Saturday, December 31, 2011

Is France's Armenian Genocide law merely a domestic ploy for votes?

The diplomatic repercussions of the vote in France to criminalize denying the Armenian Genocide have been substantial, but so are the domestic benefits.

Lawmakers in France's lower house last week voted to make it a crime to deny the Turkish Ottoman genocide of Armenians in 1915, citing human rights and the protection of memory. Violators will receive?a one-year jail sentence and a nearly $70,000 fine.?

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Diplomatic fallout has been severe, with Turkey withdrawing its ambassador to France amid an angry nationalist backlash. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said French massacres in colonial Algeria were themselves a genocide, and has since vowed ?retribution? for the French law that treats with an issue in Turkey that has never been resolved.

But France?s righteous ire about the Armenian genocide couldn?t mostly be about French politics, about currying favor with an estimated 500,000 Armenian heritage French ahead of a tight election, could it?

Consider some relevant data points: In 2001, just ahead of national elections, France officially recognized the Armenian genocide. In fall 2006, again just before the elections that brought President Nicolas Sarkozy into office, French politicians threatened to criminalize the denial of the genocide of Armenians with a five-year prison sentence. Now, just ahead of presidential elections this spring, President Sarkozy?s ruling party led the first-time law to criminalize denying the 1915 genocide. * Correction: The original text misstated when France officially recognized the Armenian genocide.

Never mind that the French foreign minister registered a dissenting opinion over the law, passed on Dec. 22, and that French historians have disagreed with legislating truth on an event less clear than the Holocaust of mid-20th century. Or that the law may well not pass the French Senate when it is debated next year. Or that the Armenian patriarch in Turkey said this week he?d rather the French let the issue be worked out in Turkey, where it remains an unresolved and contentious issue.

?The law is complicating the work of Turkish progressives who have been trying to get Turkish society to address what actually happened in their history. That?s the saddest part,? says Karim Emile Bitar, a senior fellow at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations in Paris. ?The most sensible intellectuals on the issue are being trampled in Turkey.?

Some 20 nations have passed resolutions condemning the Armenian genocide. But while individuals in some nations can be prosecuted for denying mass crimes against humanity or on anti-racial grounds, or for denying the Jewish Holocaust, France may be the first to criminalize the Armenian genocide.

The late Turkish writer and leading intellectual Hrant Dink, who did more than anyone to raise the issue of the massacre and deportations of anywhere from?700,000 to 1.5 million Armenians, said of the French proposed laws in 2006 that he?d rather dance up the Champs-?lys?es denying the genocide than see the law passed in France.

Documentation of the genocide, which took place during or under cover of World War I, is substantial. The historical consensus is that a genocide ? as defined by the United Nations as the ?intent to destroy in whole or in part? an ethnic or religious peoples ? happened. The US ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the time, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., was distraught at the scale of the inhumanity, and wrote prolifically about the details in cables and articles. Yet the carnage was ignored for years as an inconvenient truth or lost in the overall shock of World War I ? and earned the title of ?the forgotten genocide.?


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Noel Rockmore, 'Picasso of New Orleans,' revisited (AP)

NEW ORLEANS ? In the four-block radius where he painted and drank himself into frightening stupors, Noel Rockmore was known by the denizens of the French Quarter as an outrageous Pablo Picasso-like figure who combined the mythological and the real. He produced some 15,000 oil paintings, temperas, collages and sketches over his career and then died in obscurity.

burdeHis life was that of an American outsider and a throwback to Europe's great expressionistic and hedonistic masters.

In the 1950s, when he was still in his 20s, his paintings hung in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art and the Hirshhorn Museum. He was a bright young American artist who had a taste for Rembrandt and figurative paintings, with the outlook of an American social realist.

Then, the art world changed: Abstract expressionism ? typified by the paint throwing of Jackson Pollock ? became the rave. Rockmore, who admired draftsmanship in painting, detested it.

Rockmore changed: He left his wife and three children, changed his last name and headed to New Orleans in 1959, where he would eventually get lost to the New York art world.

The story of Noel Montgomery Davis (his real name) is getting a long-overdue audience outside New Orleans, a city that is enjoying something of an art renaissance itself six years after Hurricane Katrina. From now until the end of January, his works are on view at the LaGrange Art Museum in Georgia. The retrospective is called "Creative Obscurity: The Genius Noel Rockmore."

"He was kind of an art hobo," said Ethyl Ault, interim director of the LaGrange Art Museum.

She said Rockmore was an overlooked genius. "Was it politics? Did he offend people? Why was he so popular in New York when he was younger, and then he leaves, changes his name and then goes on into his fairytale land?"

The show is based on nearly 1,500 Rockmore art works retrieved from storage units in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. For 25 years, Shirley Marvin, an octogenarian Baton Rouge patron, had been saving Rockmore art works and memorabilia with the intention of making him famous one day.

But she had forgotten about the collection due to short-term memory loss, her family said. Marvin was one of Rockmore's most devoted fans. She saw genius in him ? like many others in New Orleans. The extraordinary collection was gathering dust when her son, Rich Marvin, took her down to New Orleans in October 2006, a year after Katrina, to get "a few paintings," as her mother described it. Instead, they found the units packed with remnants of Rockmore's life.

