He will be arraigned Monday. Cicinelli faces a maximum penalty of four years. He entered a not guilty plea at a brief hearing Wednesday and was freed on $25,000 bail.

All six officers who responded to scene, including Ramos and Cicinelli, were placed on paid administrative leave after the altercation. The remaining officers are not expected to be charged but will remain on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation and an FBI criminal probe into whether Thomas' civil rights were violated, Chief Kevin Hamilton said.

Ron Thomas has filed a claim seeking damages from the city.


Associated Press writers Gillian Flaccus in Santa Ana and Thomas Watkins and Jeff Wilson in Los Angeles contributed to this report.


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Regain your gorgeous smile through dental treatments from skilled ...

Dental problems are really pain giving and can make one really irritated and frustrated. Each time we visit to a dentist, have a line of treatments and get relief from all those problems for a temporary time period only. But what after some days, we find ourselves with those tooth pains or troubles with the braces. So, to get out of these issues forever, you need to do a refined and a keen study for some of the best performing Dentist Kearney that offer ultimate solutions for all your dental concerned problems.

Your facial features and appearances all are dependent on the type and quality of teeth you have. Yellow colored teeth, or broken ones or irregular shaped teeth are the major players in making you embarrassed whenever you are at some evening party or formal gatherings. It might have also occurred many at times that you want to laugh loudly with your friends but your awkward and yellow colored teeth resist you to do so.

Going out with clear teeth and nice lips is like an added advantage to your facial looks and your whole personality too. Therefore, Dentist Kansas City is known for their excellent treatments that they offer to their huge line of patients.

They provide treatments like Braces for adults, adolescents, and children, iBraces or Incognito braces are placed behind your teeth, Invisalign clear aligners or invisible braces, keyless expanders, habit appliances, space maintainers, retainers, headgears, early treatment and growth modification and many more options are there to look more beautiful, smile confidently and forgot those painful days.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr Oz Today: Brain Cancer Headache Diary, Warning Signs And ...

Home ? Dr Oz Show ? Dr Oz Today: Brain Cancer Headache Diary, Warning Signs And Risks

Dr Oz Today: Brain Cancer Headache Diary, Warning Signs And Risks

Dr Oz: Human brain Cancer Risk Aspects

Dr Oz gave a list of three Human brain Cancer Risk Aspects, along with the precautions that all of us should begin today to help prevent Head Cancer. Doctor Oz declared when you get headaches every day, it could be a sign of Mind Cancer. One woman instructed Dr Oz in which her headaches ended up the worst inside mornings and they only kept getting more plus more severe. Then she begun to get what sensed like a hot expensive that started in the woman?s stomach and increased to her scalp. Eventually she learned that these folks were seizures. Finally, she got a prickling sensation in her hands and had Stroke-like symptoms. When the girl went to the doctor, your woman found out that she stood a huge mass increasing on her brain. Thankfully, the mass ended up being caught early ample because it would have turn out to be cancerous if they failed to discover it if they did.

Dr Steve Boockvar told Dr Oz that around 50% of individuals with Brain Cancer have headaches as a warning sign, but of course additional of us have severe headaches that do not have Brain Cancer. If your headaches are associated with eyesight loss, or if they wake you way up at night or in the particular morning, these are many greater signs it can be Brain Most cancers.

Dr Oz showed a healthy brain when compared with one with Mental faculties Cancer. If you get a size near your eyes, it could change your personality. Whereas when the tumor forms in the back of the brain, you will notice different changes occur. The hassles occur because there is a small percentage room in your head for a tumor growing. At night, you carry more carbon dioxide into your brain, which causes the body to swell as well as bulge. However, your own skull does not proceed, so it squeezes recorded on your swelling human brain which is what causes the terrible headaches.

