Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Scream And Shout Music Video

Britney Spears has a new music video out with Will.i.am called Scream and Shout. The single leaked early but had a great response. The music video isn’t set to release till Wednesday, where it will premiere on XFactor, but there is a teaser and it looks great. Britney looks hot! Britney teased fans with some images, and promised to follow as many people as she could, if they made the single promo their profile pic. That is unique marketing! With all that being said, y personal opinion of the song is = blah. it isn’t bad – but it is nothing new. It sounds like a song off of her last album and it just isn’t doing anything for me. I kind of expected big things with a collaboration with Will.i.am but it just fell short for me. Will.i.am seems amped about it though tweeting over the weekend, “I just saw the final video for #screamANDshout…I’m so happy and excited for everyone to see it…this week is going to be a good week,” will tweeted over the weekend. The single is off of his forthcoming solo album, #willpower, which also features collabs with Justin Bieber and Ne-Yo. I am definitely [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/k3buVOBQvWY/

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Opening Your Mind To Spirituality ? Self Improvement - Bryan

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Source: http://burris2274.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/opening-your-mind-to-spirituality-self-improvement.html

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Source: http://implosion-linefeed.blogspot.com/2012/11/opening-your-mind-to-spirituality-self.html

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The Web Is A Great Place To Discover More About Home Businesses

Achieving success at a home-based business is not everyone?s fortune, but don?t let that prevent you from giving it a try. At this time you simply need a computer to create, for a really low cost, a business that you can manage from home. It won?t take much at all. You need a small dose of determination to do the research, and a high-speed, low-cost internet access. A computer-based business has a global reach with unlimited consumers, whereas a traditional business is confined to local custom and has pricey set-up expenses. Everyone in the world with internet access is a potential client.

Click here if you?d like more information.

There are many ways to get your toes wet if you?re really considering a business on the Internet. To make a start you certainly don?t need to be an IT nerd, but being familiar with using a laptop or computer would be useful. Quite often, generating an income online has nothing to do with your technical skills, but with how much you know about the things you like doing. A good example of a web business for folks who are very good at writing would be doing copy writing. Content is often in demand, so a writer could also work on a freelance basis, obtaining writing jobs from individuals who are no good at it. All you need to do is look for those individuals who have a need, such as content, and supply it for them. Write down a few samples of your work and then do a bit of promoting, and you will be in business.

Online auction web sites are another avenue from which a large number of people are making good money. You can acquire items at wholesale value and sell them at full price, or you may already have products suitable for selling online. Getting your product offers looked at by customers is taken care of for you by places like eBay and other online auction sites. Your job is firstly to figure out a price and list your product, then wait for the sales. Once the buyer makes the purchase, you will receive the payment and then complete the purchase by sending the purchaser their merchandise.

Life is getting a lot easier in lots of ways through the advances in technology. The advent of the pc has put ownership of a business within the reach of ordinary folks. The Internet has everything you need to start a business. It offers access to products you can sell as well as information that shows you how to do it. If you could identify a business model that appeals to you and apply it to your own start-up business, that would be great.

Instead of a fulltime business you could just be after another income stream, which the Internet caters for handsomely. Spend a little time on your computer seeking information on starting an online business, and you will find lots of it. Get started on your research and you could soon begin making some cash.

Source: http://emelyblevins.getcoldfeet.com/2012/11/25/the-web-is-a-great-place-to-discover-more-about-home-businesses/

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Source: http://leswiley.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/the-web-is-a-great-place-to-discover-more-about-home-businesses.html

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Bell, Virgin Mobile Canada reportedly start unlocking iPhones, at a steep cost

Bell, Virgin Mobile Canada to start unlocking iPhones, at a steep cost

Canadians have had the option to buy a factory-unlocked iPhone for awhile, but liberating Apple's handset after the sale has been officially limited to Rogers and Fido customers. As long as MobileSyrup's leak is the real deal, though, subscribers to Bell and its Virgin Mobile branch can spring for an unlock as of today. That's good news for many, although the hurdle is once again the carrier's desire to keep customers from jumping ship. Those pursuing an unlock will supposedly need to be out of contract, skip any prepaid plans and pay a $75 fee -- in short, they're more likely to derestrict an old, well-worn iPhone than the iPhone 5 they bought last week. We'll just be happy to have another route to hardware independence, and hope that the mention of widened unlock eligibility in 2013 is more than just a rumor.

Filed under: , ,


Source: MobileSyrup

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/7yEUnZeXXOI/

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Monday, November 26, 2012

kattyws Site - Motivational, Inspirational, And Self-improvement ...

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Source: http://flowersjewel266.typepad.com/blog/2012/11/kattyws-site-motivational-inspirational-and-self-improvement.html

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Congo says no talks with rebels unless they quit Goma

GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Congo said on Sunday it would not negotiate with M23 rebels in the east until they pulled out of the city of Goma, but a rebel spokesman said Kinshasa was in no position to set conditions on peace talks.

Congolese President Joseph Kabila met with M23 for the first time on Saturday after an urgent summit in Uganda where regional leaders gave M23 two days to leave Goma, which the rebels seized six days ago after U.N.-backed government troops melted away.

Eight months into a rebellion that U.N. experts say is backed by neighboring Rwanda, the rebels have so far shown no sign of quitting the lakeside city of one million people.

The rebels say they plan to march on other cities in the east, and then strike out across the country to the capital Kinshasa, across 1,000 miles of dense jungle with few roads, a daunting feat achieved 15 years ago by Kabila's father.

Amani Kabasha, a spokesman for M23's political arm, welcomed the meeting with Kabila but questioned the government's resolve to end a crisis that risks engulfing the region.

"Why put conditions on talks? You pose conditions when you are in a position of strength. Is the government really in such a position?" Kabasha told Reuters in Goma, which sits on the north shore of Lake Kivu at Congo's eastern border with Rwanda.

Vianney Kazarama, the rebels' military spokesman, said government forces that had been reinforcing along the shores of the lake were now deploying in hills around the rebel held town of Sake and government-held Minova, both Goma's west.

A U.N. source in Minova said government soldiers had gone on a looting spree for a second straight night there. The town was calm on Sunday but gunshots rang out overnight, the source said.

"What is real is that the morale of the troops is very low. They've lost hope in the commanders," the U.N. source said.

The Congolese army has vowed to launch counter-offensives and win back lost territory. The rebels have warned the government against embarking on a "new military adventure".

So far, the unruly and poorly-led army has been little match for the rebels, despite assistance from a U.N. peacekeeping mission that deployed attack helicopters to support the government before Goma fell.

