Friday, September 28, 2012

Why You Need To Get Out of Your Adjustable Mortgage Today ...

I don?t have a crystal ball but I follow the fundamentals and the market is screaming to get out of your adjustable mortgage if you have one as soon as possible. Here is why.

The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks lend their excess reserves to other banks which don?t meet the minimum reserve requirement established by the Fed.? Currently the banks park their excess reserves with the Fed for which they are paid 25 basis points.? Even though it?s known that the Fed controls this rate (by selling and buying securities to banks via the Open Market Operations) today we?re living in a climate of banks controlling such rate.? Their excess reserves which exceed $1.6 Trillion create a liquidity trap that keeps rates below what the market would otherwise dictate.? Take a look at the St. Louis Fed chart and ask yourself how much higher can these excess reserves go.

From 2009 until now the banks? excess reserves grew exponentially. Such event occurred because the banks were selling securities (in many cases the toxic assets of the foreclosed real estate they held) to the Fed in exchange for dollars. In addition, they get paid a .25% to keep their reserves at the Fed.? This is the reason for which you see on this chart why their excess reserves spiked in a little more than two years.

For the federal funds rate to go up one of at least two events must happen.? The Fed sells securities back to banks thus reducing the banks? excess reserves and contracting the money supply.? This scenario is not much likely to happen because Mr. Bernanke is a deflationist and he fears deflation.? Politically speaking he couldn?t do that even if he wanted to.? Why?? Because money deflation leads to Wall Street deflation and the artificially inflated stock market bubble would burst.? Such event cannot happen especially during an election year.

The next and a more plausible event to occur would be when banks will start lending again.? Banks are in the business of lending money therefore the question is how long will it be until banks start lending again?? Obviously it can?t go on indefinitely.

Of course, other events could happen which could trigger the rise in the rate. The collapse of the dollar, China decoupling its economy from ours, the dollar?s status of the world reserve currency replaced with another stronger currency, or a devastating inflation.

Without confusing the matter too much, when the federal funds rate is low generally your adjustable mortgage will be low.? When that goes up you can most certainly expect your ARM to go up, as well.? And it really doesn?t matter much to which index your mortgage is tide to.

I?ve been told over and over by hesitant property owners that if the rates go up they?ll sell the property.? If they can?t sell they will refinance.? Here is the problem.? For the past four years the real estate activity was sustained by sales of ? what many would call ? below market value properties.? Of course, that?s debatable because the real value is based on what the market dictates (based on supply and demand) and not on what the current owner thinks his property value is nor on what the outstanding balance on the underlying mortgage is.

For he who believes he can sell his property when rates go up I wonder what makes him think that in a higher rate environment his property would sell for the price he?d want to sell it for?? If his property doesn?t sell today when rates are low why would it sell later when rates go up?

The second option is to refinance when rates go up.? If you study the chart above you?ll notice that during the late 1970?s the rate went up abruptly.? It wasn?t a slow and gradual increase, it was fast and furious. That increase was the result of the Fed?s contraction of money supply.

When today?s refinance loans take a minimum of two to three months, if not longer, it?ll take even longer time to close on a loan when rates start spiking.? Why?? Because everyone else who?s in that position will be standing in line to refinance (before the rate goes higher).? Not to forget that tomorrow?s fixed rates will be way higher than today?s.? And folks, you must understand that the rates cannot go any lower.? The chart above says it all.? The federal funds rate is close to zero now.

Getting a low fixed rate for as long of a term as possible is the solution to a not so distant problem.? It applies not only to those who have ARMs but also to those who have loans due to mature in the next few years.? If your loan has a prepayment penalty it should not deter you from being proactive.? The cost of waiting could be steep.? In the long run saving today by avoiding the penalty may end up costing way more in form of a high interest rate on your mortgage.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Scientists identify molecular process in fat cells that influences stress and longevity

Scientists identify molecular process in fat cells that influences stress and longevity

Thursday, September 27, 2012

As part of their ongoing research investigating the biology of aging, the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes and other serious diseases, scientists at Joslin Diabetes Center have identified a new factor ? microRNA processing in fat tissue ? which plays a major role in aging and stress resistance. This finding may lead to the development of treatments that increase stress resistance and longevity and improve metabolism. The findings appear in the September 5 online edition of Cell Metabolism.

Over the past several years, it has become clear that fat cells (adipocytes) are more than just repositories to store fat. Indeed, fat cells secrete a number of substances that actively influence metabolism and systemic inflammation. Previous studies have found that reducing fat mass by caloric restriction (CR) or surgical or genetic means can promote longevity and stress resistance in species from yeast to primates. However, little is known about how CR and fat reduction produce these beneficial effects. This study investigated one type of molecular mediator ? change in microRNAs (miRNAs) and the processing enzymes required to make them ? that is influenced by aging and reversed by caloric restriction. miRNAs are involved in the formation of mature RNA.

Based on studies conducted using human cells, mice and C. elegans (a microscopic worm used as a model organism for aging studies), the researchers demonstrated that levels of multiple miRNAs, decrease in fat tissue (adipose) with age in all three species. This is due to a decrease in the critical enzyme required from converted pre-miRNAs to mature miRNAs, Dicer. In the human study, which compared the miRNA levels in preadipocytes (fat cell precusors) of young, middle-aged and older people, people aged 70 and older had the lowest miRNA levels. "The fact that this change occurs in humans, mice and worms points to its significance as a general and important process," says lead author C. Ronald Kahn, MD, Chief Academic Officer at Joslin Diabetes Center and the Mary K. Iacocca Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Caloric restriction, which has been shown to prolong lifespan and improve stress resistance in both mice and worms, prevents this decline of Dicer, and in the case of the mice, restore miRNAs to levels observed in young mice. Conversely, exposure of adipocytes to major stressors associated with aging and metabolic diseases, including toxic agents, Dicer levels decreased. Mice and worms engineered to have decreased Dicer expression in fat showed increased sensitivity to stress, a sign of premature aging. By contrast, worms engineered to "overexpress" Dicer in the intestine (the adipose tissue equivalent in worms) had greater stress resistance and lived longer.

