Tuesday, December 11, 2012

S & C Family: Crazy Couple of Days

Thursday evening was book club at my house.? We are not normally a wine-drinking group, but I broke out a bottle Thursday evening.? I needed it.? And 2 others joined in with me.? Book club was lovely.? And it was even better since Nana and Papa let the girls stay the night with them.? And they were asleep by 7:15....so I'm sure we would have kept them awake had they been here.?

With the girls at my parents' house Friday morning, I was able to finish baking for the baby shower without the "help."? I was so ready for the shower that I took a nap Friday afternoon.? I figured it was the only way I was going to get Edee to nap.? So all 3 of us girls slept in my bed together.? It was great!?

Friday evening I went to see the best show I've seen in awhile....Les Mis.? After having season tickets to Theater League and Starlight for over 10 years, I'm seen about 100 shows.? And this was one of the best!? The entire cast was amazing!? Normally I don't like 1 actor, but love another.? Not so with this cast.? They were all wonderful!? I had really high expectations going in, so I was worried.? But it did not disappoint.?

Saturday morning was the baby shower.? Everything turned out lovely.? I over-baked, but I always seem to do that.? I want to have variety, but that just gives us too much.

While I was away, Steve managed to get Edee to nap.? He said she went down easily too.? What am I doing wrong!?!

The rest of Saturday I spent recovering.? We really didn't do much. ?

Sunday Steve stayed home with Edee from church.? She actually had a bit of temperature late Saturday.? And with the lack of a nap last Sunday, we decided they would stay home.? After church, Mallory and I went to Gardner Lake for a family gathering.? There were way too many people in my Aunt Darlene's house.? But it was nice.? Mallory had fun playing with my cousins' kids.?

Steve managed to get Edee to take a nap on Sunday as well.? So we decided to head to Christmas in the Park at Longview Lake.? It was great!? We timed it just right.? We left our house at 4:30, arrived there just before 5.? The lights don't open until 5:30.? So we hung out for a bit while the sun went down.? We were actually 12th in line.? Perfect!? It only took us 20 minutes to drive through the lights and we were heading back home before 6:00.?

Source: http://scfam.blogspot.com/2012/12/crazy-couple-of-days.html

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