Rebel leaders share ethnic ties with the Tutsi leadership of Rwanda, a small but militarily capable neighbor that intervened often in eastern Congo in the 18 years since Hutu perpetrators of Rwanda's genocide took shelter there. Rwanda has repeatedly denied Congolese and U.N. accusations it is behind M23.

Saturday's Kampala summit called on the rebels to abandon their aim of toppling the government and proposed that government troops be redeployed inside Goma.

The rebels have not explicitly rejected or accepted the proposals. They are, however, unlikely to cede control of the city or accept government soldiers inside it.


Regional and international leaders are trying to halt the latest bout of violence in eastern Congo, where millions have died of hunger and disease in nearly two decades of fighting fuelled by local and regional politics, ethnic rifts and competition for reserves of gold, tin and coltan.

"Negotiations will start after the (M23) withdrawal from Goma," Congolese government spokesman Lambert Mende said.

Kabila was still in the Ugandan capital on Sunday morning but was expected to return to Kinshasa later in the day or on Monday, two Congo government sources said. Kabila's communications chief Andre Ngwej said he did not believe official talks would start in the next few days.

While Kabila's army is on the back foot, analysts are skeptical the rebels can make good on their threat to march on Kinshasa without major support from foreign backers.

The regional leaders' plan proposed deploying a joint force at Goma airport comprising of a company of neutral African troops, a company of the Congolese army (FARDC) and a company of the M23.

In a statement, the Kinshasa government said Tanzania would take command of the neutral force and that South Africa had offered "substantial" logistical and financial contributions towards it. The Kampala plan did not say what the consequences would be if the rebels did not comply.

(Writing by Richard Lough; Editing by James Macharia and Peter Graff)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/congo-government-says-no-talks-m23-rebels-goma-093113230.html

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

China leader's persona forged by harsh early life

BEIJING (AP) ? China's new leader spent much of his youth living in a dug-out cave.

Xi Jinping's seven years in the remote northern community of Liangjiahe meant toiling alongside villagers by day and sleeping on bricks by night, in stark contrast to his pampered early years in Beijing. He was born into the communist elite, but after his father fell out of favor with Mao Zedong ? and before his later rehabilitation ?the Xi was sent to a rural hinterland at age 15 to learn peasant virtues.

The Liangjiahe years are among the scant details known about Xi's life and personality partly because he himself chronicled them as a formative experience. They are part of the vague picture of a man who has drawn little attention during much of his political career but became party chief Thursday and will lead an increasingly assertive China for the next decade.

What is clear is that Xi has excelled at quietly rising through the ranks by making the most of two facets: He has an elite, educated background with links to communist China's founding fathers that are a crucial advantage in the country's politics, and at the same time he has successfully cultivated a common-man mystique that helps him appeal to a broad constituency. He even gave up a promising Beijing post in his late 20s to return to the countryside.

He did not at first come willingly, however, to Liangjiahe, a tiny community of cave dwellings dug into arid hills and fronted by dried mud walls with wooden lattice entryways. He tried to escape and was detained. Villagers remember a tall bookworm who eventually earned their respect.

"He was always very sincere and worked hard alongside us. He was also a big reader of really thick books," said Shi Chunyang, then a friend of Xi and now a local official.

It is in the nature of China's politics that relatively little is known about Xi's policy leanings. He is not associated with any bold reforms. Aspiring officials get promoted by encouraging economic growth, tamping down social unrest and toeing the line set by Beijing, not through charismatic displays of initiative.

Xi's resume in provincial posts suggest he is open to private industry and some administrative reforms as long as they don't jeopardize the Communist Party's monopoly on power. Though he likes Hollywood flicks about World War II and has a daughter at Harvard University ? under an assumed name ? he has signaled he may be a staunch Chinese nationalist.

Tall, heavyset and married to a popular folk singer in the military, Xi is at ease in groups, in contrast to China's typically stiff and aloof leaders, such as President Hu Jintao, whom Xi is in the process of succeeding.

A Xi administration is expected to pursue a more forceful foreign policy based on Beijing's belief that its chief rival, Washington, is in decline and that China's rise to global pre-eminence is within reach.

"Xi was chosen in part because he has the large, assertive, confident personality to lead in that kind of strategy," said Andrew Nathan, an expert on Chinese politics at New York's Columbia University.

Xi will confront daunting challenges. After two decades of fast-paced growth and social change, the economy is flagging and China is under strain. A polarizing gap has left a few wealthy and many struggling and resentful. Rampant corruption is corroding already low reserves of public trust in officialdom.

Beyond home, China is locked in sharp elbowing over territory with Japan and Southeast Asian neighbors. At the same time, Beijing feels hemmed in by the U.S., which is shoring up ties with countries on China's edge. President Barack Obama this weekend will begin a Southeast Asia tour that includes the first-ever visits to Myanmar and Cambodia by a sitting U.S. president.

As son of one-time Vice Premier Xi Zhongxun, the younger Xi spent the 1950s in a world of comfortable homes, chauffeur-driven cars and the best schools when most Chinese were desperately poor.

But the elder Xi fell afoul of the increasingly paranoid communist chief, and Mao demoted him in 1962. The son was dispatched to rural Shaanxi province in 1969 as part of Mao's campaign to toughen up educated urban youth during the chaotic Cultural Revolution. When caught returning to Beijing, he was sent to a labor camp for six months. Back in Liangjiahe, he helped build irrigation ditches.

"Knives are sharpened on the stone. People are refined through hardship," Xi said in a rare 2001 interview with a Chinese magazine. "Whenever I later encountered trouble, I'd just think of how hard it had been to get things done back then and nothing would then seem difficult."

Local Communist Party officials and police in Liangjiahe followed reporters on a visit and asked them to leave, showing how the party wants to control information about Xi's past. But they did allow brief interviews, including with Shi, described by villagers as Xi's former "iron buddy."

Shi stood across from the now-abandoned, one-room home where Xi lived with a local family, and recalled the day Xi departed at age 22. "No one wanted to see him go," Shi said.

Rejected for Communist Party membership nine times due to his father's political problems, Xi finally gained entry in 1974 and then attended the elite Tsinghua University.

He would later return to Liangjiahe only once, in 1992, when he gave an alarm clock to each household, Shi said.

Xi went on to earn a chemistry degree, by which time Mao had died and his father had been restored to office. Xi next secured a plum position as secretary to Defense Minister Geng Biao, one of his father's old comrades.