Overall, these studies showed that regulation of miRNA processing in adipose-related tissues plays an important role in longevity and an organism's ability to respond to age-related and environmental stress. "This study points to a completely new mechanism by which fat might affect lifespan and is the first time that anyone has looked at fat and miRNAs as factors in longevity," according to co-author T. Keith Blackwell, MD, PhD, co-head of Joslin's Section on Islet Cell and Regenerative Biology and Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School.

Based on this study, Blackwell suggests that "finding ways to improve miRNA processing to keep miRNA levels up during aging might have a role in protecting against the stresses of everyday life and the development of age- and stress-related disease."

Dr. Kahn and the study investigators are currently working on ways to genetically control Dicer levels in the fat tissues of mice, to create mouse models that are more or less resistant to stress. "We would love to find drugs that would mimic this genetic manipulation to produce a beneficial effect," says Dr. Kahn. "If we can better understand the biology of aging, we might also understand how age impacts diabetes," says Kahn.


Joslin Diabetes Center:

Thanks to Joslin Diabetes Center for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Why are journals so expensive?

Bonnie J. M. Swoger is a Science and Technology Librarian at a small public undergraduate institution in upstate New York, SUNY Geneseo. She teaches students about the science literature, helps faculty and students with library research questions and leads library assessment efforts. Bonnie started her professional life as a geologist, but realized that she was much more interested in how scientists communicate their research to one another. As a librarian, she gets to teach others about the topic. She has a BS in Geology from St. Lawrence University, an MS in Geology from Kent State University and an MLS from the University at Buffalo. She lives in upstate New York with her husband, two young daughters and two old cats. She would love to have some free time in which to indulge in hobbies. She also blogs at the Undergraduate Science Librarian and can be found on twitter @bonnieswoger.

Hadas Shema is an Information Science graduate student at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. She studies the characteristics of online scientific discourse and is a member of the European Union?s Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms (ACUMEN) project. Hadas tweets at @Hadas_Shema.

This morning, at minute 48 of a 50 minute information literacy session for an introductory biology class, a student asked me one of those seemingly innocuous questions,

?Why are journals so expensive??

We had spend the past 45 minutes talking about the scientific literature: what is peer review, what is a primary research article, and what happens after an article is published. I took two minutes to discuss finding journal articles and I gave my standard spiel about why students should use inter-library loan instead of paying for journal articles we don?t have: hundreds of thousands of your tuition dollars already pay databases and journal subscriptions. If we don?t already have a copy of the article you need in another database, we can borrow it from another library more cheaply than you can buy it online ? free to you, low cost to us. Besides, the journal publishers don?t need more of your money. Journal subscriptions are much more expensive than magazine subscriptions ? hundreds or thousands of dollars a year for just one journal.

The students? eyes went wide at the last statement about the cost of journal subscriptions. You can get a year of People for just $100, or a year of Scientific American for only $25. So why does a library subscription to the Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry (24 issues per year) cost $11,367 per year?

I believe this graph of journal costs over the years is mandatory for any blog post, presentation or article that discusses journal prices. Here it is. The yellow dotted line is the consumer price index. The top red line is journal costs. From ARL.

Since I had about 90 seconds to provide some kind of answer to this question, my mind quickly raced through the details of the ?serials crisis,? distinctions between journal prices for STM and humanities journals, the rise of the for-profit publisher after World War II, open access mandates and everything else.

In the end, I told the student there were two main reasons why publishers charge so much for journal subscriptions:

  1. The subscription isn?t just for one person, it is so that everyone at the university could (theoretically) read that content
  2. Because they can.

Journals have content (articles, reviews) that scholars and students want. Due to the nature of academic publishing, that exact same content (the results from a particular study or experiment) can?t be found in another journal. These mini-monopolies put power in the hands of publishers as scientists and scholars need access to particular content.

It?s kind of like the way that HBO can control its subscription price. If you want to watch Game of Thrones, you have to subscribe to HBO. You may get it via Time Warner or Direct TV, but HBO can still set the price. The major difference here is that unlike TV shows for entertainment purposes, some scholarly content can be considered vital to the educational and research mission of a college, making it difficult to say NO to.

This may be changing. There have been several high profile cases of libraries saying NO to high priced journal content (more on that next time), and researchers are more aware than ever of the repercussions of publishing in expensive journals. Hopefully this will lead to a greater balance of power between scholarly publishers and the institutions that purchase their content.


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Are Syrian shells raining biological agents down on Lebanese?

Lebanese living along the Syrian border are reporting rashes and other ailments. They suspect Syrian biological weapons are to blame, although weapons experts say that is unlikely.

By Nicholas Blanford,?Correspondent / September 23, 2012

A man walks past a damaged shop in the border town of Wadi Khaled after mortars from Syrian forces hit villages in northern Lebanon in July.

Roula Naeimeh/Reuters


Nourat al-Tahta, north Lebanon

Residents in Nourat al-Tahta and other villages under routine Syrian shellfire are complaining of unexplained symptoms may indicate artillery shells have been filled with a biological agent, but weapons experts discount the panicky assumptions.

Skip to next paragraph Nicholas Blanford


Nicholas Blanford has been the Monitor's correspondent in Beirut, covering Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East, since 2002.?

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Nazir Shrayteh, a doctor from the nearby village of Dousi, says he has received an unusually large number of patients from villages under shellfire in recent months complaining of rashes and diarrhea.

?Since May we have been getting these skin problems,? he says. ?I don?t know what it is, but I feel something odd is going on.?