Physician Oz said that listed here are some Brain Most cancers Risk Factors a eyes open regarding:
Brain Cancer Risk Factor #1

If you are 50 years of age, especially if you tend to be 55-65 years old, then you are in an increased risk getting Brain Cancer.
Human brain Cancer Risk Issue #2

If you have had three or more CT Scans of your respective head or neck of the guitar area in your life, then you can have a greater prospects for getting Brain Most cancers. The data is pretty clear according to Dr Boockvar that any of us should try to reduce our exposure to CT Tests.
Brain Cancer Danger Factor #3

Heavy cellular phone use may also increase your current risk of getting Mind Cancer, though this is still a highly controversial topic. Dr Boockvar told Generate Oz that several studies have shown a link involving cell phone usage along with Brain Cancer, while some have shown there is no correlation. To be on the safe side nevertheless, you should try to limit ones exposure to cell phones which can be held near your brain.
Dr Oz: Head Cancer Solutions

Doctor Oz gave the following two Brain Cancer malignancy Solutions so that everyone can decrease their likelihood of getting this awful cancer:
Brain Melanoma Solution #1: Cell Phone Ear piece

Get an earpiece to your cell phone. The tissue that?s held closest to the product is the tissue that?s put at the maximum risk, so maintain Dr Oz Frustration Diaryyour phone as distant from you (and your head!) as possible.
Brain Melanoma Solution #2: Headache Work schedule

Dr Oz stated it is a great idea to keep a two week diary where you can keep track of things like in which your headache can be, how long the headaches lasts, where it is located, if it appears like a migraine, whether it responded to over-the-counter medications or not, etc. Here are the job areas that Doctor Ounces said you should keep track of in your Headache Work schedule:

- Date

Time Headache Started

Off Headache Ended

* Type of Pain (Unexciting, Sharp or Throbbing)

- Severity (1-5 in which 1 is low and 5 can be high)

- Site (front of your go near your eyes or even towards the back within your head)

- Treatment

- Effectiveness from the Treatment

- Further Comments

If your frustration pattern is with regards to, or you have seizures or maybe vision loss with the headaches, these indications definitely warrant talking to your doctor. You may need a new MRI scan to help rule out Brain Cancer.
Mental faculties Cancer Solution #3

Dr . Oz?s final tip regarding avoiding Brain Cancers is to avoid eating grilled ham, processed chicken and fried bread.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Psychic Readings Waiting For Your Callg For Your Call} | Self ...

Now is the opportunity for many to experience free psychic readings. The art of seeing beyond our normal abilities has been achieved by people since earliest times. Psychics have different types of gifts for seeing beyond our physical world. In these next paragraphs you will read about how to find a psychic with the abilities which can best answer your questions.

Predicting the future with accuracy is the gift of some Psychic reading. Psychics who are gifted in seeing the future can venture to help you understand your purpose and meaning in life. It is also possible you have a question about dating or marriage. These are common questions which interest callers to seek answers from psychics.

Other Psychic reading are gifted with astrology which they use as the medium to help them decipher things that influence our lives. Things an astrologer can help you with are the types of strengths and weaknesses in your destiny as it relates to the cosmic world. An astrological reading can help you find better realization in your romantic life, family life or work attempts.

Some psychics are gifted in helping people to understand misfortune and to move around the circumstances. A death, a divorce, a lost career or job are all major changes in our lives. Perhaps you will work with your psychic to find purpose in these life events and be able to move forward with a determined future.

The gift of clairvoyance is what psychics refer to as ?clear seeing?. A clairvoyant has the ability to see, feel or hear vibrations which is a kind of energy that is not a part of the average senses for most. The insights they experience are from a place outside our known world. These are usually psychics who can engage angels, spirit guides and also possess the ability to communicate with your passed loved ones.

It is wise to note that there are psychics who have practiced their gift for years. These psychics have become most comfortable in reading and understanding their cues received from another sense beyond the average human ability. These are the psychics who might be rated more highly or have a following. Since there are no certifications for an official seer, these indications might give an understanding of their ability to be helpful.

In summary, an opportunity is available for free psychic readings from qualified readers. The gifted psychics reach outside of the physical realm to receive information to be helpful to callers. Occasionally the information revealed can be about past events to draw your attention to a past challenge or blessing. Often the psychic will receive future information to help point clients in the right direction. When you choose a psychic you can select readers based on the talent which would be most beneficial.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Finance Car Loans Described In Short | welcome to ...