But Xi took the unusual step three years later of jumping to a lowly post in rural Hebei province, because he wanted to "struggle, work hard, and really take on something big," Xi told Elite Youth magazine's now-deceased editor Yang Xiaohuai.

Xi landed in the rural town of Zhengding, where people traveled by horse cart.

While there, he made the most of state broadcaster China Central Television's plans to film an adaptation of the classical Chinese novel "Dream of Red Mansions." Hoping to create a tourist attraction, Xi built a full-scale reproduction of the sprawling estate at the heart of the tale.

"You could tell Xi was thinking ahead. By doing this, he created lots of jobs and lots of revenue for Zhengding back when there was very little here," said Liang Qiang, a senior caretaker at the film set, which still draws tourists.

Xi biked around town dressed like an army cook and insisted he be introduced only as county party secretary without reference to his family links, former colleague Wang Youhui recalled.

"He always paid for his food. He didn't want any special treatment," state media quoted Wang as saying years later.

Xi's elite background plugged him into to a web of personal connections that were especially important early in his career, ensuring support from Beijing for local projects. As party leader, Xi should easily command the respect of officials and the military, in part because of deference to his father's status.

At the same time, Xi's years in the provinces protect him from accusations of pure nepotism and lend him credibility as someone who understands the struggles of working Chinese and private businessmen who are creating the bulk of new jobs.

With help from his father, Xi jumped in 1985 to a vice mayorship in the port of Xiamen, then at the forefront of economic reforms. Over the next 17 years, he built a reputation for attracting investment and eschewing the banqueting expected of Chinese officials. He hung a banner saying "Get it done" in a provincial office lobby.

He later took the top position in neighboring Zhejiang province, a hotbed of private industry, a lively civil society, non-communist candidates for local assemblies and a thriving underground church movement. Xi was seen as allowing minor local administrative reforms, while not initiating any of them.

"He's not going to do anything to weaken party control, but at the least you can say he's concerned with the lives of farmers and ordinary people," said Li Baiguang, a human rights lawyer in Zhejiang at the time.

Xi tried to dramatically reverse the government's poor reputation for accountability by clearing a backlog of citizen complaints in a one-day blitz in the city of Quzhou. He set up 15 temporary offices to address complaints over land seizures, job benefits and other issues, drawing 300 petitioners and resolving 70 cases.

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson once called him a "guy who really knows how to get over the goal line."

After a brief spell in charge of Shanghai, Xi was brought to Beijing and handed the high-profile task of overseeing the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He has also managed relations with the former British colony of Hong Kong.

Some evidence of a strong nationalist streak emerged recently when he lectured U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on China's claim to East China Sea islands held by Japan.

"China's neighbors, including the U.S., should be prepared to see a Chinese government under Xi being more assertive than that under Hu," said Steve Tsang, director of the China Police Research Institute at Britain's University of Nottingham.

Xi's career has been lent a touch of glamour by his wife, folk singer Peng Liyuan, who for much of their marriage was far better known than he was. Although Xi isn't known to have visited his daughter at Harvard, Xi Mingze's American education adds to Xi's unusually rich exposure to the U.S., having made up to half a dozen trips to the country.

Xi, who likes the Hollywood film "Saving Private Ryan," showed a human side during an official visit to the U.S. earlier this year. He took in a Los Angeles Lakers game and stopped in Iowa to visit families who hosted him during a study tour there in 1985. Asked by California schoolchildren about his hobbies, Xi listed reading, swimming, and watching sports, but said to laughter that finding more personal time was "mission impossible."

Former U.S. ambassador to Beijing Jon Huntsman said Xi is a man "who is quite different from Hu Jintao" in that Xi appears at ease.

"He's someone who you can connect with," Huntsman said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-leaders-persona-forged-harsh-early-life-125346493.html

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BIG EAST Announces New Football Divisions, Championship Game in 2013



Posted on November 13, 2012 at 2:08 PM

CHICAGO ? BIG EAST Conference Commissioner Mike Aresco, emphasizing his conference?s national scope, announced that East and West divisions of six teams each in football will begin play in the 2013 season, culminating in a new BIG EAST Championship Game.

?This new alignment gives the Conference and its fans the best of both worlds ? national exposure that is a result of the BIG EAST being in six of the top 10 U.S. media markets ? with a schedule that focuses on spirited regional rivalries,? said Aresco.

The BIG EAST Football Championship Game will be played between the East and West champions at the home field of one of the participating teams, not at a neutral site, promising an exciting fan experience.

?This unique combination of nationwide scope and regional flavor reflects our commitment to innovation in response to the changing landscape in college football,? Aresco said, ?while honoring a tradition of success on the field and in the classroom.?

Aresco continued: ?Combined with the extension through 2026 of our historic relationship with Madison Square Garden for the BIG EAST Basketball Championship, the new BIG EAST Football Championship Game will provide two signature events of national significance in college sports.?

The new divisions will be:

East Division

West Division
Boise State
San Diego State

Aresco noted that this alignment will likely be revisited after the 2014 season, when the U.S. Naval Academy and possibly other schools begin play in the BIG EAST.

In this new structure, each team will play eight Conference games per season, of which five will be against divisional rivals. The home and away opponents for each school will be announced after the BIG EAST athletic directors? annual meeting in New York on Dec. 3.


Source: http://www.whas11.com/sports/BIG-EAST-Announces-New-Football-Divisions-179150241.html

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Inslee names WSU president, Microsoft exec, Renton superintendent to lead transition

Governor-elect Jay Inslee named several members of his transition team on Tuesday.

Mary Alice Heuschel, superintendent of the Renton School District; Brad Smith, Microsoft executive vice president of Legal and Corporate Affairs; and Washington State University President Elson Floyd will chair the transition.

More details soon. ?Inslee is holding a?press conference this morning.

Source: http://blogs.seattletimes.com/politicsnorthwest/2012/11/14/inslee-names-wsu-president-microsoft-exec-to-transition-team/?syndication=rss

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Report: Iran believes U.S. drone was spying on oil tankers


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Is the death of newspapers the end of good citizenship?

The death of newspapers ? by cutbacks, outright disappearance, or morphing into lean websites ? means a reduction of watchdog reporting and less local information. Some say it has caused a crop in civic participation. Is it a blow to good citizenship?

By Jessica Bruder,?Correspondent / November 11, 2012

How will the death of newspapers affect good citizenship? This is part of the cover story project in the Nov. 12 issue of The Christian Science MonitorWeekly. Here, Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate reporter Danny Monteverde takes notes during a New Orleans City Council meeting.