Still, biological weapons experts say that the chances are remote that biological agents in Syrian artillery shells are the cause of the ailments. Although T-2 mycotoxins, a chemical produced by certain fungi and used as a biological weapon, are said to cause both symptoms, they are extremely toxic and potentially fatal, says Kelsey Gregg, a former biosecurity specialist with the Federation of American Scientists.

?Even at low doses, there would likely be different symptoms from an?aerosol,?including?eye and respiratory problems,? she says.

Furthermore, the ad hoc pattern of Syrian shellfire does not suggest a determined attempt to deliver biological agents. Ms. Gregg suspects the blame lies with poor sanitary conditions due to the stressful, overcrowded and abnormal circumstances in which the local residents and Syrian refugees are living.

The Nourat al-Tahta residents' case bears some similarity to a recent incident in Afghanistan, when a group of schoolgirls showing symptoms of poisoning raised fears that the Taliban was poisoning the drinking water supplies at several schools. The World Health Organization dismissed the symptoms as more likely a form of mass hysteria ? something that has happened many times in history, the Monitor reported.


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Recreation and sports: Manual For Bicycle Shoppers

Purchasing a ?bicycle can ?look like an ?effortless enough ?job without any ?drawbacks or ?long term glitches. As ?straightforward a ?method as it may seem to be, buying a ?bicycle is more involving than ?just simply ?heading to hardware or ?bicycle ?stores and ?picking the one you want, ?based on color, ?measurements or design. This ?write-up will ?seek to ?provide a novice ?biker's guide to prospective bike ?purchasers and point out ?important ?factors to ?think of before ?getting one.

Bicycles ?are available in different ?forms, ?styles and ?dimensions and are ?geared up for a variety of ?operations. There are ?various ?kinds of ?bicycle to ?pick from and some of the ?elements to ?think about before ?arriving at a final ?selection on which one to ?purchase include where you will ?use your ?bike, what you will ?utilize the ?bike for, how ?frequent you will ride it and whether you have any ?physical health ?problems, amongst others. These are but a ?handful of pointers to ?take into account. These and ?a lot more ?factors to consider will guide you into what ?kind of ?bicycle to buy. It is ?essential to answer all these ?queries before ?getting your bicycle, as these will ?enlighten your ?judgment on which ?sort of bicycle to ?buy .

?Various ?kinds of ?bikes serve different ?features and ?have different ?functions. The cargo bicycles come ?geared up with a cargo carrier and are more balanced to ?allow you to ?hold cargo as you cycle. The ?mtb or BMX bikes as they are popularly known are more suitable for mountaineering and hiking - they also come in handy for uneven off ?route ?surfaces or for bad ?routes. Their ?style and make can take harsh and ?jagged terrain. ?Convenience ?bikes are ?excellent for your everyday and ?normal cycling either for ?health and fitness or for going to work purposes. They come handy for that ?swift cycling to the ?stores ?to buy ?breadstuff or for an early ?daytime ?physical fitness ?biking exercise. These are just a few ?samples of ?kinds of bicycles to consider.

When ?getting a ?bike, it is ?crucial to take the ?dealers advice with some caution. Every seller ?desires to clear their stock and when it ?pertains to ?bikes, you are ?likely to be ?informed that their bikes on display or stock are the ?greatest. Do your own research if possible, shop around and find out more, before ?purchasing, to avoid future disappointment and ?owning a ?bike that does not ?serve for your ?demands and ?passions . ?One more ?aspect to consider is the ?rate of the ?bicycle you ?desire to ?get. If it costs an arm and a leg, it does not ?always ?imply that it is the best on the ?industry. If the ?rate almost ?match-up that of a scooter, chances are you are ?much better off with a ?motorcycle than a bicycle.

Having highlighted a ?couple of ?points to ?think about when buying a bike, the ?decision is now yours. To be ?updated beforehand ?assists you to get ahead.


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Campaigns pick Iowa poll sites for favored voters

FILE - In this Sept. 23, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gets ready to board his campaign plane in Los Angeles. Both presidential campaigns are trying to take advantage of an unusual Iowa law that gives their supporters a major say in determining where ballots can be cast before the election. Iowa?s law allows anyone who gets the signatures of 100 county voters to choose a specific voting place in that county. Before early voting begins Thursday, volunteers for both campaigns turned in a batch of petitions last week calling for voting at locations most convenient to their voters. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 23, 2012 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gets ready to board his campaign plane in Los Angeles. Both presidential campaigns are trying to take advantage of an unusual Iowa law that gives their supporters a major say in determining where ballots can be cast before the election. Iowa?s law allows anyone who gets the signatures of 100 county voters to choose a specific voting place in that county. Before early voting begins Thursday, volunteers for both campaigns turned in a batch of petitions last week calling for voting at locations most convenient to their voters. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 17, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign event in Columbus, Ohio. Both presidential campaigns are trying to take advantage of an unusual Iowa law that gives their supporters a major say in determining where ballots can be cast before the election. Iowa?s law allows anyone who gets the signatures of 100 county voters to choose a specific voting place in that county. Before early voting begins Thursday, volunteers for both campaigns turned in a batch of petitions last week calling for voting at locations most convenient to their voters. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) ? In the weeks before Election Day, University of Iowa students will have a dozen places on campus to vote for President Barack Obama or challenger Mitt Romney.

Residents in the heavily Latino city of Denison will be able to cast ballots at a Mexican grocery store. Those living in the Republican-leaning Des Moines suburbs will get to vote early at evangelical churches. And voters in the state's most conservative county, Sioux, will be able to make their picks at a small-town library.