In the wake of the collection's discovery, Rich and his wife Tee Marvin have become Rockmore's biggest impresarios ? the agents Rockmore famously refused to have throughout his life as he willfully lived on the edge of the art world. He was notorious among art galleries for his temper and fits of outrage. His friends say he suffered emotional problems for much of his life.

The Marvins ? working with Rockmore's family and art dealers, collectors and museum curators ? have begun cataloging his works and promoting him. They estimate he produced about 15,000 pieces of art and conservatively 750 to 1,000 of those are masterpieces.

"At first we thought my mom was crazy," Rich Marvin said. "When a museum or gallery lines up his top 200 exquisite works, people will be as stunned as we are."

Rockmore was born in 1928 in New York to a family of artists. He was super-talented. A child prodigy, he played the violin well by age 8. After suffering polio at age 10, he turned to painting. He studied briefly at The Juilliard School and had a studio at the Cooper Union. Family friends included Ernest Hemingway, George Gershwin and Thomas Mann.

His 20s were prolific as he painted the bums of the Bowery district, monkeys and elephants in the backstage of the Ringling Brothers Circus, and parables of Central Park and Coney Island. He was a social realist, akin to Depression-era American painters such as John Steuart Curry, but these early works contained themes and artistic styles that would stay with him: death, violence, sex, the surreal and the allegorical.

In retrospect, it was the ghoulish and morbid in Rockmore that defined him, making him a kind of American Hieronymus Bosch.

In the 1950s, Rockmore became fed up with the wave of abstract expressionists then taking hold of New York ? the flat tones and humanless canvasses of Willem De Kooning, Pollock, Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman. During this period he drank heavily and his wife kicked him out because of his wildness, his daughter, Emilie Heller-Rhys said.

At age 31, he moved down to New Orleans and began working with Larry Borenstein, an art collector, and Allan Jaffe, a business school graduate and tuba player. In the 1960s, Borenstein employed Rockmore as a kind of resident painter for a new society he'd formed with Jaffe to preserve traditional New Orleans jazz music. The society would become Preservation Hall.

Rockmore was commissioned to paint the old-time musicians. He captured the mood, scent, touch and smoke of New Orleans jazz and its musicians ? Punch Miller, Percy Humphrey, Louis Nelson, Sweet Emma and Billie and DeDe Pierce, and scores of others.

His output was staggering. He'd become fixated by a subject ? New Orleans' Carnival traditions, the frenetic Port of New Orleans, the characters of the French Quarter, alien beings, ancient Egypt, voodoo ? and mined it artistically.

Some of his most cherished and memorable pieces are of the Quarter's Bohemians, fellow outsiders: Ruthie the Duck Girl; Gypsy Lou; O.M. (standing for "Old Man"); Mike Stark; Johnny White; and Sister Gertrude Morgan.

Yet, his life was pierced by that dark side.

"He was a brilliant artist, and I don't use those words lightly," said Stephen Clayton, a New Orleans art collector who did not know Rockmore and does not own any of his works. "He chose to come here, came to the Quarter, climbed in a bottle and never got out."

From his morning vodka, Rockmore kept going all day, muscling his way through sketches, wall-sized oils, nudes in charcoal, sculptures and mixed media and calling it quits at one of his favorite bars, often The Alpine, within shouting distance of the St. Louis cathedral and his bed.

There are stories of him trashing art galleries and studios. Handcuffing a woman to his stove. Sticking a mummified cat in one of his works. Going on lithium and alcohol binges that left him a wreck. Cursing at tourists viciously. Sitting in streets with his muddy tennis shoes and rumpled clothing, looking like a bum. Drawing on napkins, grocery bags and just about anything else he liked. Sitting in bars, drinking and trying to get women to go to bed with him.

One of Rockmore's closest friends, Andy Antippas, a former Tulane University poetry professor and art gallery owner, recalled going into Rockmore's apartment during one of his lithium binges and finding his studio in a state that resembled the home of Charles Manson.

"It was trashed," said Antippas, who found pages from Playboy magazine littering the floor and feces from his two dogs in the middle of his bed. "He'd obviously been sitting in one place and drinking and painting for hours."

"Noel was an autodidact of the highest order," Antippas said. "There was probably no artist more prolific than Noel ? except perhaps Picasso."

Antippas is like many Rockmore fans. He believes he was a genius, a master who ranks among the greatest.

In his home on St. Claude Avenue ? cluttered with books, paintings, decorated human skulls, African masks and paintings galore ? Antippas stood in front of a large subdued painting hanging on the wall near his desk. He looked at it and said he owned what he believed to be "one of the finest paintings, if not the best, painting in western civilization, a nude portrait of his father. It's the only such painting ever done."

"He couldn't relate to the real world. He lived in his own world; he was driven by his own work," said Rita Posselt, a 59-year-old fine art photographer who lived with Rockmore between 1978 and 1984 and frequently posed for him. "He would wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, and in between those hours there was a lot of torment for him."

"He wanted somebody to recognize his talent, and he wanted important people in the art world, museums and such, to do so, but he didn't want to jump through hoops and parties to make it happen."

During his life, and still today, Rockmore was a kind of New Orleans project.

He is woven into the city. Anyone who has stepped into the gloom of Preservation Hall has seen Rockmores ? they're the haunting oil paintings of jazz greats on the walls. A Rockmore hangs in Johnny White's bar. It's a football scene, a token of appreciation for the bar owner, Johnny White, and typically Rockmore: There are three teams on the field. His paintings hang in the Old Mint, the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, and on the walls of galleries and homes throughout New Orleans. And who knows where else.