Ann Hermes/The Christian Science Monitor


One Saturday in June, the Pinstripe Brass Band played a traditional jazz funeral in the lakeside Gentilly neighborhood of New Orleans. When "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" gave way to a livelier tune, dozens of mourners danced.

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But there was no coffin. Black frosting on a sheet cake spelled "-30-," the mark reporters put at a story's end. This was a requiem for a?newspaper.

The 175-year-old daily Times-Picayune, with a paid weekday circulation of more than 134,000, had announced plans to slash print publication to three days a week, leaving daily coverage to its online edition. "Paper Lays Off 200 Employees" blared a Times-Picayune headline. Those cuts included the funeral's host, photographer John McCusker, who had documented hurricane Katrina from a kayak after losing his home to the floodwaters.

The?Pulitzer Prize-winning work of Mr. McCusker and his colleagues had madeThe Times-Picayune indispensable to a community rebuilding after tremendous loss.

So when readers learned their daily paper was going away, many saw a dangerous civic situation.

The irregular, diminished patchwork of media that remains ? which encompasses fewer seasoned reporters ? won't come close to offering the same intensive coverage that a full-force daily did, says activist Anne Milling. On the watchdog side, that means reduced government accountability. And on the information-delivery side, in a city where a third of adults lack home Internet access, the new Web focus will leave the most vulnerable Picayune readers behind.

"A daily Times-Picayune has been the backbone of the community in our post-Katrina environment and provides the foundation for all civic dialogue and discourse," Ms. Milling wrote in a notice announcing the launch of The Times-Picayune Citizens' Group, an alliance she founded to amplify readers' concerns.

And readers were upset.

Hundreds of them attended rallies, waving placards that said "Don't Stop the Presses." More than 9,000 signed an online petition. "Save the Picayune" lawn signs and Wild West-style "Wanted" posters with the new publisher's face cropped up across town. The New Orleans City Council passed a resolution calling unanimously for the paper to remain a daily. Readers began to boycott what they now called "The SomeTimes-Picayune."

Their daily paper had remained well read and profitable despite the newspaper industry's overall decline. Three-quarters of residents saw the paper each week, making its stories a centerpiece of conversation from barbershops to city hall.

New Orleans was about to become the largest city in America without its own daily paper. But beneath the drama was a quieter question: Does it matter?

More than sentiment is at stake. The number of American daily newspapers has fallen from 1,878 in 1940 to 1,382 last year. When daily newspapers die, communities become less connected and collaborative, new studies suggest. Economists and media researchers are seeing a drop-off in civic participation ? the same kind of collective vigor readers showed in fighting for The Times-Picayune ? after the presses stop rolling.


Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/f4yiEs1esPI/Is-the-death-of-newspapers-the-end-of-good-citizenship

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do Not Miss the Exciting London Pub Tour | BeCleanLiveGreen

Posted by Travel-and-Leisure:Destination-Tips Articles from EzineArticles.com on November 7, 2012

The English pub has become an integral part of the British culture, and if you are intending to enjoy visit England and some of these famous pubs, then why not use the services of a professional tour company that runs pub tours? Now you could just go on your own pub crawl and sample what the pub culture has to offer but if you would rather be with a group of tourists and visit all the top pubs in London then a tour company offering pub tours should be the way to go. This way........

Click to read the complete article

Source: http://www.becleanlivegreen.com/?p=90035

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Science Education Is the Most Important Education for You ...

Science education is the most important education for you, the definition of science education are the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individual not traditionally considered part of the community. Science education have target, the target such as children, college students and also general public. You can find such informal science education is the science teaching and learning that occurs outside of the formal school curriculum in places such as museums, the media, and community based programs.

Here some research in science education, the practice of science education has been increased informed by research into science teaching and learning. When you study science education relies on a wide variety of methodologies, borrowed from many branches of science and engineering such as computer science, cognitive science, cognitive psychology and anthropology. Science education research aims to define or characterize what constitutes learning in science and how it is brought about. Through science education you can get various knowledge?s from various researchers it is supported by various research experiments. Educational science is being refined to meet the specific needs of science teachers. Here you can find out much knowledge you need to make your teaching more successful. In fact you often find that many students feel difficult when they have follow in science education, because they never know that science education is needed for them. Science education is give lots of knowledge for them, so it is important for you to study science education.

Science Education Is the Most Important Education for You

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Source: http://www.virtualeducasinaloa.com/science-education-is-the-most-important-education-for-you.html

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Spears, Odom face test of live TV on 'X Factor'

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Britney Spears was coolly composed on the first live episode of "The X Factor." The same can't be said for new host Khloe Kardashian Odom and her microphone.

Odom, adding to her reality TV credentials, was paired with Mario Lopez to emcee "X Factor" as the singing contest shifted Wednesday from taped to live broadcasts.

Lopez, host of "Extra," performed like the pro he is. Odom came across like the novice she is, shouting her lines despite the mic clutched in her hand and making awkward small talk with contestants and judge and executive producer Simon Cowell.

When Lopez teased 13-year-old singer Diamond White about having a boyfriend, the girl replied, "No, we're friends. My mom would kill me."

"Don't let your mom kill you," exclaimed Odom, drawing a confused smile from White.

At another point, Odom sounded like an oddly flirtatious schoolgirl as she introduced Cowell as "Mr. Sexy."

In a conference call Tuesday, Cowell had discussed expectations for his co-host, a member of reality TV's first family that includes sister Kim Kardashian. Odom's credits include "Khloe and Lamar" with husband Lamar Odom, a Los Angeles Clippers player.

She wants to "prove a point," Cowell said, noting observers had questioned Odom's readiness to steer a live program.

He warned that she would need "nerves of steel" Wednesday because she had less rehearsal time than planned.

"I kind of like to see the unpredictable and I quite like seeing people under pressure and just how they deal with it," Cowell said. Odom and Lopez replaced first-season host Steve Jones, a U.K. TV personality.

Cowell also expressed reservations about how Spears would manage.

While lauding her as "very, very good judge" so far, he told the teleconference it was unclear "what she's going to be like on a live show" involving competition between judges over the contestants they are mentoring.

Spears, a pop princess who has struggled in her personal life, including spells in rehab, proved up to the task. She heaped praise on singers and remained calm when criticism was leveled at those she's guiding.

When Cowell told one teenager that "we need to sort your vocals out," Spears shot back, "I disagree. I think you're a true star."