Nobody can argue with the fact that cars are basic necessities. This is especially true if you happen to live far away from the cities and towns, where your only means of getting to work is via ever unreliable bus plying your route. As soon as you have your first job, you would certainly entertain the idea of buying yourself a new car. In fact, you would even contemplate on allocating part of your regular salary for savings meant for it. Unless you are earning a bank manager?s salary though, which is very unlikely if it is your first job, it may take you a decade before you could get a car.

There is one easy and speedy solution though if you really want to have a car fast. This is to acquire a loan not from a bank but from a credible lending company. Finance car loans provide you access to funds that you would need to pay for your car. With this, there is simply no need for you withdraw everything from your bank account just to purchase a car. Instead, the lender would pay it for you. Of course, you are expected to pay the lender afterwards through arrangements that would not be too burdensome for you.

As mentioned earlier, you do not have to run to the bank for your finance car loans. Apparently, it is not just this financial institution that provides this type of loan. There are lending firms out there that are just as willing to give you an opportunity at owning a beautiful car.But the good thing about them is that they don?t impose interest rates that are too high.Aside from this, they also don?t need you to present too many documents and other credentials. In fact, some would not even ask you to visit their office so that you can fill up an application form. All that you have to do really is to go online and search for one such firm close to your area.

Once you have found a website of the lending company near your place that offers finance car loans, you can then begin processing your application via its web form.However, it is always wise to check out the others as well.Doing so will allow you settle with what you may think is the best. You can read about the lending company and learn about its offerings. You can compare others with it and you will be able to determine which has the lowest interest rates. Of course, it will be wise to settle with one that does not hamper you with nearly usurious interest rates. You should also be wary of hidden charges that makes the deal even more burdensome.


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Finch Canary Breeder | P ZOO

Bird keeping is a very popular pass-time throughout the world. However the demand for exotic or foreign birds in the past and mankind?s increasing intrusion has had a dramatic effect on wild stocks and their natural habitats. Fortunately new laws are being introduced throughout the world in an attempt to maintain the ecosystem and put back what has been taken.

Some time ago many wild birds were captured from wild sources to be kept in captivity with the intention of breeding for the pet, zoo and show bird markets. This unfortunately led to many wild bird species being brought to near extinction. Fortunately nowadays this activity is carefully monitored and policed around the globe which has gone some way to restoring wild stocks. Unfortunately many species are still endangered ? to a critical extent in some cases ? so careful policing and monitoring methods will need to be ongoing for many decades yet to come ? some possibly permanently. However mankind is now beginning to notice the damage done to wild animals, native plant life and natural habitats and is constantly striving to pay back what has been taken so, with optimism, things can only get better for our wildlife, however this will undoubtedly prove to be a very long task. Only with dedication and determination will this ever be achieved.

Many countries now ban the import of domestic livestock and many others impose a strict regime with regard to the matter. This is of course an absolutely necessary precaution to help achieve the desired results. This does of course mean that many previously easily available exotic or foreign pets now have to be bred in the country to meet the demand in the market. This coupled with inflation, has ultimately had an impact on the availability and cost associated with each species; They?re not as cheap as they used to be! However many exotic or foreign pet birds are readily available for the right price with the most popular breeds being the least costly.

Many people keep birds as pets and many new enthusiasts are appearing all the time so the market is by no means saturated and there is still much demand. This assures that breeding conditions are being improved continuously with new technology being incorporated to improve the chances of success. Also many private breeders are making use of the demand to help fund the cost of their bird keeping ventures. Mass breeding is still going on but fortunately new regimes are often being incorporated to improve the living conditions of birds in captivity, sometimes brought on by the influence of animal rights activity, but this is a good thing and can only help.

To summarise almost anyone with a desire to keep exotic or foreign birds for whatever reason can find many to choose from and some at little cost. Almost every pet shop in the civilised world will have a stock of pet bird related foods and equipment. Bird keeping is proving to be a desirable pass-time with a massive market to meet demand.