Iowa is one of 32 states that allow early voting, and both presidential campaigns are trying to take advantage of an unusual state law that gives political supporters a big say in where the ballots are cast. As voting begins Thursday, the sudden profusion of conspicuously Obama-friendly or Romney-friendly polling places in this key battleground state will serve as a novel example of how the trend toward flexibility is morphing the tenets of Election Day across the nation.

Iowa's law allows anyone who gets the signatures of 100 county voters to choose a specific voting place in that county. Election officials must hold balloting at that site for at least one day in the 40 days before the Nov. 6 election. The law is apparently the only one of its kind in the nation, said Jennie Bowser, who tracks election law at the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Both campaigns filed a batch of petitions before last week's deadline calling for satellite voting at locations carefully chosen to make it as easy as possible for their backers to vote.

"This is substantially more than we had in the last presidential," said Tim Box, an elections administrator in Linn County, the state's second-largest, which received 12 petitions from the campaigns. He is preparing to operate sites at a union hall, on three college campuses and at an African-American church in response to Obama campaign petitions and at Lutheran churches where voting was sought by Romney's backers.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Erin Seidler said the campaign is using the polling place petitions to target key parts of the electorate Obama needs to win: college students, Latinos in small towns and African-Americans in bigger cities.

"We are strategic in how we are reaching out to voters," she said.

Romney campaign spokesman Shawn McCoy said the GOP is also spotting polling places "so that more Iowans have an opportunity to voice their support for Gov. Romney."

In most states that allow early voting, state laws direct local election administrators to choose the polling places. They typically favor neutral sites that are accessible for the general public such as libraries and courthouses, as do Iowa officials when they pick locations on their own.

Iowa's petition law was passed decades ago to allow residents to seek early voting in counties where officials refused to set up satellite sites. But as early voting became more popular, partisans have increasingly gamed the process in a way that critics say calls fairness into question. About 35 percent of Iowa voters cast ballots before Election Day in 2008, above the national average of 30 percent.

"It's partisan chaos, which ought not to happen," said Doug Lewis, executive director of the Election Center, a nonprofit organization in Houston that trains election officials on best practices. "I can't fault the campaigns for figuring out the weaknesses in the law and therefore capitalizing on it. But what that does for Iowa is it gives the election a skewed process."

The practice increased in 2010 and could intensify this cycle. In the midterm election, Republicans collected petitions for polling places at evangelical churches in Ames; two churches even opened polls during Sunday services, sparking criticism from the American Civil Liberties Union. Officials in Johnson County, a liberal stronghold that's home to the University of Iowa, operated a record 27 petition-requested sites in 2010.

This year, Johnson County Auditor Tom Slockett received a similar deluge of petitions seeking sites at the university's law school, residence halls, student union, main library and more. The influx of petitions has worried local elections officials, who say they cause last-minute logistical and budgeting headaches.

"I have long felt that the bar is too low to request satellite sites," said Slockett, recalling he was once forced to host a site on the stairwell of an academic building, the only place where voting could be set up. But attempts to change the law to make it harder to petition have failed.

In Black Hawk County, Democrats petitioned to open six sites on the University of Northern Iowa campus in Cedar Falls and one site at a black church in Waterloo. Republicans petitioned for voting at the American Martyrs Retreat House, which is operated by the Catholic Church, in rural Union township. The number of petitions is up significantly from four years ago, county elections manager Kyle Jensson said.

"We'll be scurrying to so many places," Jensson said.

In Denison, a city of 8,300 in western Iowa that is more than 40 percent Latino, the Obama campaign petitioned to require voting at La Jalisciense Tienda grocery store and in an empty former Mexican restaurant. Crawford County Auditor Terri Martens said she worried that non-Latinos who do not shop or eat at those locations wouldn't feel comfortable voting there.

"It seems like the purpose that this group is using it for is to yank one sector of the public out of the voting crowd and make it ultra-convenient for them," Martens said. "My job is to make it convenient for all voters. I'm having a difficult time with this."

Martens said she was also frustrated with the tactics the Obama operatives used to secure voting at locations they wanted.

"It was, 'If you do this and you guarantee us these days, we won't file any more petitions,'" she recalled. "I was like, 'Come on.' It was disappointing as a registered Democrat myself."

Associated Press


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Leadership for Lawyers: College of Law Practice Management ...

COLPM-LOGOThe College of Law Practice Management presents the Futures Conference on October 26-27, 2012 at Georgetown Law in Washington, DC. Anyone interested in the future of law practice and legal business should attend. Click here to register

Big Law has never been the only option for general counsel. Today, many alternatives exist, including ?new model law firms.? This panel will examine how these firms do business, practice law, differentiate, serve clients, and offer lawyers a different work experience. We will also hear from the founding visionaries on where they think the law firm market is heading.
Moderator: Ron Friedmann, Fireman & Co. Consulting
Panelists: Mark Cohen, Clearspire; Ben Lieber, Potomac Law Group PLLC; Andy Daws, Riverview Law, and Patrick Lamb, Valorem Law Group.

Law firms are adjusting the traditional personnel model, reducing the number of equity owners and adding new tiers of service providers. But the challenge of diversity remains. A nationally-recognized expert in diversity issues within law firms and other legal settings, Verna Myers will address what legal employers can do to tackle this critical issue.
Speaker: Verna Myers, Verna Myers Consulting Group LLC, author of Moving Diversity Forward.

The 2012 InnovAction Award Winners present.
Moderator: Tim Corcoran

Reports on two research projects underway at the Center for the Study of the Legal Profession, Georgetown Law: Integration and Fragmentation in the Modern Law Firm; Developing Attorneys for the Future: What Can We Learn from the Fast Trackers?
Moderator: Mitt Regan, Georgetown Law
Panelists: Juliet Aiken, Georgetown Law; Heather Bock, Georgetown Law and Lisa Rohrer, Georgetown Law.