"My feeling was that Noel was the most democratic painter," Antippas said. "Every waiter, bartender, in the Quarter has a Rockmore. God knows how many Rockmores are hanging on walls throughout the city."

Rockmore died in 1995 at age 66 of an untreated infection. When he was taken to the hospital, according to friends, he was admitted as a "street person." According to his friends, he sat up on the gurney and declared, "I'm not a street person, I'm a great artist."

"I always say that he is America's Picasso," said Heller-Rhys, his daughter and an accomplished artist herself, as she stood during a recent visit outside the Skyscraper building, an 18th century apartment building where Rockmore ? and many other artists, including Charles Bukowski ? stayed in the 1970s. "And America has to come to terms with that."



The Rockmore Project:

LaGrange Art Museum:


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Friday, December 30, 2011

NASA's twin moon probes closing in on orbit

A pair of NASA spacecraft is getting set to orbit the moon this weekend, a move that will kick off the probes' effort to study Earth's nearest neighbor from crust to core.

NASA's twin Grail spacecraft are slated to start circling the moon one day apart, with Grail-A arriving on Saturday and Grail-B following on Sunday. The two probes will then fly around the moon in tandem, mapping the lunar gravity field in unprecedented detail and helping scientists better understand how the moon formed and evolved.

"This mission will rewrite the textbooks on the evolution of the moon," Grail principal investigator Maria Zuber, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a statement.

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Precision flying
The $496 million Grail mission (short for Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory) launched on Sept. 10 from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The two washing-machine-size probes have taken their sweet time since, charting circuitous, energy-efficient courses that will get them to the moon after more than three months of flying. Contrast that with NASA's manned Apollo 11 mission, which prioritized speed and got there in three days back in 1969.

Grail-A and Grail-B won't be ready to start their science campaign immediately upon arriving at the moon. Rather, they'll spend another two months circling lower and lower, eventually settling into orbits just 34 miles (55 kilometers) above the lunar surface, researchers said.

The twin probes will begin taking measurements in March. They'll chase each other around the moon for 82 days, staying 75 to 225 miles (121 to 362 kilometers) apart. [Video: Grail's Mission to Map Moon Gravity]

Regional differences in the moon's gravitational field will cause the two spacecraft to speed up or slow down slightly, changing the distance between them as they fly. Using microwave signals that they bounce back and forth to each other, Grail-A and Grail-B will gauge these distance variations constantly.

And they'll do so with incredible precision. The Grail probes will be able to determine how far apart they are from each other to within a few microns ? less than the width of a human red blood cell, researchers have said.

Mapping the moon's interior
The Grail team will use the twin probes' measurements to construct highly detailed maps of the lunar gravity field. These maps should help scientists plan out future lunar landings, of both robotic and manned spacecraft, officials have said.

And the mission's observations should yield other benefits as well.

Specifically, Grail's data should reveal the moon's structure in great detail, allowing scientists to draw insights about how the rocky body formed and how it has changed over time.

"Grail is a journey to the center of the moon," Zuber told reporters Wednesday. The two probes' measurements, along with data collected by other spacecraft, she added, "will enable us to reconstruct the moon's early evolution."

This information, in turn, could shed light on how other large objects in the inner solar system came to be, researchers have said.

An extended mission?
Grail's primary science work should wrap up in June. But the Grail team hopes NASA grants the two spacecraft a mission extension through next December, Zuber said. She and her colleagues want to take Grail even lower, to just 15 miles (25 kilometers) or so above the lunar surface.

"I call it flying over the treetops of the moon," Zuber said of the proposed extended mission. "We will take the spacecraft down as low as we can, to map, have a sensitivity to the shallowest, shallowest structures of the lunar crust."

Researchers also want Grail to raise public awareness about the moon, and to help engage kids in math and science. To this end, special cameras aboard the probes will be used to encourage middle-school students to participate in lunar research and follow along with Grail, during both its nominal mission and any extended campaign.

The so-called MoonKam project, which will snap photos of the lunar surface for students on Earth, is led by former NASA astronaut Sally Ride and her educational company Sally Ride Science.

You can follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter:@michaeldwall. Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom? and on Facebook.

An earlier version of this story bore a headline that incorrectly suggested the orbiters would land on the moon.

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Browns QB Colt McCoy still out with concussion

FILE - This Dec. 8, 2011 file photo shows trainers tending to Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy (12) after he was hit by Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker James Harrison in the fourth quarter of an NFL football game in Pittsburgh. In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, 23 of 44 NFL players said they would try to hide a brain injury rather than leave a game. In addition, more than two-thirds of the group AP talked to wants independent neurologists on sidelines during games. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

FILE - This Dec. 8, 2011 file photo shows trainers tending to Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy (12) after he was hit by Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker James Harrison in the fourth quarter of an NFL football game in Pittsburgh. In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, 23 of 44 NFL players said they would try to hide a brain injury rather than leave a game. In addition, more than two-thirds of the group AP talked to wants independent neurologists on sidelines during games. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

FILE - This Dec. 8, 2011 file photo shows trainers tending to Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy after he was hit by Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker James Harrison in the fourth quarter of an NFL football game in Pittsburgh. In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, 23 of 44 NFL players said they would try to hide a brain injury rather than leave a game. In addition, more than two-thirds of the group AP talked to wants independent neurologists on sidelines during games. (AP Photo/Don Wright, File)

(AP) ? Browns quarterback Colt McCoy's season appears over, finished by the infamous hit from Steelers linebacker James Harrison three weeks ago.