It was Cowell himself who committed the biggest flub of the night: He was bleeped for using what appeared to be British slang found questionable by Fox.

Of the 16 acts featured on the live "X Factor," four will be cut Thursday by Spears, Cowell, Antonio "L.A." Reid and Demi Lovato. Viewers will decide contestants' fates in following weeks.

Cowell took a moment at the start of Wednesday's show to express sympathy for Hurricane Sandy victims on the East Coast, saying, "our hearts are with you and we hope things get sorted out quickly."

An on-screen crawl invited viewers to donate to the American Red Cross.


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Lynn Elber is a national television columnist for The Associated Press. She can be reached at lelber(at)ap.org.




Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spears-odom-face-test-live-tv-x-factor-040015713.html

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The Reference Frame: CMS proton-lead ridge: color glass ...

Two years ago, I reported the observation of surprising two-particle correlations at the CMS in proton-proton collisions, something that was previously observed at Brookhaven's RHIC in their 2005 gold-gold collisions.

You know that the LHC sometimes collides lead nuclei against lead nuclei instead of proton-proton pairs but a few weeks ago, it tried something something new, the proton-lead (asymmetric) collisions. Physics World tells us about a (not too) surprising result of this hybrid crashing game:

Unexpected 'ridge' seen in CMS collision data again
I wrote it's not "too" surprising because it's been seen in gold-gold, proton-proton, and lead-lead collisions, so why it should be missing in the proton-lead collisions? But there's something new about this story I haven't written about yet, and that's the reason for this new blog entry.

It's a new cute and plausible theoretical explanation of the ridge: color glass condensate.

Physics World refers to this fresh paper by a North Carolina-Brookhaven tandem:

Evidence for BFKL and saturation dynamics from di-hadron spectra at the LHC
BFKL stands for the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov equation which performs a resummation of \(\alpha_S \ln(x)\) terms that appear at each rung of the QCD ladder (here we really talk about Feynman diagrams that look like a ladder with rungs composed of QCD propagators: no kidding). For small \(x\), the right description is in terms of the so-called color glass condensate. You may try to read a funny 2006 paper by Frank Wilczek on the Origin of Mass; full text PDF as a basic background.

The color glass condensate is an interesting new state of matter ? composed of quarks ? that was proposed in 2000 and that is mathematically analogous to "spin glasses". There are several other cool ways to organize the quarks and their interactions that are intensely studied by some of the creative QCD folks. If I remember well, I learned about another one from a colloquium by Frank Wilczek in Massachusetts ? it's called the color-flavor locking.

You know, this blog entry wasn't supposed to be too narrowly focused on the color glass condensate. It's about all similar amusing emergent concepts in QCD and the color-flavor locking is really pretty. ;-) What is it?

Before the color-flavor locking, its fathers have proposed another "behavioral mode" of the quarks in QCD, namely the following condensate (vacuum expectation value):\[

\langle q_i^\alpha C \gamma^5 q_j^\beta\rangle \propto \epsilon_{ij} \epsilon^{\alpha\beta 3}.

\] Here \(i,j\), the Latin indices, represent the flavor (up/down) while the Greek indices, \(\alpha,\beta\), encode the color. You see that the formula above picks the "third color" as a special one so \(SU(3)_c\) is broken to \(SU(2)_c\) while the chiral "flavor" \(SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\) group is unbroken.

But in the 1998 paper I have already mentioned, they proposed an even more natural condensate invariant under a "diagonal" \(SU(3)\), namely\[

\langle q^\alpha_{Lia} q^\beta_{Ljb} \epsilon^{ab} \rangle &=
-\langle q^{\alpha\dot a}_{Ri} q^{\beta\dot b}_{Rj} \epsilon_{\dot a\dot b} \rangle=\\
&= \kappa_1 \delta_i^\alpha \delta_j^\beta +\kappa_2 \delta_j^\alpha\delta_i^\beta.

\] Note that there is no privileged "third color" in this formula. It uses the fact that there are three "pretty light" quark flavors, namely up/down/strange, and three colors. Of course, these two numbers "3" have nothing to do with each other ? which is also why the Kronecker delta relating the Greek and Latin indices above is mixing apples and oranges. But because \(3=3\), it is actually possible to choose a random identification and use it to mix apples with oranges ? and flavors with colors.

Originally, you had 1st, 2nd, 3rd flavor and 1st, 2nd, 3rd color. These two numbering systems had nothing to do with each other. That's also why you could have rotated the triplets by two independent \(SU(3)\) groups. If Nature ever makes you happy and creates a condensate given by the formula above, the numbering systems for the colors and flavors are identified by the "apple-orange" or "Latin-Greek" Kronecker delta symbols and only an overall \(SU(3)\) group which rotates the colors as well as flavors so that the Kronecker delta symbol is preserved ? and these transformations that transform both "versions" of the \(SU(3)\) group in the same way are known as the diagonal group ? are preserved symmetries.

Note that the equation above, claiming that the vacuum expectation value has a particular form, is a conjecture. They conjectured that in some situations, it may be true or at least approximately true. But if quarks ever organize themselves so that it is true, it has physical consequences. Alford, Rajagopal, and Wilczek decided that such a condensate would lead to various new "gaps" as well as new Nambu-Goldstone bosons that may be imagined as bound states of two quarks.

Because these "behavioral patterns for quarks" ? color glass condensate or color-flavor locking ? differ from the usual perturbative QCD that should hold at very short distances, as well as common descriptions of protons, neutrons, and other hadrons, they are considered extreme, perhaps even more extreme than the quark-gluon plasma. But they may have rather non-extreme properties and may be realized in various situations.

From the viewpoint of fundamental high-energy physics, experiments trying to find such exotic forms of nuclear matter are not searching for new physics. Even if those phases exist, they're just manifestations of the good old QCD. However, they are so new and "hard to rigorously calculate" manifestations of QCD that it's pretty interesting, anyway. QCD with colored and flavored quarks has quite some potential for various qualitatively different types of behavior so it's desirable for theorists to propose some initially weird conjectures about what the quarks and gluons could be doing, and for experimenters to check whether the predictions are ever realized.

The ridge seems to agree with some predictions from the color glass condensate and it's pretty interesting. But don't get carried away. Two years ago, I wrote that the ridge could be a sign of the quark-gluon plasma or the dual QCD string. People don't understand these signatures too accurately so the path from the observations to the right interpretations remains somewhat wiggly and shady.

CP violation

BTW, tonight, there will be a new paper on CP violation in D meson decays that will report a 3.5-sigma deviation from the Standard Model in a particular "difference of asymmetries" quantity seen in the 2011 LHCb data.