The panel will consider such questions as: How is technology changing delivery of legal services to consumers? How is technology changing how lawyers who serve consumers practice? Do we see signs today that consumer law developments are already doing so? Will constraints - for example, client or lawyer conservatism, immature technology, or ethical barriers - limit a more rapid evolution or a real evolution?
Moderator: Tanina Rostain, Georgetown Law;
Panelists: Stephanie Kimbro, Burton Law LLC; Michael Mills, Neota Logic, and Marc Lauritsen, Capstone

In 2011, a panel focused on defining value. Now, in this panel discussion, we take the next step, as law firm and inhouse representatives explain how alternative arrangements are developed and tweaked so that both sides can derive value.
Moderator: Aric Press, American Lawyer Media
Panelists: Toby Brown, Akin Gump; Mark Chandler, Cisco Systems.

The future demands a new focus in law firm management. This panel, featuring extraordinary managing partners, examines the critical roles and responsibilities of MPs in firms of all sizes?and what the panelists see as the future challenges and opportunities in firm management, including managing talent at all levels and ?getting things done? in ways that most benefit the firm, its people and its clients.
Moderator: John Michalik, JJeyEm Consulting and author of The Extraordinary Managing Partner, Reaching the Pinnacle of Law Firm Management
Panelists: Thomas Grella, McGuire Wood & Bissette, P.A.; Fredrick Lautz, Quarles & Brady LLP; Charles Vigil, Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, P.A.; Ward Bower, Altman Weil, Inc.

General Counsel face continuing pressure to control costs while coping with growing demands for legal advice. In a panel organized by the Association of Corporate Counsel, you will hear how experienced law department leaders respond to this pressure and what it means both for their department operations and the law firms they retain.
Moderator: Amar Sarwal, ACC
Panelists: Scott Chaplin, Jorge Scientific Corporation; Susan Hackett, Legal Executive Leadership and Eric Margolin, CarMax, Inc.

2012 has been a year of intense pressure on low-income people facing legal problems and unfortunately, intense pressure on the legal aid organizations that serve them. In these tough times, law practice management expertise and best practices are needed more than ever to improve efficiency, buoy up morale, tune up staffing and employ new technologies. During lunch, Jim Sandman, President of the Legal Services Corporation and a 2012 College fellow-elect, will update attendees on bleak conditions facing LSC and describe a new mentoring initiative in the planning stages that will expand the pro bono consulting the College can offer to legal aid.


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Friday, September 14, 2012

Kate Hudson: Bing?s Birth Was Like a ?Woody Allen Film?

"I have my doctor and my mom kind of looking over with these headlights. And she brings a magnolia flower. And she sort of starts to do these visualizations with me. And she's going, 'Imagine your va-jay-jay as a large magnolia flower blossoming.'"


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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday Night Open (Little green footballs)

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Japan buys disputed islands, China sends patrol ships

TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States cautioned China and Japan against escalating a row over a group of islands that both nations claim, warning that tensions between the world's second and third-biggest economies would have global repercussions.

On Tuesday, Japan brushed off stern warnings by China and said it had bought the islands from a private Japanese owner. China rained warnings on Japan and official media said Beijing had sent two patrol ships to reassert its claim.

"This is the cockpit of the global economy and the stakes could not be bigger and the desire is to have all leaders to keep that squarely in mind," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said in Washington.

"We think in the current environment we want cooler heads to prevail, frankly," Campbell said while answering questions at a debate held by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

"We have enormous stakes in the maintenance of peace and stability. We believe that peaceful dialogue and the maintenance of peace and stability is of utmost importance always but particularly now in this set of circumstances."

Although a close ally of Japan, Washington has said it will not take sides in the territorial dispute.

The Chinese military's top newspaper accused Japan of "playing with fire", and the Ministry of Defense warned that more, unspecified steps could follow.

"The Chinese military expresses its staunch opposition and strong protest over this," Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng said in remarks posted on the ministry's website (

"The Chinese government and military are unwavering in their determination and will to defend national territorial sovereignty. We are closely following developments, and reserve the power to adopt corresponding measures."

Tokyo insisted it had only peaceful intentions in making the 2.05 billion yen ($26.18 million) purchase of three uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, until now leased by the government from a Japanese family that has owned them since early 1970s.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba repeated Japan's line that the purchase served "peaceful and stable maintenance of the islands".

"We cannot damage the stable development of the Japan-China relationship because of that issue. Both nations need to act calmly and from a broad perspective," he told reporters.

The Japanese Coast Guard will administer the islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, which are near rich fishing grounds and potentially huge maritime gas fields.

Geng accused Japan of "using all kinds of excuses to expand its armaments, and repeatedly creating regional tensions".

Beijing has avoided sending military forces into disputed seas at the heart of quarrels with neighbors, including Japan, instead using civilian government vessels to stake its claims.

China's Xinhua news agency reported that two China Marine Surveillance (CMS) vessels reached the waters around the islets on Tuesday morning. The government force is in charge of enforcing law and order in China's waters, but operates separately from the navy.


The tensions with Japan come while China's ruling Communist Party is preoccupied with a forthcoming once-in-a-decade leadership change, as well as slowing economic growth.

China's focus on domestic politics and the economy will not deter a potentially strong response to Japan, said Sun Cheng, a professor specializing in Japan at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing.

"Chinese people won't disregard territorial disputes just because of the economy and the Party Congress," said Sun. "And if China is too soft on this issue, I don't think the Chinese people will abide by that."

The news triggered small-scale protests in front of the tightly guarded Japanese embassy in Beijing. Microbloggers on China's popular Twitter-like service Sina Weibo also reported small anti-Japanese protests in the eastern city of Weihai and the southwestern city of Chongqing.

"We strongly urge Japan to fully grasp the danger of the present situation and step back from the edge of a precipice over the Diaoyu islands issue," the foreign affairs committee of China's national parliament said in a statement read out on a state television news broadcast.