McCoy still has not been cleared by team doctors to practice after sustaining a concussion on Dec. 8, and will likely miss the season finale Sunday against Pittsburgh.

Browns coach Pat Shurmur said Wednesday that McCoy is "much better" and has increased his physical activity.

However, the second-year QB has not yet passed the necessary medical tests to return to the field. McCoy has not practiced or played since being leveled on an illegal helmet-to-helmet hit by Harrison, who was suspended one game without pay for the vicious blow.

Shurmur said McCoy took part in team meetings and is at the team's facility and "taking care of what he needs to do to get back healthy."

Shurmur did not provide specifics on what symptoms McCoy is still experiencing. Shurmur said McCoy is tested daily but did not give any details on what assessments the team gives players with concussions.

"He needs to be medically cleared before he can practice or play and that hasn't happened," Shurmur said. "He's not passing it, so whatever that means, until it's passed he can't play and it's pretty cut and dry."

Seneca Wallace, who has started Cleveland's past two games, is expected to start this third straight game this week against Harrison and the Steelers.

"He's taking all the (practice) reps and the longer it goes in the week there's a darn good shot he'll be the starter."

McCoy has not spoken to the media since after the game in Pittsburgh 20 days ago.

Shurmur does not expect his team to retaliate against Harrison, who has given three Browns players concussions in the past two years.

"We coach our players play fast and physical, between the snap the whistle," he said. "We teach our guys to play by the rules and quite frequently if you do things outside the rules you get penalized. Beyond that I think it detracts from what you're trying to get done."

Associated Press


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Appeals court: Ark. can't stop desegregation funds

(AP) ? Arkansas cannot cut off millions of dollars in funding for desegregation programs in Little Rock-area school districts until a challenge to the payments gets a separate federal court hearing, an appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The ruling from the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals comes months after U.S. District Judge Brian Miller ordered an end to most of the payments, calling them counterproductive. He accused three school districts of delaying desegregation to continue getting state money and agreed with state lawmakers who argue the payments are wasteful.

The appeals court, which heard the case in September after the districts challenged the order, ruled Miller's conclusion may have merit but that he did not make "specific findings of fact" to support his decision.

Rather, Miller "stated in general terms that a carrot and stick approach would no longer work with 'these districts' because the districts 'are wise mules that have learned how to eat the carrot and sit down on the job,'" the appeals court wrote.

The court also said a formal hearing on the evidence must be held and notice issued before a court can end desegregation obligations.

Arkansas is required by a 1989 settlement to fund magnet schools, transfers between districts and other programs to support desegregation and keep a racial balance in the Little Rock, North Little Rock and Pulaski County school districts. The state has been spending about $38 million a year to comply with the settlement, according to Wednesday's ruling.

Lawmakers have long wanted to end the payments, but the districts say they're still necessary.

Battles over school desegregation in Little Rock date back to 1957, when nine black children needed the protection of federal troops to integrate Central High School. Little Rock sued the state and its two neighboring districts in 1982. Two years later, a judge agreed the districts hadn't done enough to help the city schools desegregate.

In May, when Miller ordered an end to most of the state payments, he wrote that the change was necessary in order to avoid "an absurd outcome in which the districts are rewarded with extra money from the state if they fail to comply with their desegregation plans and they face having their funds cut by the state if they act in good faith and comply."


Follow Jeannie Nuss at

Associated Press


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Cities where jobs will (and won't) be in 2012

Though Florida was hard hit by the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, and unemployment in the state sits 1.5 percent above the national average at 10.1 percent, in the first quarter of 2012, employers in two of Florida?s metropolitan areas are planning to increase their workforces at a rate that outpaces every other metro area in the country, according to employment services firm Manpower Group?s latest employment outlook survey, released earlier this month. In Cape Coral-Fort Myers, and in Lakeland-Winter Haven, a net 17 percent of employers plan to add employees in the first quarter of next year. Two other Florida metro areas, Bradenton-Sarasota-Venice and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, make it into Manpower?s top 15, both with a 12 percent net hiring outlook.

To gauge companies? plans going forward, Manpower surveyed 18,000 employers in 100 metro areas. Manpower used a research firm that questioned hiring managers and human resource professionals by phone and email. Over the first two weeks in October, the firm asked four questions about companies? plans for the first quarter of 2012: do you plan to add to your staff, do you plan to reduce your staff, keep your staff at the same level, or are you unsure. Then Manpower crunched the numbers and came up with a ?net employment outlook.? The Manpower survey is by definition a rough measure, since it doesn?t count the number of jobs employers plan to add or subtract, but simply asks whether they plan to hire or fire. slideshow: Where the jobs will (and won?t) be in 2012

In Lakeland-Winter Haven, employment has gotten a big boost from Legoland Florida, the 150-acre theme park that opened in mid-October and employs 1,100 people, according to Bob Gernert, head of the Winter Haven chamber of commerce. The city has several other job engines. One is a downtown technology hub housed in hurricane-resistant buildings that contain servers and fiber optic cables and a business accelerator that supports start-up technology ventures. Gernert estimates the hub has created 350 jobs. One more job creator: construction of a new rail freight logistics center planned for Winter Haven. The project is slated to start next year and will hire some 600 construction workers, according to Gernert.