About the Author

For more bird keeping related issues please email me with your questions.

More information can be found in my new pet bird keeping ebook available now, visit to get your copy.

Go to to visit my bird keeping blog


Pete Etheridge
Nottinghamshire, UK

Keeper and breeder of pet birds for 10 years.

Offering information and advice on all aspects of bird keeping.

Canary/Finch breeding 2011

Stack and Lock Double Breeder Cage

Stack and Lock Double Breeder Cage


Perfect for breeding new birds; these cages feature a 4? nesting box door on each side, along with a removable center divider to keep birds separated. Unique ?feet? allow for safe and secure stacking to keep space minimal. Includes 2 food/water cups and 1 plastic perch. Pull-out bottom grille and tray to clean messes easily. Cage measures 23?? x 10?? x 14?(12?? high from grille to top of cage) ?

Canary/Finch Feather Care 10.5Oz

Canary/Finch Feather Care 10.5Oz


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Fiesta Food Canary/Finch - 2 Pound

Fiesta Food Canary/Finch ? 2 Pound


Fiesta canary and finch formula provides essential nutrients in a mixture of high quality fruits, nuts, vegetables, specialt. Ingredients:Canary Grass Seed, Small Yellow Millet, Niger Seed, Flax Seed, Steel Cut Oat Groats, White Millet, Red Millet, Hulled Seesame, Sunflower Seed, Rape Seed, Calcium Carbonate, Dehydrated Carrots, Caraway Seed, Fennel Seed, Lettuce Seed, Poppy Seed, Etc.Size:&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Pound

eCotrition Essential Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb

eCotrition Essential Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb


eCOTRITION Essential Bird Food ? Canary/Finch For the benefit of your colorful, beautiful friend, eCOTRITION Essential Blend for Canaries and Finches is enriched with the proper balance of vitamins and minerals to meet a canary or finch?s unique nutritional needs. This wholesome mix of seeds, veggies, fruits and pellets is specially formulated to delight your bird?s palate and provide the daily variety and stimulation your bird needs to flourish. Advanced, complete nutrition promotes growth and maintains overall good health and well-being Features: ? A combination of delicious tastes and textures that your bird will love ? Mimics a bird?s natural diet ? Convenient and easy to feed ? Zip-close bag retains freshness ? Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 12 lb (6 bags of 2lbs) Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min.) 15.0% Crude Fat (min.) 12.0% Crude Fiber (max.) 8.0% Moisture (max.) 12.0%

eCotrition Essential Canary/Finch Bird Food 12lbs

eCotrition Essential Canary/Finch Bird Food 12lbs


eCOTRITION Essential Bird Food ? Canary/Finch For the benefit of your colorful, beautiful friend, eCOTRITION Essential Blend for Canaries and Finches is enriched with the proper balance of vitamins and minerals to meet a canary or finch?s unique nutritional needs. This wholesome mix of seeds, veggies, fruits and pellets is specially formulated to delight your bird?s palate and provide the daily variety and stimulation your bird needs to flourish. Advanced, complete nutrition promotes growth and maintains overall good health and well-being Features: ? A combination of delicious tastes and textures that your bird will love ? Mimics a bird?s natural diet ? Convenient and easy to feed ? Zip-close bag retains freshness ? Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 12 lb (6 bags of 2lbs) Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min.) 15.0% Crude Fat (min.) 12.0% Crude Fiber (max.) 8.0% Moisture (max.) 12.0%

eCotrition Organic Canary/Finch Bird Food Case

eCotrition Organic Canary/Finch Bird Food Case


eCotrition Organic Bird Food ? Canary/Finch Specially formulated to help your bird flourish, the eCotrition Organic Bird Food features ingredients grown in a chemical-free environment and guaranteed 100% natural. Free of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, organic foods are fresh tasting and high in vitamin content. Organic fruits and vegetables have been shown to have a higher vitamin content than their non-organic equivalent. Features: ? USDA Certified Organic ? Naturally preserved ? Zip-close bag retains freshness Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 2 lb. ? Case of 6

eCotrition Organic Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb

eCotrition Organic Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb


eCotrition Organic Bird Food ? Canary/Finch Specially formulated to help your bird flourish, the eCotrition Organic Bird Food features ingredients grown in a chemical-free environment and guaranteed 100% natural. Free of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, organic foods are fresh tasting and high in vitamin content. Organic fruits and vegetables have been shown to have a higher vitamin content than their non-organic equivalent. Features: ? USDA Certified Organic ? Naturally preserved ? Zip-close bag retains freshness Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 2 lb. ? Case of 6