The long-running territorial dispute flared last month after Japan detained a group of Chinese activists who had landed on the islands. And the row appears to be having an economic impact, with a Chinese official saying Japanese car sales in the world's biggest auto market may have been hit.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, in an address to senior military officers, made no direct reference to the islands dispute, but pointed to China's growing military clout as one of challenges Japan had to contend with.

The Japanese foreign ministry said it was sending its Asia department chief to Beijing on Tuesday for talks to "avoid misunderstanding and lack of explanation on the issue".

The government bought three of five islets that it has been leasing from the Kurihara family, which bought the islands in 1972 from another Japanese family that had controlled them since the 1890s. The government has owned one of the remaining islets and continues to lease one from the Kurihara family.

Noda floated the plan to buy the islets in July to head off what appeared to be a much more provocative bid by Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, a harsh critic of China, to purchase them and make the islands available for development.

(Additional reporting by Kaori Kaneko and Tetsushi Kajimoto in Tokyo; Michael Martina, Terril Jones and Chris Buckley in Beijing; and Paul Eckert in Washington; Writing by Tomasz Janowski; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)


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Apple's New A6 Chip Is Smaller, Lighter, and Mightier [A6]

Apple announced it's got a whole new chip for the iPhone 5. It's called the A6, which is a semi-surprising upgrade to this year's iPad's A5X. More »


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Saturday, September 8, 2012

IllegalCurve: Tmrw on the IC Hockey Show, we tackle the question of which Team Canada was best: 1972 Summit Series, 1987 Canada Cup, 2002 Olys, 2010 Olys?

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My Blog Guest: Incorporating antique fireplaces into your modern ...

My Blog Guest: Incorporating antique fireplaces into your modern?home

Posted by chllondonproperty on September 7, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

A London based antique dealer,?Westland London?specialises in antique fireplaces, mantels,?chandeliers?& statuary.

Over the years, styles in which houses have been built have changed countless times. In the18th and 19th centuries houses were built in Jacobean, Neo Gothic or Georgian style. All of these previous designs have influenced today?s modern and contemporary home. Despite the constantly changing landscape of residential architecture, there has been one constant throughout the years: the fireplace.

An antique fireplace gives people a connection to the past, which often provides a sense of comfort. A modern home is filled with countless high-tech gadgets and gizmos that are a glimpse into the future first experienced by the American TV show ?The Jetsons?. By having an antique fireplace in your modern home, whether it be big or small, formal or understated, allows yourself to step back into centuries past and appreciate the beauty of man?s great creation.

Whether you opt for a fireplace, or antique hob grates, the antique fireplace plays an important role in your home?s decoration. One of the most popular and classic styles is the Georgian fireplace. Often made of wood or marble, with its sleek lines a distinct carving, a Georgian fireplace epitomises all that was classic in the Georgian era. It will remain the focal point of the room, and be admired by all who see it. The Georgian style has the classic feel that will be appreciated for years to come.
A worry that owners of modern homes have is that they will not be able to integrate antiques into the home?s contemporary style. If done correctly, however, you can mix the ancient and modern styles to create a layered, eclectic style that will make your interior decoration feel bold and exciting. This style of mixing old and new goes further than a fireplace. Furniture, lamps, and tables also play a part in making your home?s d?cor all your own. One way to make this work is to infuse furniture and accessories from all eras. If you have a Georgian fireplace, contrast it with a sofa from the Victorian era and a coffee table from the 60s. This will give your room proper flow and not make one piece stand out more than any other, which is important in a modern home.

There is no questioning the sense of comfort a fireplace provides. It gives off warmth, light and is the perfect place to gather the family around after a long day. The fireplace must give off the same feel as the actual fire. It must welcome people around it. In a modern home many of the objects, especially the most technologically advanced, can be cold and off-putting. A perfect way to combat this feeling in a contemporary living space is to install and antique fireplace. It will give your home that warm, cosy feeling that wraps you up and eases the stress of your day.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

5 Ways to Attract 5-Figure Clients - Enlightened Marketing

Barbara asks, ?How do you prospect for your high level Inner Circle clients??

Great question! I know a lot of others wonder about this (because they ask me all the time in private!) Here are 5 ways to attract 5-figure clients:

5 Ways to Attract 5-Figure Clients? High five!

1. Deliver high value in ALL your programs. Every member of our Inner Circle but one had done at least one of our programs in the past. Some had been enrolled consistently in our programs for years, often?beginning with an introductory product or program.

So, never hold back value when creating programs ? always do your very best work on them all. And don?t limit yourself when thinking about your ?client path? ? how clients move through your offerings. You may find they jump right from entry level to Platinum, just like ours do.

2.??Get the word out about your offer! I use this example often:

Mike runs a printing and direct mail service. He came to me SO frustrated one day.? A customer had come into his store and said, ?Wow, I didn?t know you were right here on Main Street. Did you just move? How long have you been here???

?About 18 years,? he sighed.

Now, I know he?s frustrated, but whose job is it to make sure your clients know about you? Yours. After all, your customers don?t have psychic powers, do they? (It would be nice if they did!)

Like Mike, many of my clients can?t believe how much they have to talk about something before it hits their prospective clients? radar screens. I don?t blame them. My colleague, Andy, and I now chuckle at high little we promoted our programs in years past, thinking we were doing a LOT of marketing.

How much or often should you market your high-end offer? As much as it takes! Here are some things to do:

  • If you have people in mind you think would benefit from the program, reach out and invite them personally.
  • If you?re marketing to your email subscribers, dedicate 2-4 newsletters to your main list to this topic and several more to a sub-list (or ?interest list?) of those who opt in to learn more.
  • Hold a free preview call with information about your high-end offer or, at minimum, share an informative PDF download.