Nearby Lakeland is home to several corporate headquarters that have been in hiring mode, including Publix Supermarkets, which has 2,600 employees, a regional office of car insurer Geico, which employs 1,900, and WellDyne RX, a pharmaceutical company that moved to Lakeland two years ago and plans to hire a total of more than 600 workers.

Des Moines, Iowa comes in third on the list of metro areas with the best hiring outlook, with a net increase of 14 percent. Houston, Texas and Phoenix, Az. also have a net hiring outlook of 14 percent. America?s worst cities for finding a job

At the other end of the spectrum, Spokane, Wash., Fresno, Calif. and Dayton, Ohio, all have negative hiring outlooks of -4 percent. In Spokane, for instance, 12 percent of employers say they plan to increase hiring, but 16 percent project they will be cutting staff early next year.

Nationwide, Manpower calculates net hiring growth at 9 percent, up from 7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 and a tiny bit better than a year ago, when the outlook was 8 percent. Melanie Holmes, a vice president at Manpower Group, says, ?the growth is not as robust as we?d like to see it.? Adds Holmes, ?we?ve had a positive outlook for nine straight quarters, but these numbers are pretty small. They?re not where we need to be to get us out of this unemployment hole we?re in.?

Manpower has been running its quarterly employment outlook survey since 1962. During prosperous times, the nationwide number has been in the double digits, hitting 20 percent in 2000, the last year the national unemployment rate dipped below 4 percent.

For Holmes, another telling number in the Q1 2012 survey is the percentage, of employers, 7 percent, who said they were unsure about hiring plans, up from just 3 percent last quarter. ?That?s the most significant increase we?ve seen since 1977, and the highest percentage since 2005,? says Holmes. ?There continues to be uncertainty about the marketplace so employers are reluctant to make the investment in a permanent hire.? Who?s getting hired right now America?s most promising companies?? The best states for jobs Where the 1 percent live

? 2011


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

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JXD releases S7100 Android-based gaming tablet, manages to steal from everyone

If you're going to steal, steal from the best. JXD has just released its S7100, a fairly conspicuous 7-inch Android-powered gaming tablet marketed towards playing old-school arcade games. The device features a D-pad, face buttons, an 800 x 480 capacitive touchsceen, ARM Cortex A9 CPU, Mali 400 GPU, 512MB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, 0.3 megapixel front camera, 2.0 megapixel rear camera and HDMI-out. A video trailer shows the unit playing a variety of touchscreen games and classic ROMs including Metal Slug, Mario Kart 64, Angry Birds, Plants Vs. Zombies and Fruit Ninja HD. Not to be undone, the device also features the actual PlayStation button icons on its own buttons (sound familiar?), while the marketing website for the device sports icons from Apple, Google, Microsoft and others. If you're thus far undeterred, there's a must-watch promotional vid hosted just after the break -- nothing justifies a $140 price tag like Bieber, right?

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

WAHHHH! These Horrible People Didn't Get What They Wanted for Christmas [Christmas]

Christmas! A cheerful time, right? The spirit, the decorations, the gift giving, the time off, it's supposed to be happy! Not for these horrible people. Ungrateful punks and out-of-touch teens have all taken to Twitter to complain about what they didn't get for Christmas and how they now hate life and everything Santa Claus. It's a shit show. More »


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Obama spends Christmas with family, military

By JULIE PACE ??|? posted 14 minutes ago

President Barack Obama blended his roles as a father and commander-in-chief this Christmas, exchanging presents and singing carols with his family, then greeting U.S. service members stationed at a Marine base in Hawaii.

posted Dec 25th - 12:46pm

The White House is condemning what it is calling a "senseless" Christmas terrorist attack in Nigeria.

posted Dec 25th - 10:46am

Vice President Joe Biden is reaching out to Iraq's leaders to discuss recent violence there and the country's tenuous political climate.

By HOLLY RAMER ??|? posted Dec 25th - 7:53am

Mitt Romney's wife gushes about his silly side and devotion to their five sons and 16 grandchildren. Rick Santorum's college-age daughter opines online about missing the campus coffee shop and chats with friends about their Friday night plans. Jon Huntsman's daughters generate much-needed buzz for him with a joint Twitter account and online videos, including at least one that went viral.

By HOLLY RAMER ??|? posted Dec 25th - 3:05am

Relatives of the Republican presidential candidates are doing far more handshaking and smiling from the sidelines as voting nears.

By JULIE PACE ??|? posted Dec 24th - 8:21pm

Michelle Obama was looking for help from more than just House Republicans so her husband could make it to Hawaii in time for Christmas.

By ERICA WERNER ??|? posted Dec 24th - 1:16pm

Fighting to win over unhappy American voters, President Barack Obama and his Republican challengers are seizing on one of the most potent issues this election season: the struggling middle class and the widening gap between rich and poor.

By RYAN J. FOLEY ??|? posted Dec 24th - 1:13pm

The passionate support of an eclectic group of libertarians and young people has Ron Paul in contention to win the Iowa caucus. So has the work of two well-funded nonprofits that for the past three years have kept his aides employed, his volunteers organized and his ideas afloat.

posted Dec 24th - 4:12am

President Barack Obama is wishing a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all Americans in his weekly radio and Internet address, with a special message of thanks to the troops.