8 in 1 eCOTRITION Canary/Finch Fruit & Seed Treat

8 in 1 eCOTRITION Canary/Finch Fruit & Seed Treat


8 in 1 eCOTRITION Canary/Finch 8 in 1?s eCOTRITION Canary/Finch Treat is a wholesome snack a bird lover can feel good about. Three specially selected blends of seeds, grains, fruits and veggies are vitamin and mineral enriched to promote the long-term health of your canary or finch. Choose Fruit ?N? Seed and delight your feathered friend. Features: ? Developed specially to suit the unique nutritional needs of cockatiels ? Delicious flavors to entice and satisfy ? Can be served mixed into regular food or on its own as a special treat ? A wide variety of ingredients simulates the natural diet of the species ? No artificial preservatives ? Stay fresh canister keeps flavor in and retains nutritive benefits Item Specifications: Size: 8 oz. Flavors: Fruit ?N? Seed

FortiDiet ProHealth Canary Finch - Songbird  - Jar - 8 oz.

FortiDiet ProHealth Canary Finch ? Songbird ? Jar ? 8 oz.


Forti-diet ProHealth Canary Finch Songbird is nature?s variety jar, nutritionally formulated to give singing birds what they need to fill your home with beautiful melodies. ProHealth formulas have the added benefits of Omega 3?s for heart, brain and eye function, and prebiotics and probiotics for optimal digestive health.

L/M Bonanza Canary and Finch Gourmet Diet Food - 2 lb.

L/M Bonanza Canary and Finch Gourmet Diet Food ? 2 lb.


L/M Animal Farms offers your canary or finch complete nutrition, healthy skin, brighter feathers and improved overall health. Made from 15 different vegetables seeds and grains including millet, carrots, parsley and more. Supplemented with Vita-Bits vitamin and mineral pellets for maximum nutrition.

Exact Rainbow Food For Canary/Finch

Exact Rainbow Food For Canary/Finch


Kaytee Exact Rainbow Is A Nutritious Bird Food Developed to Provide the Highest Quality Ingredients with Added Nutrients. Be sure to discard any uneaten portions daily. Product is made with Ground Corn, Ground Oat Groats, Ground Wheat, Wheat Middlings, Corn Gluten Meal, Dried Whole Egg, Dried Beet Pulp, Corn Oil, Fish Meal, Corn Sugar, Calcium Carbonate, Wheat Germ Meal, Dicalcium Phosphate, Etc.Size:&nbsp;&nbsp;10 x 5.25 x 4.25

Vita Finch Bird Food - 2 lb.

Vita Finch Bird Food ? 2 lb.


Vita Seed?s blend of appropriately sized seeds, grains and vegetables make it the breeder?s choice for your Finch. Only top grade ingredients are used for optimal nutrition.

Vita Finch Feed 2.5Lb

Vita Finch Feed 2.5Lb


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eCotrition Color Boost Canary/Finch Bird Food Case

eCotrition Color Boost Canary/Finch Bird Food Case


eCotrition Color Boost Bird Food ? Canary/Finch Help your bird produce natural bright, brilliant plumage to express their natural true bright color with eCotrition Color Boost Bird Food. Color Boost is a function-specific scientific formula that includes natural ingredients such as marigold petals, peppers, and carrots to provide everything needed to enhance pigmentation which brings out the colors in birds? feathers. Features: ? Natural ingredients ? Enhances pigmentation for beautiful feathers ? Zip-close bag retains freshness ? Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 2 lb. ? Case of 6