Sound complicated? It doesn?t have to be. Andy includes the complete sequence of emails and a paint-by-numbers template for teleseminars that sell in the modules of My First Membership Program.

The real intention here is this: anyone who might consider your program needs to have heard from you about it more than once and received exactly the information they need to decide whether to learn more.

3.??Clearly communicate the value of your programs. One of the first steps we always take when creating an offer is making an Ultimate Message Generator (UMG!). This is a short but detailed description answering all the key questions someone would have about a program.

One of my loyal clients has worked with me to write at least 5 UMGs for everything from her book to her membership program to her executive coaching.? As a self-admitted ?disliker? of marketing, she LOVES the ease of sharing her value with her UMG!

For more tips on creating a UMG! for your program, check out the free instructional webcast at

4.?Package the value as a no-brainer. I?m a fan of the mixed-offer package. I almost never sell?just my?time. My favorite packages contain this combo:

  1. A curriculum with clear learning objectives and outcomes
  2. Access to me/my team for strategizing and implementation help
  3. Additional value, especially in a ?not easily quantifiable? form

For example, one program I attended had content I wanted to learn (a), a VIP Day with the coach (yay ? b) and the chance to JV with the coach (c). We sometimes offer co-promotion, help from our tech team, inclusion in a mastermind community and other intangibles.

What MUST happen is that the right client for you ?gets? the value and thinks, ?Sure, it?s a big investment, but what a fabulous value. I?m IN!?

5.?Don?t over-think it. There is no secret method I use only to get members in my Inner Circle or only when I?m selling $60,000 programs. I use the same tested and proven tactics over and over again every week, month, quarter and year, whether I?m selling a $3,000 program or a $37/month home-study course.

Speaking of low investments, there?s not a single method I use to get my 5-figure clients that I do not discuss IN DETAIL in my acclaimed course, Attracting Perfect Clients. I?ve caught a lot of flack from my own mentors and coaches about the low price (?You could be selling that from the stage for thousands!?), but I want to keep THIS program accessible to everyone.

Do you have a question I haven?t answered? Please feel free to ask it below.


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Famous Estates ? Legacy Champ or Chump? | The Mendel Law ...

Sep 07, 2012 ?/? By: Stephen A. Mendel, Estate Planning Attorney ?/? Category: Uncategorized

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) ? American Clergyman & Civil Rights Activist


Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Baptist minister, who became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott, and in 1957 he helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, serving as its first president. King?s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his famous ?I Have a Dream? speech. There, he established his reputation as one of the great orators in American history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the Vietnam War. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Medal in 2004. In 1986, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday.

We honor Mr. King because he is clearly a Legacy Champ. If you want to be a Legacy Champ in your own special way, then contact The Mendel Law Firm, L.P., for a free initial consultation on estate planning, trust planning, and/or probate issues.

The Mendel Law Firm, L.P. is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys.


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How To Get Hired ? Methods for Enterprise Interviews You will ...

It is usually ignored, just how crucial it?s to be ready with regard to company interviews each time. Individuals could imagine this is a thing individuals will certainly carry out, however, many do not. Selection interviews are actually diverse, not necessarily centered on just one single specific issue. You will be judged in a blend approach that includes the maximum amount of in regards to you as they are able discover. On paper, they may look wonderful. It really is only if these people get speaking that points begin to make a mistake. The ability to communicate effectively is important with regard to company and several positions. Getting ready for the job interview is always advised, there were a great many other causes of achieving this as well.

Within a enterprise meeting, you?ll be asked many queries. The best way to put together is usually to be prepared for anything that could come your way. In today?s economic system, competition is gonna be intense, so you must be properly ready. You have to inform individuals your reason for the best person for the job and also take note of whatever you may with regards to you in this area. When you have experience, next take note of the way your experience will manage to benefit the potential employer. Justifying exactly why you are the very best person for that placement is what you need to do when you?re getting questioned for the job from your potential employer. This is the simplest way that you should be properly prepared for any questions which come the right path.

Treat your task software the most effective it is possible to because it states some thing in regards to you to potential employers. Unless you entirely fill out your task software, or even place coffee unsightly stains on it just before passing that in, may very well not cost very well. Try not to clutter this kind of up as this is really one of the least difficult items to have completed. You have to read through each software that you get and also make positive you realize every facet of that. Sometimes they?ll need a particular form of pen when completing the application. You might want to have somebody a person trust make voluminous rather.

Being past due for a enterprise interview is among the most severe things you can do. It?s really a good idea to get your own mobile phone with all the contact number associated with where you are going : in the event. Who knows when some unforeseen hold off might hamper how you?re progressing. Calling these if you fail to be presently there on time is crucial if you wish to nevertheless be regarded for your placement. Being past due is undoubtedly not really going to make the very best impression, but if there is a good reason it might be forgiven. All you are able perform will be get all the likely factors (visitors, educate agendas, and so on.) into consideration as well as hope for the best. You should remember the nature to do any type of business on the web. A myriad of companies are coming and going, key changes to our policy with Google, Yahoo as well as other moving firm and shakers almost all get their impact. All the old-timers can tell you stories about stuff that happen to be stable for many years can become totally different as well as long gone. When baby change station is possibly something you can contribute using the approach you advertise, next this is a good yet consider exactly what that may probably imply the long-term. Something that has got the naive in danger is because they usually do not hassle to inquire about crucial concerns or even offer severe believed and attention to matters similar to this. Nonetheless, though, all of us generally think it is more important never to possess worry but rather be mindful with your business.

