Thursday, May 10, 2012

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Cong and forest in the classroom problem of Zhumadian youth Mei Hongwei in the mountains and built a farm ,workers and their 4 children at home ,have dedicated teachers to bring their .Journalist You Xiaopeng venturi core tip in many parents also think how to famous kindergartens ,primary school children into focus when Nanyang began to settle ,two parents of children at home unique practice class .
More than a year in the past, although the periphery still has different view ,but two parents more determined their choice ,or even to take the kids to the college entrance examination .Search on the Internet ,home school in recent years has become the social hot words .
In Beijing ,Shanghai ,Guangdong ,the existence of a large number of students in the home school case ,covering kindergarten to high school stages .Home school behind the heat ,many parents of school education a lot of dissatisfaction and frustration .
tutor children don being late for school in the morning, Nanyang high streets and back lanes enveloped in the haze ,the road was crowded with hurried way to school students and parents .
After the peak ,a middle-aged man on a motorcycle with his son set out ,his face is not other people that with the time for panic .Both of them were not afraid to be late, because of the time in their own hands .
From last year, at the age of 36, Li Hongwei resigned his teaching post, specifically with her 7 year old son forest home school ,the venue in the home 20 minutesa borrowed house .There, there is a girl Congcong classes together ,two parents who teach arts ,who teaches science .
He than the forest ,compared with children of their own age ,two people are more stocky .In Li Hongwei ,this is because the home school sleep well, did not delay the long body .The classroom is about 30 square meters house ,no heating ,no piano, not even the blackboard .
A few desks were attached to the wall ,above the loose a few of the new concept primary school textbook .A single cabinet standing on the other side ,there were dozens of books ,have Ruixue sun kindergarten books love and freedom ,also has a rime translation magical animal world ,the book corner had been worn curled .
On the wall hang 4 map:Nanyang ,Henan ,China ,the world .And the southern city in home education caused by price overhead impression is different, the condition here is general ,slightly extravagant is a laptop computer ,however ,the 80% time was used to teaching ,and occasionally for the children to play the game .
practice teacher little homework this is an English class .The two children sat quietly at the table read a book ,teaching new concept english .Two courses are not consistent ,forest science is the first grade ,he was the third grade .
The teacher Li Hongwei didn children were more like in the self-study ,encountered do not understand ,can ask questions .According to Li Hongwei, then returned to the essence of Education :learning is the main body of students ,not only will instill teacher .
An hour passed quickly ,then half an hour ,the children is very relaxed ,run ,will not be the father called the teacher -- it is time to .The following is a hands-on course ,by father Cheng Chuantao teacher rating .
A pale yellow straw and the rubber band ,in three human hands soon turned into various geometric models ,children in the controversy ,is like a house or a train .By eleven thirty ,time to go home, two children be left with nothing whatsoever ,bounce followed his father to go home to eat .
They do not have the basic bag ,because the teacher very little homework, even if there is ,also with the unrelated ,or observe a phenomenon of life ,or search the Internet some things ,full of fun and not time consuming .
From this semester, they also like the other kids for the weekend ,because his father arranged weekend activities is to visit the places of historic interest and scenic beauty of Nanyang county .
Genesis child big feet, little school shoes Li Hongwei from Xinyang in 1999 after graduating fromcollege ,a private high school in Nanyang when the English teacher for 10 years ,before resigning is teaching the backbone, a monthly salary of three thousand or four thousand yuan .
However ,his ideas and school education are farther and farther ,especially in 2004after birth. I found ,have the initiative and children at school are hard to find ,a seventy or eighty class of ten to be good .
Li Hongwei felt ,examination-oriented education under the guidance of the child is the chickens on the chicken farm ,when you drink ,when eating arrangements are good ,without any active and hardship consciousness .
Li Hongwei did not want to become such a forest .He did not let the children in kindergarten, but the use of work with child literacy ,play and leisure .He found time to play ,children not only more than school ,learning efficiency is very high ,forest at the age of 4 literacyhas reached 2000,can read newspaper, hands-on ,thinking ability is relatively strong .
In 2010 September,hold to the school last hope ,Li Hongwei took his son into a public primary school reading of the first grade ,but his son to the school teaching is obviously out of habit ,afraid to school children ,big feet, little school shoes .
One reason ,fit in easily with a chance, Li Hongwei had decided to take his daughter home school .Cheng Chuantao from Nanyang teachers college physics graduate, spent three years as a high school teacher ,and later engaged in youth work of innovation of science and technology ,every year, with a number of elementary and middle school students in the national science and technology innovation competition ,many awards .
Because of their own work, Cheng Chuantao had been almost all Nanyang city schools ,and many teachers quite well .On the education of insight ,so he got their children thought ,I don take the time to teach the child ,but the school is not trust .
Cheng Chuantao lets the child in the home ,with their deep love for science was not concerned .Although quality education for many years ,but everything is still in test scores . In schools, children hands-on interest and innovation ability are naturally or half unconsciously to weaken .
Cheng Chuantao said ,a president had told him ,school science teacher is sick and elderly pregnancy .There is a school for science course examination ,directly to the answer on the blackboard to let children copy .