eCotrition Color Boost Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb

eCotrition Color Boost Canary/Finch Bird Food 2lb


eCotrition Color Boost Bird Food ? Canary/Finch Help your bird produce natural bright, brilliant plumage to express their natural true bright color with eCotrition Color Boost Bird Food. Color Boost is a function-specific scientific formula that includes natural ingredients such as marigold petals, peppers, and carrots to provide everything needed to enhance pigmentation which brings out the colors in birds? feathers. Features: ? Natural ingredients ? Enhances pigmentation for beautiful feathers ? Zip-close bag retains freshness ? Made in the U.S.A. Item Specifications: Size: 2 lb. 2 lb. ? Case of 6


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Monday, September 19, 2011

Top Women in Winter Sports | Oval Egg Articles

This composition sheds some daylight on "Top Women in Winter Sports". It's just nowadays that folks are beginning to know about Recreation and Sports, talking about it on much larger degree. Beforehand this subject matter was not that talked about. Generally for the reason that individuals associated with the subject matter did not do enough. Acquire thorough advantage of invaluable knowledge in this article and please take time to comprehend it from top to bottom instead of just skimming through it.

The writer Abraham David is responsible for producing this piece of content If you want to take this write-up please make sure you put a link back to this web page. Article on "Top Women in Winter Sports" starts after this.

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Often the focus of winter sports winners are men, but there are plenty of woman that have excelled in the various sporting events as well. The top speed skater is Bonnie Blair who has amazed crowds for years with her unbelievable speed and agility. When she was only 18 years old she competed in the World Cup event. However, this was just the tip of the iceberg for what was to come.

At the age of 19, Blair competed in the Winter Olympic Games and finished in 8th place. For the next twelve years which covered three more Winter Olympic Games Blair walked away with a total of five gold medals and one bronze. She holds the record for the woman with the most gold medals from the Winter Olympic Games.

Sonja Henie became the youngest woman to win a gold medal in the Winter Olympic Games in 1928. She earned the gold medal in the figure skating competition This was a title she held until 1998 when Tara Lipinski won a gold medal. She was two months younger than Henie at that time. Henie also holds the record for being the only female figure skater to win three gold medals in three consecutive Winter Olympic Games.

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It is believed she could have continued winning them but after her gold medal win in 1936 she announced she was leaving the Olympics to become a professional skater. She enjoyed performing in various movies and touring shows that involved ice skating until she died in the late 1960?s due to Leukemia.

In 1960 skier Penny Pitou became the first USA winner of a gold medal in the downhill ski event. This was quite a success in 1960 because very few women were competing in the ski events at the Olympic Games at that time. The fact that she was able to walk away with a gold medal in an event that no male had earned one was an even greater accomplishment for women in the USA. She quickly became a role model for girls that wanted to one day win an Olympic gold medal.

Dorothy Hamill is well known for her performances at the Winter Olympics in the area of figure skating. She went on to be a professional figure skater and paved the way for others. She created amazing moves that quickly became very popular in the various figure skating events. One of them is called the Hamill Camel which is a very daring combination of spins that she incorporated into her early routines.

She won four professional figure skating titles before retiring from the ice. After that she went on to purchase various ice skating facilities so she could offer lessons to others interested in the area of figure skating. These facilities offer lessons for a very affordable cost as she realized all too well that excellent figure skaters were having to leave their dreams behind as they didn?t have the thousands of dollars it took each year to pay for a good quality coach.

Laurie Baker became quite popular in 2002 when she helped the USA woman?s ice hockey team beat China with a score of 12 to 1. She scored two of those 12 points and was credited with assisting other players on her team with others. Since ice hockey has mainly be viewed as a game for men to play, this was a great success for the USA team. It really helped spectators to take notice of women in this particular winter sport.

There are plenty more outstanding women that have contributed to winter sports. The lines are starting to be crossed more and more so particular sports aren?t deem for men only anymore. Having female role models is very important for young women so they can believe it is possible to achieve their dreams. As a result you can expect to see plenty more women excel in the areas of different winter sports.


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