The good factor about business interviews is that you could obtain beneficial expertise from every single one that you simply do. It is possible to reach interviews geared up if you know already that happen to be conducting the interview. Since all interviewers are very different, the harder information you?ve got about the person, the better for you personally. Even though you cannot find away something about the person, you are able to nevertheless accumulate beneficial information about the organization.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ben & Jerry's sues over X-rated 'Ben & Cherry's'

NEW YORK (AP) ? Ben & Jerry's sued the maker of "Ben & Cherry's" X-rated DVDs Wednesday, saying the "hardcore pornographic" films have smeared the ice cream maker's reputation.

The trademark lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Manhattan said the sale of hardcore and exploitive pornographic DVDs and related goods is tarnishing Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.'s name by creating an association with pornography. It said the claims arise from the distribution and sale of a series of DVDs containing "exploitative, hardcore pornographic films" featuring titles and themes based on "well-known and iconic" Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors as well as packaging that contains key company features such as a grazing cow, green grass and large white puffy clouds.

The lawsuit by the Vermont-based company said the films would likely cause "confusion, mistake or deception" regarding the company's trademarks. It identified some of the X-rated names similar to its own as "Boston Cream Thigh," ''New York Fat & Chunky" and "Peanut Butter D-Cup." Ben & Jerry's has ice cream flavors titled: "Boston Cream Pie," ''New York Super Fudge Chunk" and "Peanut Butter Cup."

For nearly 35 years, Ben & Jerry's has produced and sold ice cream, frozen confections, frozen yogurt and sorbet, building the reach of its trademarks through more than 300 Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shops in the United States and another 150 shops internationally, as well as through supermarkets, drugstores, delis, ice cream cars and online, the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages. A message left with defendants Rodax Distributors and Caballero Video at their North Hollywood, Calif., offices wasn't immediately returned.


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Motorola promises $100 credit towards a new phone if yours doesn't get Jelly Bean

Android Central

Motorola and Verizon's joint event today in New York kicked off with an awesome announcement: if your phone doesn't get a Jelly Bean update, they'll knock off $100 on your upgrade to one of the new Motorola devices. The details are still a bit sketchy, but it's great news, especially combined with their new developer initiative. Motorola said that they're aiming to roll out Jelly Bean to as many of their devices as possible. Apparently most of the ones launched since 2011 will be upgradeable, while all of the new devices announced today will either be launching with Jelly Bean or will have an upgrade in short order.

Being owned by Google is starting to have some perks, eh Moto? So, would you guys side with Motorola or any other device manufacturer that had a deal like this going on? It certainly eases the pain of staying up to date. 


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Control Jay Cutler Jersey The Real Estate Market place With These


This is a common myth amid American citizens Jay Cutler Jersey that offering a residence is undoubtedly an particularly hard task. Though it may be not always straightforward, if you possess the assistance of the skilled, or perhaps you stick to helpful tips such as these you will find that it is not as tough as you might believe.

Selling a home in today?s market place will likely be much more challenging than this has been in past yrs. The home ideals are not because they used to be when you want to sell your home on the costs the assessor informs you it is actually well worth, there is a good chance that you may be tied to it for quite a while. Reduce the selling price a little and also you will be able to move ahead.

If you Jay Cutler Jersey market property via the internet, it is vital which you stay in addition to the latest equipment and techniques of your internet. If you do not comprehend the ever-altering structure of your web, in that case your website will get behind and you will definitely lose 1000s of consumers over time.

For those who have someone emerging to check out your own home which is available for sale, make your garage area entrance closed. Garages are generally full of chaos and clutter and you may not want possible property customers to discover the wreck. Even so, if they ask to appear from the car port, do not deny them.

Upgrade your backyard Jay Cutler Jersey living area to bring in buyers. Attempt to add an outdoor patio or repairing up an obsolete outdoor patio. Put plants or perhaps a few tone bushes. Outdoor living is becoming more and more well-liked in today?s way of living. Customers are seeking it. Top dollars can be done on the excellent outdoor area.

Be sure that your bath rooms happen to be in hint-good shape when you find yourself preparing to show your property. Buyers like to see thoroughly clean, spotless bath rooms. They enjoy to transform the liquid off and on and also flush the bathroom. Therefore you have to be sure that the lighting fixtures sparkle and work correctly.

While you are preparing your house to get sold Jay Cutler Jersey you need to clean out any individual items so that your residence will look anonymous to all which go to see it. Purchasers would like to visualize their selves in your house and getting way too much of your points there will not allow them to have that possibility.

An issue that most dealers forget about will be the lighting changes. It might not seem significant, but older or dirty light-weight changes can send a negative feel. Men and women normally take a look at gentle switches, and many probable you?ll make use of them when displaying your home. So put out some extra dollars and swap all the older lighting changes in the home Jay Cutler Elite Jersey and make them appear wonderful.

As you can see, selling a home will not be as tough as it can appear. In case you are happy to read up about the subject and adhere to the guidance provided, it will save you a great deal of dollars next time you happen to be confronted by the process of marketing a residence.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sony's 84-inch 4K Bravia KD-84X900 goes up for pre-order tomorrow for $25,000

Sony's 84-inch 4K Bravia KD-84X900 goes up for pre-order tomorrow for $25,000

That stunning and gigantic Bravia that Sony unveiled at IFA, well, we finally have pricing and availability for this potential TV king. The 84-inch Bravia KD-84X900 will go up for pre-order tomorrow, September 6th, for the jaw-dropping price of $25,000 (let us know when you've stopped hyperventilating). The edge-lit panel wont' be delivering full HD passive 3D entertainment to living rooms until later this fall, however. While orders can be placed less than 24 hours from now, shipments will have to wait until some undetermined day in November. Well, at least that should give you a few months head start on paying this monstrosity off... before the repo men eventually show up to take it off your hands.

Continue reading Sony's 84-inch 4K Bravia KD-84X900 goes up for pre-order tomorrow for $25,000

Sony's 84-inch 4K Bravia KD-84X900 goes up for pre-order tomorrow for $25,000 originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:46:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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