In Cheng Chuantao ,at home ,his popular science education can let the child truly comprehensive development .Li Cheng two a text ,fit in easily with . results a piece of paper out of my mother in autumn 2010, the children home school class .
Previously, Li Hongwei quietly resigned ,not tell colleagues reason .Cheng Chuantao used his spare time to two children .Some people say ,with children in the home school great ,sacrifice yourself ,focusing on the children do not say ,can foster children is a problem .
Regardless of whether the great ,first great pressure .Although the family was relatively prosperous ,but Li Hongwei do the doctor didn support it .In the husband persist in wilfully and arbitrarily half a year later ,a paper dispelled her fears .
He let his wife from a nearby state-run primary school in borrowed the final exams to do her own child ,Proctor ,changed volume .The results ,the son of Chinese mathematics scored 95 points ,had 97 points, 80to 100ofthe school class standard ,which belongs to the outstanding .
Let her relieved another point is that ,although the teaching methods are very different from the school ,but the children are not completely put aside school textbooks ,but only 1/3 of the time,the rest of the time free arrangement .
Cheng Chuantao to the reporters to see the children program, a large Chinese ,mathematics ,English ,science ,music ,sports and social practice ,practice teaching .Cheng Chuantao said ,some outside of home schooling in the case, the children learn is the teaching materials or simply reading ,he felt too divorced from reality ,school textbooks is not nothing is right .
What is language ?Cheng Chuantao explained ,they do not have the history ,geography ,these are incorporated into Chinese . expectations future children having a test in three also accept relatives and friends to worry about ,the children lack of playmates ,character and communicative competence adverse ;and father children ,will be too loose ;children are small ,with a strap may be ,what is to be done? Two parents are on their own to take children to college entrance examination ability no doubt .
Come down one year ,Cheng Chuantao says frankly ,children sometimes will feel lonely ,lonely ,sometimes hours long ,task when the quantity also distracted ,but the course and schedule is flexible ,can adjust .
Recently, he and Li Hongwei also in reflection ,if a few more children to read together will be better .In fact ,in Beijing ,Shanghai ,Guangdong and other places ,many parents are doing the same thing with them ,even in Nanyang ,they are not alone .
Last summer ,the media has reported a home schooling in 11Nanyang girlsschool problems due to attend the university entrance exam blocked things ,finally obtain reference qualification ,it passed the two line .
However ,two of parents do not worry about children credentials ,children have school ,still hangs in the school ;in addition ,even if not, young people can also participate in college entrance examination .
Cheng Chuantao put his education pattern is defined as public education under the beneficial supplement and exploration ,says he does not lack the theory ,is the lack of adherence to .According to this mentality ,not sedulous pursuit in Peking University ,Tsinghua University, the child will be healthy, it will be successful .
Child in the senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination she like professional proficiency in a particular line ,learn ,can live independently, can be .Speaking to the daughter ,Cheng Chuantao does not require a high, she having a test in two ,the three are able to accept ,even in the University interrupt their studies to put her career can also love .
Because I believe ,she won the independent personality ,have their own judgement ,to know what is love and right, can live well .Home school whether walk out of grey areas ?Core tip &nbsp ;&nbsp ;school-age children at home and school ,and the current compulsory education law is inconsistent ,but all sorts of risks ,but could not prevent more and more parents attempt .
The reporter investigates discovery ,home schooling in diverse forms, all kinds of ,incumbents have parents ,there are investors ,there are still holding on ,also have exited cloudily .Some scholars believe that ,with reference to foreign practices ,ought to consider legislation licensing and standards .
1 home schoolwind unboiled water is not only the parents in Nanyang ,in recent years ,in Beijing ,Shanghai ,Guangdong ,Zhejiang ,Jiangsu ,Hubei ,Yunnan, the existence of a large number of home school examples .
Home school topic ,when found in newspapers .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;2009,Zhejiang, Yiwu businessman Xu Xuejin to give up his work ,at home to do the school ,professional education of children .
He founded the home school alliance has become a site of domestic scholars at home on the largest gathering of communication .The reporter noticed ,Henan Province, Zhengzhou ,Xinxiang ,Nanyang ,Xinyang and other places, have a home school practice .
A Zhengzhou home school QQ group ,more than 70 people .Currently at home and school mainly has three forms: one is completely by the parents as teachers take their children or relatives ;two by the parents to initiate, leased space ,engaging with their concept of the teacher to teach the child ;three is composed of identity in the home school idea to set up investment, higher fees .
But no matter which kind of forms ,in the educational qualifications are mishap -- undocumented .Education means, roughly divided into three types: one is not from school textbooks ,attention to other aspects of investment and education ,lower input ;two is the original teaching materials ,class is all ready, invest more ,also very expensive travel ;three is to study ,mainly to learn classical Chinese classics and Western classic .
Home school heat also caused concern education field .Sohu recently in a study in home network survey ,as of February 24th ,survey, 77% of parentsthought at home ,but failed to carry out limited conditions ,7% of the parentshas been implemented ,only 16% of parents think that school education mode most suitable for children .
