Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quincy Dentist ? How to Properly Floss Teeth ? Article Qualify

Basic dental care includes brushing your teeth after each meal, flossing your teeth immediately after every meal and consistent visit to the dentist like Quincy Dentist every six months for dental examination.

A smile is the best option to change your looks for the better and owning a healthy and pearly white teeth are the best means to have an attractive smile. Right after eating, food dirt get stuck on the gums plus between the teeth and gum spaces. These build up and with the microorganisms in the mouth area develops what we call plaques. Dental plaques can damage the gums and in the end destroy the teeth.

Brushing your teeth solely allows you to remove the food particles tangled on the surface of your teeth and gums. Nonetheless, it could not remove food debris that are between teeth and between your gums and teeth. In fact a great scaling and polishing done by a dental expert can?t penetrate those fine gaps that a dental floss are able to.

The more jagged your teeth, the tougher you need to work to floss away the dirt that hides in between the teeth.

In this article I will teach you on how to floss your teeth properly as recommended by many dental experts like the Quincy Dentists.

1. First you must make certain you make use of floss that?s clean and new. Dental floss that?s old and brittle splits very easily and also unable to eliminate the particles between your teeth. Remember to put your floss in a clean and dry place.

2. Have a sufficient length of floss in between your fingers so you can curl the two ends around your fingertips and have a good grip on the floss. The better your grip, the more thoroughly you are able to eliminate all the particles. In contrast to tooth-brushing, no toothpaste is required.

3. Gently thread the floss into the space between your teeth and gums and work your way up to the space between your teeth. Stroke each side a few times to make sure all food particles are removed. Unlike brushing your teeth, do not use a vigorous jiggling action to avoid cutting your gums.

4. Rinse off your mouth completely to remove almost all food particles. Proper disposal of used floss is highly encouraged as well as washing of hands after flossing

5. Make sure you floss after each meal, or at least once a day for good dental hygiene as encouraged by many dental experts like the Quincy Dentists. Remember, your floss and your toothbrushes are your teeth?s best friend. Regular brushing and flossing will reduce painful visits to the dentist.

I?m a freelance writer and loves to write about dental health and dental care coming form this great Quincy Dentists.


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