By ERICA WERNER ??|? posted Dec 24th - 1:49am

President Barack Obama and his Republican rivals are focusing on economic inequality as an issue in the 2012 campaign as they argue about which of them can best help the middle class.


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No charges for Milbury in confrontation with boy

FILE - In this April 8, 2005, file photo, New York Islanders general manager Mike Milbury leaves after an NHL hockey general managers meeting at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus, Mich. A spokesman for former Boston Bruins player and coach Milbury said on Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, that his client won't face criminal charges for a confrontation he had with a 12-year-old boy after a youth hockey game. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

FILE - In this April 8, 2005, file photo, New York Islanders general manager Mike Milbury leaves after an NHL hockey general managers meeting at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus, Mich. A spokesman for former Boston Bruins player and coach Milbury said on Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, that his client won't face criminal charges for a confrontation he had with a 12-year-old boy after a youth hockey game. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

(AP) ? Former Boston Bruins coach and player Mike Milbury will not face charges after a Massachusetts clerk magistrate ruled Friday that there's not enough evidence to criminally charge him after his confrontation with a 12-year-old youth hockey player.

The decision came after a closed-door hearing involving witnesses and police in Brookline District Court.

After the hearing, Milbury said he was pleased with the ruling.

"Well, that's good that it's over a couple days before Christmas," he said. "It was an unfortunate misunderstanding."

Police sought to have Milbury charged with assault and battery, making threats and disorderly conduct after the Dec. 9 incident at a public hockey rink in Brookline. They said Milbury grabbed, shook and threatened a boy who was fighting and jawing with his 12-year-old son.

The 59-year-old Milbury, who has said he grabbed the player's uniform to stop the fight but never assaulted or threatened the boy, recounted his version of the incident in an official statement following the ruling:

"My family and I are gratified that the clerk magistrate found no reason to further investigate the incident at Larz Anderson Park two weeks ago when I separated two 12 year old boys in a Pee Wee hockey game, one of whom was my son. I was a coach and supervisor on the ice that day when the scuffle broke out after the game had concluded and the referee had left. I know I acted responsibly to break up an altercation between two young boys in order to prevent potential injury to both. My actions were in no way inappropriate and I would take the same actions today if confronted with a similar situation in the future."

Milbury, an NHL analyst with NBC Sports, was taken off the air while he dealt with the incident. His attorney, Mark Berthiaume, said Friday that Milbury will resume work after the holidays.

John Burke, attorney for the family of the boy Milbury grabbed, said they were "obviously very disappointed with the magistrate's decision."

He said the family believes the boy was assaulted and the decision sends a message that violence by an adult against a child will be tolerated.

Milbury, a one-time defenseman, played parts of 12 seasons with the Bruins and later served as coach, leading the team to the Stanley Cup finals in 1990. He also was coach and general manager of the New York Islanders.

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Benefits Of Mortgage Insurance Plans | Money Beagle

Many home buyers who purchase a home also buy some form of mortgage insurance. There is private mortgage insurance and general mortgage insurance. Private mortgage insurance is an extra insurance that offers protection for a lender and for a buyer too. Private mortgage insurance helps to protect in the event of a default of payments. It is used in most home purchases. General mortgage insurance can help you in dealing with the loss of a job or a change in your financial situation. Let?s take a look at a few of the benefits that come with purchasing mortgage insurance.

?Lower Down Payments Requirements For Homebuyers

A 20 percent down payment was the industry standard for most homebuyers for a number of years. Saving this much money can take a really long amount of time. For example, you would have to save $50,000 to purchase a home worth $250,000. This would make it almost impossible for many individuals to buy a house. Private mortgage insurance reduces the amount of time that it takes for a borrower to get a mortgage. Borrowers may only have to come up with 5 to 10 percent of the purchase price in order to get in a home. This makes the dream of home ownership a reality for a larger number of people.

Job Loss Protection Mortgage Insurance

Buyers of a home can opt for mortgage insurance that provides job loss protection. This is useful insurance because it can keep you from losing your home if you are fired or laid off. There has been a trend of job losses all throughout the United States and internationally. Job loss mortgage insurance will pay all or a portion of your monthly mortgage payment depending upon the insurance that you select. The coverage can last you for as long as a year. This gives you ample time to find a new job while keeping your home safe. It is good to have in these difficult economic times.

?Homeowner Privileges and Homeowners Assistance Programs

Some companies offer insurance programs that contain special perks and incentives for homeowners. This can be in the form of offering discounts and savings on special products. This can save you money on furniture, electronics, and other necessary household gadgets. There are even discounts on the actual insurance coverage if borrowers undergo counseling and training classes for new homeowners. Insurance borrowers are also able to receive special workouts and modifications on existing loans. Homeowners assistance programs can help you to structure a loan program that will fit your needs.

You can see that there are numerous benefits to buying insurance products for your new home. You will be able to stay in your home and have the mortgage paid after a job loss. You will also be able to get into a home without having to put down a whole lot of money. Buying mortgage insurance is not only an easy way to protect your biggest investment but it can be a smart and safe financial decision too.

This post was inspired by Genworth Financial.

Thanks for reading! Please subscribe to my RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, or check out my Facebook page. This original Money Beagle post Copyright 2011 Money Beagle is authorized to appear only on Thank you for reading and remember: It?s a great day to be alive!