Source: http://motls.blogspot.com/2012/10/cms-proton-lead-ridge-color-glass.html

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Sleep Disorders? Place Victor Cruz Jersey A Stop To Heavy snoring ...

If you have at any time slept beside a huge snorer Victor Cruz Jersey just before, you might be be knowledgeable of how irritating snoring might be! Not only does snoring make it difficult to sleep at night, but additionally, it may cause anger and anxiety. For the way terrible the snoring loudly gets, it might even cause harm to partnerships. For this reason it is essential to read more this informative article.

The information presented will assist you to find out to cope with heavy snoring, whether the snorer is that you simply or even the particular person beside you.

Confer with your medical doctor about prescribing anything to assist you quit snoring loudly. Although medication functionality may differ among different end users, some snorers have realized their heavy snoring is cut down tremendously after they use medicines which can be hailed as contra ?loud snoring cures. These solutions can be found in various forms including capsules Victor Cruz Jersey to nose sprays.

If snoring is really a frequent evening struggle for you personally, you might like to take into account getting an air humidifier to incorporate humidity into the air flow and relieve the dry skin with your throat, making it simpler to breathe in. An easy strategy would be to simply run hot water and carry your facial skin across the tap to suck in the heavy steam, shortly before going to sleep. This will open your breathing passages and in addition, moisturize your neck and nasal tooth decay.

As a way to cut back on loud snoring, convert around and sleep in your favor, not lying on your back. If you sleep at night face up, especially with only a few pillows, mucus can get with your sinus passages. Getting to sleep on your side will keep the mucus Victor Cruz Jersey from the passages, and you also won?t have got a blockage that will trigger heavy snoring.

In case you are delaying stop smoking due to worries about putting on weight, by no means fear. Do not forget that it might get roughly seventy-several weight of an increase in weight ahead near to the health problems related to normal cigarette consumption. If you are concerned about an increase in weight, consider replacing your cigarettes routine having a fitness center regular membership, instead.

1 idea that each snorer need to look into will be the purchase some kind of contra?heavy snoring remedy that is certainly Victor Cruz Jersey offered non-prescription. There are numerous goods made to assist you end loud snoring within tablet kind so that as a sinus squirt. Test to discover what product or service works the best for you.

Prevent alcohol consumption in 5 time of bedtime. Alcoholic drinks, together with other sedative prescription drugs, brings about the muscle groups at the rear of the neck to rest. When these muscle tissues unwind, you are more likely to snore loudly. Avoid individuals nightcaps?you might in fact rest much more peacefully should you not consume prior to your bed.

In the event you consume alcohol or consider prescription drugs for rest, you may produce difficulties with loud snoring. These materials restrain the central nervous system and will make your muscle tissues in the jaw and throat way too relaxed, causing you to snore loudly. Try to reduce your consumption of Victor Cruz Jersey alcoholic drinks and getting to sleep supplements and you need to discover some alleviation.

Heavy snoring can cause a great deal of frustration. It can prevent somebody from sleeping, wake them up, get them to angry, and raise their stress levels! This is why the ideas you possess just read are incredibly important.

The recommendations in this post could make your snoring loudly troubles a subject put to rest, regardless if you happen to be snorer or perhaps the sufferer of any snorer.

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Innovation commercialization turns good, novel ideas into real profits

Optimization, with its Lean Sig Sigma standard-bearer, has always been the objective of management for the industrial era, designed to control variability and increase productivity.

In the information age, with the pace of change accelerating, innovation commercialization will be equally as critical to a firm's ongoing viability.

Turning novel ideas into profits will require experimentation, a tolerance for risk and a high valuation of learning even at the expense of some failure. How will business leaders manage these trade-offs and the inherent tension between the need to optimize current operations and innovate for the future?

This article was originally posted on the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX), an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century.

In 1999, John Hagel and Marc Singer wrote about "unbundling the corporation." In that article, the authors identified three types of businesses, each with distinct economic and cultural imperatives: a customer relationship business, a product innovation business, and an infrastructure business. The premise was that interaction costs (what Clay Shirky might call the cost of coordinated action) determined what activities were kept internal to an organization and what activities external, despite the inherent tension in the 3 business types. The argument asserted that it was now possible, and indeed better, to unbundle these 3 business and form separate but affiliated organizations.

Since the original writing, technology?particularly social media and mobile technology?has brought down costs still further, in many cases rendering traditional notions of the organization are obsolete. Organizations can now be much more open and transparent, porous and networked, and flat and meritocratic.

What does this mean for the three types of businesses that Hagel and Singer described??More generally, what does this mean for the inherent tension between the need to optimize and scale current business operations while still innovating and incubating new business ideas to drive tomorrow's growth?

Traditional management evolved for the industrial era?to coordinate train arrivals and organize factories. It values productivity and predicability, but more is required of management to compete in this new era. The world is changing too quickly, spurred on by technological advancement and social trends. Too much focus on optimization can lead to an impairing attachment to the status quo.

Firms have to operate with the active detachment of a Buddhist monk?running the current business to realize a return on investments while still exploring and experimenting with new businesses, even ones that could cannibalize existing revenues. If a firm is not ready to disrupt itself, another outside firm will be. Kaizen is only incremental change, but the new era calls for pioneering change.

Similar to what Hagel and Singer described, there is a tension between the economic and cultural imperatives of optimizing for today and innovating for tomorrow. How do managers balance the two? How can they overcome the organizational inertia that stubbornly resists change? Do firms need to be "unbundled" further for investing in future growth? What changes need to be made to organization design and incentive structures to allow both innovation and optimization to co-exist at the same company? Can managers be a champion of both or do they have to choose a path? How should firms set priorities between the two sets of imperatives, and what are the implications for budgets and planning?

Kodak went bankrupt after over 130 years, but not because the company failed to innovate. It owned over 1,000 digital imaging patents, part of a portfolio valued in the billions of dollars, but the company failed to realize any commercial gains from its innovations. The company was too focused on trying to save its film business.

Xerox PARC is legendary for producing all sorts of valuable technologes, including Ethernet and the graphical user interface, but Xerox never captured any of their commercial value (among others, Apple did!). The company was too focused on copiers.?

Some have even attributed an apparent decline in the innovativeness at 3M to James McNerney's Six Sigma invasion.

In an environment of great uncertainty and accelerating change, innovation commercialization?turning good, novel ideas into real profits?is essential to growth and continued relevance.