2 low-key,just warm atmosphere compared with online communication ,in reality, homeschooling practice is very low-key .At the beginning of this year ,Zhengzhou City, 10parents with their childrenin a rural suburb of rented a piece of ground ,launched its own kindergarten .
These children age ,parents are teachers ,therefore ,these children will be less than the outside those concentration camp ordinary children more happiness .However ,they do not want to know the outside world .
Zhengzhou city another pursues Hua Telford education idea ,in the small circle famous kindergartens popular parents pursued ,however ,their number has always been in control of the dozens of people .
The person in charge after weighing ,declined reporter visit request .Disclose according to him ,the school was not registered by the neighbors complained ,distress ,the relevant departments have to check a few times .
Low-key low-key ,again ,has become many practitioners adhere to guidelines .Many in the educational institutions of the founder, is also interested in the control scale .At present, the reporter learned that the Zhengzhou three by parents for their children education and founder of preschool children ,with not more than 12,with only a few less .
28 year old Xiao Zeng ,in 2009 when Shenzhen works,exposure to home school philosophy .Young had a learning experience for him, not only for this new teaching way and the concept of shock, also feel that this is a devoted .
The second half of last year in Zhengzhou ,he set a few like-minded teachers ,ready to run all not in school education, elementary school .A recently opened ,more than propaganda on the internet .
Founded at the beginning, Xiao Zeng felt the system outside school difficulties ,government school conditions on size ,site ,teacher qualification have strict requirements ,the school is difficult to mark, and if the pursuit of standards ,school quality ,teaching content and mode basically had to return to a system of education .
This is the current domestic private school founder facing operation paradox .3 not everyoneat home with the children at home ,at least for many parents brought the idea of the change ,many parents itch for a try .
In the years of early childhood education work of Ai Hua ,a recent experience is like a mother ,the child is only 4 years old ,but she has been around for primary school children .On home schooling in the long-term concern, allows her to school very picky .
Ai Hua frankly ,at present also failed to find suitable . At home with the children not only have a cavity blood can be .Ai Hua thinks ,parents want to out of school children at home ,to have at least six conditions: first ,on the growth of children ,should have a clear plan ,must be reasonable ;two ,have good patience and emotion control ability ,because the child will not obey you ;three ,should have the professional background ,with course teaching ability ;four ,have good social skills ,home school their children in a relatively closed ,the parents become its handle social affairs ability only teacher ,a lot of influence is invisible ;five ,can give children find fixed playmates ;six ,have executive ability ,empty concept to implement also not .
Ai Hua here ,is not the lack of examples of failure .In the interview, talking about whether he regretted the decision from the school ,Nanyang City, a reading mechanism founder also says frankly ,had to send their children to the field study, estranged family, father and children relationship was quite stiff .
Children are changing ,we did not follow change .In addition ,homeschooling means in the energy and money than school much higher input .Circle of famous Yunnan Dali Cangshan school ,tuition is tentatively scheduled for day 40000 yuan per year,at 50000 yuan,Shenzhen house price is approximately the same in school .
In Zhengzhou, the reporter interviewed several school ,although the walk is civilian route ,charges are in over 1800 yuan per month .4 scholarsshould attempt to legislate licensing and regulation in early January this year ,the second home school self-help education exchange in Cangshan ,from across the country more than 100 parents andeducators to attend the meeting, some educational research institutions also give attention tracking .
Sohu Education Channel Survey, to accept home school phenomenon of this one problem, 80.61% of the participantsexpressed that they could accept ,think this is a kind of new education mode discuss .
In the face of rising home school topic ,the education sector is very awkward .A local education officials told reporters ,hand most school no school procedures ,which belongs to the law school ,while on the other hand stop school constantly, give Repeng parents or in the minority .
The embarrassment of not only them, reporter discovered in the interview that ,teachers are practicing at home the biggest crowd .Under this background ,some scholars put forward the reference of foreign practice ,ought to consider legislation licensing and regulations in the home school .
As everyone knows ,some places such as the United States will allow education at home ,but the family education has a standard ,such as parents should use the approved textbooks ,students in basic subjects ,should be regularly to the relevant agencies to report the condition of the students, a student must attend a certain public education .
The famous educators ,twenty-first Century Education Research Institute Vice President Xiong Bingqi thinks ,our country should start Compulsory Education Law revised ,allowing students in the school education, family education, but also is necessary for this kind of education at home were clearly defined ,while the parents teaching qualification ,at home in the quality of supervision are clear ,avoid expedites illegal running and school-age children drop out of school .
No legislative protection at home ,is unlikely to be developed ,only in the gray zone walk ,in an embarrassing situation .In February 23rd, reporters call the national Ministry of education ,said a staff member ,the Ministry of education also pays close attention to very much at home ,but in 2006 the compulsory education lawwas revised ,restart the amendment will not be so quickly ,but also necessary to restart procedure .
In addition ,foreign allows homeschooling state is only a part, but also provides a lot of harsh conditions .Therefore ,in the home school legislation more complex .To share: welcome to

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