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UPS says it expects to make 120 million deliveries this week, and today will be its busiest day of the year. The shipping giant says it plans to make 26 million deliveries—that's roughly 300 deliveries per second. UPS is adding 400 flights just to keep up. Whoa. How much fruitcake?[AuctionBytes] More »


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

BBC crown cyclist Mark Cavendish as Sports Personality of the Year

Home Showbiz

mark cavendish sports personality of the year Image 1

CYCLIST Mark Cavendish was last night crowned BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

The world road race champ and multiple Tour de France stage winner pipped golfer Darren Clarke and athlete Mo Farah to the award.

Cavendish, 26 ? whose model partner Peta Todd is expecting ? said: ?I?m absolutely speechless.

?I?d like to thank everyone who supports me, my girlfriend and her little bump.?

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America's 'booming' Christmas tree business: By the numbers (The Week)

New York ? Even in these tough economic times, Americans aren't skimping on Christmas

The economy may still be floundering. But the Christmas tree business is booming. According to new study by research firm IBISWorld, Americans will spend an estimated $3.4 billion on Christmas trees this year, the highest amount since 2007. Here, a brief guide, by the numbers, to this "booming" holiday business:

25 million
Real Christmas trees Americans will buy this year, according to IBISWorld's forecast

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$800 million
Estimated retail cost of those trees

10 million
Artificial trees Americans will buy this holiday season

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$2.6 billion
Estimated retail cost of those artificial trees

$3.4 billion
Total estimated Christmas tree spending this year

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Estimated increase, in percent, from last year's?Christmas tree spending

$3.51 billion
Amount Americans spent on Christmas trees in 2007

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$3.14 billion
Amount Americans spent on Christmas trees in 2008, when the global financial meltdown took a huge bite out of this seasonal industry

Average cost of a real Christmas tree in 2010

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Average cost of an artificial Christmas tree in 2010

Percent of all artificial trees that are manufactured in China

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6 to 9
Number of years an average family uses an artificial tree before throwing it away

Number of years it takes, on average, to grow a typical Christmas tree

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More than 100,000
People?who are employed either part-time or full-time in the Christmas tree industry

Sources: Bloomberg, Mental Floss, National Christmas Tree Association, Valley Breeze,?Washington Post

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    Friday, December 23, 2011

    UN Security Council Condemns Israel For Building On Its Land?

    The Palestinians can fire rockets at Israeli civilians and the U.N. says nothing. Israel builds on its own land and the U.N. falls all over itself in a rush to condemn the Jewish state.

    (INN) ??UN Security Council members condemned Israel on Tuesday for the planned Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria as well as for ?price tag? vandalism.

    According to a report by?AFP, the condemnation was led by Britain, France, Germany and Portugal. The four said in a joint statement after a council meeting on the Middle East conflict that they were ?dismayed by these wholly negative developments? and the threat they pose to the peace process.

    The four council members also called for strong measures by the Israeli government ?to halt attacks on mosques and Palestinians by extremist settlers.?

    According to the report, the four European countries said Israel?s recent announcements of accelerated construction in Judea and Samaria send a ?devastating? message, and urged the Jewish state to reverse the plans.

    On Sunday, the Housing and Construction Ministry?published a series of tenders?for construction of 6,000?new homes, 1,000 of which in the vicinity of Jerusalem. The plan is to build 350 units in the hareidi-religious city Beitar Illit, 500 units will be built in Jerusalem?s Har Homa neighborhood and an?additional?180 residential units will be built in Givat Zeev.

    AFP?reported that South Africa, India and Brazil launched their own condemnation at Tuesday?s meeting, while Russia?s UN envoy questioned whether a two-state?solutionwas now possible.

    Keep reading?


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    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Obama welcomes home troops from Iraq (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama is welcoming home troops who served in Iraq, offering up their service as a lesson of the nation's character.

    "There's a reason our military is the most respected institution in America," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. "They don't see themselves or each other as Democrats first or Republicans first. They see themselves as Americans first.

    "For all our differences and disagreements, they remind us that we are all a part of something bigger, that we are one nation and one people."

    Obama marked the end of the Iraq war earlier in the week, meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in advance of the last American troops leaving Iraq by Dec. 31. The withdrawal caps a war in which nearly 4,500 Americans were killed, about 32,000 were wounded and hundreds of billions of dollars were spent.

    "Our troops are now preparing to make their final march across the border and out of the country," Obama said. "Iraq's future will be in the hands of its own people."

    The president met with troops at Fort Bragg, N.C., on Wednesday to discuss the end of the war and to honor the military's sacrifice. Obama opposed the war as a state lawmaker and then made ending the war in Iraq a key part of his 2008 presidential campaign.

    Obama said the nation needs to enlist soldiers returning home in the rebuilding of the nation's economy, noting that his grandfather's generation returned home from World War II "to form the backbone of the largest middle class in history."

    "This is a moment for us to build a country that lives up to the ideals that so many of our bravest Americans have fought and even died for," Obama said. "That is our highest obligation as citizens. That is the welcome home that our troops deserve."

    Republicans said in their weekly address that soldiers returning home are most concerned about finding a good job and cited the 1,700-mile Keystone XL oil pipeline as an example of a project that could put people back to work.