To quote Tamara St. Claire from PARC in a December 2011 MIT Technology Review article, "You learn early on that execution is often the hard part?execution and timing... You almost have to be as innovative in the commercialization?especially when you have game-changing technologies?as on the technology side."

Sometimes that means tossing out the old ways of doing business and replacing them with something new.

Source: http://opensource.com/business/12/10/tension-between-innovation-and-optimization

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Nanosilver from clothing can pose major environmental problems

ScienceDaily (Nov. 1, 2012) ? Silver nanoparticles can have a severe environmental impact if their utilisation in clothing continues to increase. If everyone buys one silver nanoparticle-treated sock a year, the silver concentration in waste water treatment plant sludge can double. If the sludge is subsequently used as fertilizer, the silver can cause long-term damage to agricultural land. These are the results of a study conducted at Chalmers University of Technology.

Chalmers researcher Rickard Arvidsson recently defended his doctoral thesis, which addressed the risks associated with nanomaterials -- a field with a great many knowledge gaps. He has developed new methods to assess the risks of nanomaterials, as well as used the methods on a few specific materials such as silver nanomaterials.

Silver nanoparticles have an antibacterial effect, and are used in a variety of consumer products such as workout clothing to prevent the smell of sweat. When the clothes are washed, nanoparticles are released and enter waste water treatment plants through waste water. The particles release silver ions that cannot be broken down at waste water treatment plants or in nature. The silver ions are toxic to many organisms.

"Clothing is considered to be a large source of nanosilver emissions already," says Rickard Arvidsson. "If silver usage in clothing continues to increase, the consequences for the environment can be major. For example, silver can accumulate in soil if sludge from waste water treatment plants is used as fertilizer, which can result in long-term damage to soil ecosystems."

Utilising sludge as fertilizer in soil is a way to restore phosphorus from waste water to agricultural land. There is a global shortage of phosphorus, but if sludge is to be used as fertilizer, contaminated content must remain at a low level.

Rickard Arvidsson conducted a study at Gothenburg's waste water treatment plant in Sweden. The study shows that the effect on sludge, and agricultural land if sludge is used as fertilizer, is entirely dependent on the amount of silver that manufacturers use in clothing. The silver concentration in the examined clothing varied by a factor of one million -- between 0.003 mg/kg and 1400 mg/kg. With the lowest concentration, there would not be an observable effect on sludge and soil even if the utilisation of silver in clothing increased significantly.

"With the highest concentration, however, it would suffice if all of the city's residents bought and used one silver nanoparticle-treated sock a year for the silver concentration in waste water treatment plant sludge to double," says Rickard Arvidsson.

"Using silver in clothing is a new technology, and it is still difficult to ascertain patterns for how much is being used. However, if the negative environmental impact is to be avoided, either the silver concentration in clothing or consumption of silver nanoparticle-treated clothing must be limited."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Chalmers University of Technology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/oNubIQQZaQs/121101073002.htm

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

George Lucas Net Worth: Disney, Lucasfilm Billion-Dollar Payday ...

George Lucas is about to become really, really rich.

On Tuesday, the Walt Disney Company announced it had purchased Lucasfilm, the production company behind "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones," for $4.05 billion. Disney paid half the offer in cash and issued about 40 million shares at closing, making it $2 billion in bills and $2 billion in stock. Lucasfilm is 100 percent owned by George Lucas himself.

How rich is the director/screenwriter/producer set to become after the $4 billion deal?

Prior to Disney acquiring Lucasfilm, George Lucas had about $1.4 billion in cash, investments and other assets, according to CNBC, citing Wealth-X. This amount, however, did not include the value of his private companies, namely Lucasfilm.

Forbes estimates Lucas' net worth at $3.3 billion as of September 2012. Lucas ranked No. 120 on The Forbes 400 list. With the Disney check in his pocket, Lucas' net worth could skyrocket to about $5.2 billion after taxes, according to CNBC:

[E]ven after taxes, Lucas will likely become among the 70 richest Americans, vaulting from around 120. His liquid net worth alone will more than double to $3.1 billion. Plus, he reportedly gets to keep his Skywalker Ranch, the plush campus of work and residential space that has a swimming pool, volleyball and handball court and aerobics room. Located on more than 4,000 acres in Marin County north of San Francisco, it is worth at least $100 million, according to Wealth-X.

The 68-year-old seems to be happy with his decision to sell Lucasfilm to Disney.

"I'm completely confident that Disney will take good care of the franchise I've built," Lucas says in a video recorded with Disney chairman Robert Iger. "At the same time, for me, I look at it as I'm investing in Disney, because that's my retirement fund."

The move is certainly wise for Disney, which now adds one of the most enduring and profitable sci-fi franchises to its books. Lucasfilm joins Pixar, which Disney acquired in 2006, and Marvel, which Disney acquired in 2009 (also for $4 billion), Wired reports. "The move essentially means Disney has cornered the market on superhero and sci-fi/fantasy films," Wired reporter Angela Watercutter writes.

Disney also announced plans to release a seventh "Star Wars" film, "Star Wars: Episode VII," in 2015.

"For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see 'Star Wars' passed from one generation to the next," Lucas said in a statement. "It's now time for me to pass 'Star Wars' on to a new generation of filmmakers. I've always believed that 'Star Wars' could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime. I'm confident that with Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy, and having a new home within the Disney organization, 'Star Wars' will certainly live on and flourish for many generations to come. Disney's reach and experience give Lucasfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products."

  • Joss Whedon

    Joss Whedon has the skills and geek cred to make any wary "Star Wars" fan feel at ease about an "Episode VII." Unfortunately, he's too busy making "The Avengers 2" for Disney; Like the new "Star Wars" film (still feels funny to write that seriously), Marvel's anticipated sequel is due out in less than three years. There's always "Episode VIII"! <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: N/A

  • Genndy Tartakovsky

    Genndy Tartakovsky is beloved by "Star Wars" fans for created the "Clone Wars" animated series, which is no longer canon. (<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/genndy-tartakovsky-hotel-transylvania_n_1884046.html">Find out more here</a>.) "I was going to go to Lucas and be their John Lasseter-type of person and do a feature and supervise the 'Star Wars' television show. And things kind of fell apart, blah blah blah," Tartakovsky said to HuffPost. Yeah, he's out. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 600-1