    Republicans have pushed for a swift decision on the pipeline proposed from Canada to Texas. Obama recently announced he was postponing a decision on the pipeline until after the 2012 elections to allow for more time to study the environmental ramifications of the proposal. An agreement reached by Senate leaders Friday night on a two-month extension of a Social Security payroll tax cut and jobless benefits would require Obama to decide within 60 days whether to grant a permit for the pipeline.

    The pipeline would carry oil from western Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. The project is expected to create up to 20,000 jobs.

    Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said the project would transport 700,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada and the "steady source of energy from our friend and ally here would make us less dependent on energy from the volatile Middle East ? and that is good for America."

    Environmentalists have opposed the project but some unions have supported the plan, complicating Obama's decision.



    Obama address:

    GOP address:


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    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    Craig James to file for Senate (Offthekuff)

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    Sony eyes Vita push, feels Fitch heat (Reuters)

    TOKYO (Reuters) ? Sony Corp, set to report a $1 billion loss this year, is banking on a big slate of new software to drive sales of its new PlayStation Vita handheld games device, even as Fitch downgraded the Japanese electronics giant to a notch above junk.

    Welshman Andrew House, who took the top job at Sony Computer Entertainment in September, must plot a much-needed success story for the Vita, negotiating a minefield of consumer gloom and competition from smartphones and tablet PCs such as Apple Inc's iPhone and iPad.

    Sony, which has forecast a fourth straight annual loss this year, launches the Vita in Japan this weekend.

    It hopes a package of 24 software titles at launch will help the gadget avoid the fate of rival Nintendo's 3DS, which flopped shortly after launch, forcing a hefty price cut.

    "It's unprecedented for us to achieve that degree of publisher and development support ... we adopted a different approach to the lead-up to the platform in terms of our relationships with publishers and developers," House told reporters at Sony's Tokyo head office on Thursday.

    He said he hoped the Vita would outsell its predecessor, the PlayStation Portable (PSP), which has shipped 73 million units since launching in late-2004.

    The videogames unit made a first profit in 5 years in the year to March, as it squeezed production costs for the Playstation 3, boosting profits for the whole company. The unit's sales accounted for more than a tenth of Sony's 7 trillion yen in total revenue.

    But costs involved in driving Vita sales may push the unit back into the red this year, adding to Sony's struggle with huge losses in televisions.

    Sony needs the Vita to be a hit to ease the pain from its TV business, which is set for an annual loss of $2.2 billion, an eighth straight year of losses. Sony is looking to halve that loss next year, but has given few details on how it plans to get the business back into profit.


    The Fitch ratings agency turned up the heat by downgrading Sony to BBB- - a notch above non-investment, or junk, grade - from BBB, citing the group's weakened financial performance and the challenges it faces in recapturing its former strong position in key markets.

    "A likely overall FY12 EBIT loss, excluding financial services, and an increase in debt driven by acquisitions will significantly weaken Sony's credit profile," said Nitin Soni, Associate Director in Fitch's Asia-Pacific Telecommunications, Media and Technology team.

    Sony said in October it was taking over its mobile phone joint venture with Ericsson for $1.5 billion, and is also leading a group to buy EMI's music publishing operations in a deal valued at $2.2 billion.

    "Of course, if the rating is downgraded it makes it more expensive for them to raise money, so it's not good," said Keita Wakabayashi, an analyst at Mito Securities.

    "(Sony has) slashed its profit outlook for the current year and even if the North American market has improved slightly, European and Japanese markets and emerging markets are in a severe state. So downgrades are something we'll have to keep in mind."


    The Vita, featuring a 5-inch OLED display and 3G connectivity, sold out in advance bookings in Japan, where buyers have rushed to upgrade from the PSP. Sony has not provided a unit sales target for the Vita.

    The United States and Europe may pose a tougher challenge as a February 22 launch date for the Vita comes well after the crucial year-end holiday sales season.

    "We've been told the PS Vita sold out on pre-bookings. How it sells next year depends on the software. If they can come up with something like Monster Hunter they will be able to sell a lot, but if they don't, prospects don't look so bright," said Mito's Wakabayashi, referring to a game title that drove sales of the PSP in Japan.

    The challenge from smartphones and tablets comes on top of competition from long-standing domestic rival Nintendo, which aims to sell 16 million of its cheaper 3DS handheld games devices by March. Sony on Thursday said it was keeping to its target of selling 15 million PS3 game machines in the year through March.

    Another rival, Microsoft, doesn't offer a portable device.

    After a slump in sales, Nintendo slashed the price of its handheld gadget in August by about 40 percent to $170, compared with $249 for the PS Vita, or $299 for the 3G version.

    The games industry has shrugged off the broader economic gloom and is forecast to top $81 billion by 2016, according to research firm DFC Intelligence, up 23 percent from this year and more than three times the size of the recorded music industry.

    Much of that growth is likely to be in online, social and casual games, rather than the traditional hardware model that has been Sony's staple.

    Japan's software houses are pouring resources into mobile social gaming, and industry executives have expressed some concern over the future for dedicated handheld gaming devices.

    Sony was criticized in June, when it announced the pricing of the Vita, for making the gadget too expensive, and has teamed up with U.S. telecoms firm AT&T as Vita's exclusive carrier. Many U.S. iPhone users have complained that AT&T provided poor connectivity.

    Sony shares closed down 1.5 percent on Thursday, their lowest in two weeks.

    (Reporting by Isabel Reynolds, Editing by Ian Geoghegan)


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