  • Edgar Wright and/or Joe Cornish

    Another popular name being bandied about by "Star Wars" fans to direct "Episode VII" is Edgar Wright. The thought being that since Wright is an avowed fan and a genre fanatic, he'd be perfect to continue the beloved-but-fledgling franchise. Of course, like Whedon, Wright is also tied up in a Marvel-Disney project: The long-gestating "Ant-Man" film, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/15/ant-man-2015-disney-iron-man-3_n_1967527.html">which is set for 2015</a>. Since he's out of the picture, perhaps frequent collaborator Joe Cornish could take over? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: N/A, 400-1

  • Louis Leterrier

    <a href="http://movieline.com/2010/04/03/tale-of-the-tape-joss-whedon-and-louis-leterrier-battle-for-the-avengers/">Back in 2010</a>, Louis Leterrier was Joss Whedon's biggest competition for the director's chair on "The Avengers." The "Clash of the Titans" director is familiar with big-budget special effects -- <a href="http://movieline.com/2010/03/23/release-the-release-the-kraken-meme-1/">he released the Kraken</a> -- something that could make him ideal for "Episode VII." Unfortunately for Leterrier, there's not much chance Disney will want the next "Star Wars" film billed as "From the man who brought you 'Unleashed.'" <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 400-1

  • Joseph Kosinski

    Disney hired Kosinski to turn "Tron" into a new franchise, and when that didn't work out as planned the studio attached him to "Oblivion," a sci-fi action film with Tom Cruise. The problem? <a href="http://www.deadline.com/2011/05/tom-cruise-commits-to-100-million-universal-sci-fi-pic-oblivion-for-fall/">The script couldn't work as anything other than PG-13</a>, forcing Disney to pass. (The studio likes family-friendly fare -- unless it's "The Avengers.") Universal picked "Oblivion" up and will release it on April 19, 2013. So! Does that make Kosinski more or less likely to get picked as the choice to direct what many assume will be a kid-friendly "Star Wars" film? The guess here is less. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 400-1

  • Steven Spielberg

    Steven Spielberg has a past relationship with both George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy <em>and</em> Disney. Plus, Spielberg did some assistant work on "Episode III." It's a perfect marriage! Except for the fact that Spielberg recently told "60 Minutes" that he was done directing action blockbusters. (Except for "Robopocalypse," an action blockbuster due out in 2014, which probably takes him out of "Episode VII" duty anyway.) <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 350-1

  • Tim Burton

    Disney and Tim Burton have a quite a relationship. Unfortunately, in 2012, that relationship has led to box office failures like "Dark Shadows" and "Frankenweenie." On the plus side, a "Star Wars" directed by Tim Burton would include Helena Bonham Carter as some kind of intergalactic senator in a headdress. (Just a guess.) <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 300-1

  • Ron Howard

    Ron Howard loves himself a big spectacle. It's just that his next big spectacle might be "The Dark Tower." <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 300-1

  • Robert Zemeckis

    Fresh out of the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley">uncanny valley</a>, Robert Zemeckis has made a triumphant return to live action with "Flight." Would Zemeckis -- who worked with Kennedy on the "Back to the Future" franchise" -- want to return to blockbuster filmmaking for "Star Wars"? "I'm really tired of making these huge, over $100 million movies where they literally mean life and death for a studio. It's really rough making these expensive movies," <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/movies/robert-zemeckis-returns-to-live-action-movies-with-flight.html?pagewanted=all">Zemeckis told the New York Times</a>. "Everyone is hysterical." So, maybe that's a no. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 300-1

  • Patty Jenkins

    Not that long ago, Patty Jenkins ("Monster") was tapped to direct "Thor 2" for Disney and Marvel. The decision was hailed as forward-thinking, but it didn't last: Jenkins left the project due to creative differences, but as Deadline.com noted, <a href="http://www.deadline.com/2011/12/director-patty-jenkins-exiting-thor-2-sequel/">the split was amicable</a>. File this under: Why not her? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 200-1

  • Brad Bird

    The Pixar wiz behind "The Incredibles," Bird made a successful transition to live action with "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol." He's got Disney connections, geek bona fides <em>and</em> experience with mouthy titles that include colons and dashes! (A "Star Wars" must.) Bird is also working on "1952" with Damon Lindelof, <a href="http://www.vulture.com/2012/10/damon-lindelof-brad-bird-1952.html">meaning his availability might be limited</a>. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 150-1

  • Colin Trevorrow

    Audiences might not be that familiar with Colin Trevorrow, but if there's one dark horse indie director in the mix (and there usually is; see Marc Webb for "The Amazing Spider-Man") it could be the "Safety Not Guaranteed" director. That film had heart, lo-fi special effects and ingenuity; wouldn't it be nice to see those traits in a modern-era "Star Wars"? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 125-1

  • M. Night Shyamalan

    M. Night Shyamalan was once dubbed "the next Spielberg." Would he settle for the next Lucas? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 75-1

  • Andrew Stanton

    As some critics noted, "John Carter" was the best "Star Wars" prequel George Lucas never made. Disney lost a lot of money on Andrew Stanton's notorious and expensive flop, but they clearly like working with him. Maybe the studio will give him an established brand and let him run wild? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 50-1

  • Joe Johnston

    Fun fact: Joe Johnston helped design Boba Fett's armor for "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back." <a href="http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Joe_Johnston">He also petitioned George Lucas to make a Boba Fett movie</a>. The "Captain America" director has the prior connection and necessary experience to enter into the "Star Wars" universe; will Disney give him a chance? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 45-1

  • Jon Favreau

    Jon Favreau and Disney are working on a movie called "Magic Kingdom," about a family caught in the famed Disney theme park. <a href="http://www.craveonline.com/film/articles/192815-pixar-is-helping-with-jon-favreaus-magic-kingdom">Assuming that one stays in development for the next decade</a>, maybe Favreau can sneak in "Episode VII" while he waits? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 40-1

  • Anthony Hemingway

    George Lucas chose Anthony Hemingway to direct "Red Tails," which was hailed for its "Star Wars"-y battle scenes (if little else). Hemingway will come cheap and knows how to work with Lucas, who will still be involved in the making of "Episode VII" -- at least as a consultant. Don't discount that relationship. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 35-1

  • F. Gary Gray

    Don't forget: F. Gary Gray ("The Negotiator") was on the short list of directors for the Marvel-Disney production of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." If the studio liked him enough for that film, could a galaxy far, far away be next? <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 30-1

  • Gore Verbinski

    With Johnny Depp as Chewbacca. <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <strong>ODDS</strong>: 20-1

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Huawei security chief says embracing its hacker critics

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/huawei-security-chief-says-embracing-082737021.html

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